#ana diet


I’m still doing the diet. It’s just that I have school and logging everyday is annoying. Anyways today is a day that I fast so I’m going to update y’all after school. Total loss 8.5 lbs (3.85 kg). Sorry if that’s wrong I don’t use kg.

#buliima    #skiny body    #bonespr0    #bodychex    #bullimya    #bulimiii    #anamia    #ana diet    #red bracelet    

This diet is beating my ass I lost 6.9 lbs (3.13 kg) thought so I’m going to keep going of course. It’s so worth it.

#buliima    #skiny body    #bonespr0    #bodychex    #bullimya    #bulimiii    #anamia    #ana diet    #red bracelet    

Day two 425 cals that were two cupcakes and some seaweed…….but at least I didn’t go over….Also I don’t eat after 6 and normally start f@sting before then. Anyways my mom asked me about three times if I wanted a burger or anything from the store , which I said no to because I would go waaaaay over my calories. She then proceeded to say I’m on a “diet diet”………ooooonly if she knew

Oh I also did exercise and shit at school but I messed up my F1tb1t and have to get a new one

#buliima    #skiny body    #bonespr0    #bodychex    #bullimya    #bulimiii    #red bracelet    #anamia    #ana diet    #anorecya    

First day of the diet completed with a total of 565 calories. I could’ve eaten less but my mom made me eat some of her food

#buliima    #skiny body    #bonespr0    #bodychex    #bullimya    #bulimiii    #red bracelet    #ana diet    #anamia    #not pr0 ana    

I’m going to do this diet starting the 1st so I’m going to post it to hold myself accountable !

#buliima    #skiny body    #bonespr0    #bodychex    #bullimya    #bulimiii    #not pr0 just using tags    #anamia    #ana diet    


This fast will be a time to cleanse your body, mind, and soul the ana way. By consuming only water and a nutrient dense salads for five days straight you will feel better and look better !!


  • Drink 32 oz of ice cold lemon water first thing in the morning
  • Drink 16 oz of cinnamon apple cider vinegar water (recipe below)
  • For lunch eat a salad with kale, blueberries, beets, ½ avocado, and a tahini dressing. Don’t worry about the calories this is to help fuel our bodies. I’ll include the recipe I use below
  • Drink 32 oz of plain ice water after lunch
  • Drink 32 oz of lemon ice water for dinner
  • Drink 16 oz of hot lemon water before bed
  • Have a 16 oz cup of ice water by your bed just in case
  • BLACK COFFEE and COFFEE with unsweetened or sweetened nut milk (1 cup max a day) is allowed
  • Unsweetened green, black, or peppermint tea is allowed
  • If you can afford to, drink kombucha with your lemon water dinner
  • ONLY light exercises (jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, walks, etc)

So that’s it! It’s pretty simple and easy to do. Feel free to share your progress with me and let me know how it goes. Messages are always open :)

stay safe



#anorexia    #bulimia    #pro ana    #pro mia    #pro ed    #ana diet    #mia diet    #ed diet    #anamia    #thinspo    #thinspiration    #ana tips    #mia tips    #restriction    #restriction tips    #diet tips    


Uśmiechaj się i udawaj, że nie boli.

#smutek    #ultra sad    #usmiech    #uśmiech przez łzy    #sztuczny uśmiech    #ana diet    #pro ana    


Tyjesz, bo żresz.

Śmiało, zjedz więcej.

Ale potem nie proś o pomoc.


#pro ana    #ana diet    #anorektyczka    #anoreksja    


Prawdziwy trening zaczyna się dopiero wtedy kiedy chcesz skończyć.



Za każdym razem, gdy zobaczysz tą małpkę na telefonie, nie możesz zjeść do końca dnia.

Reblog, aby każdy kto chce schudnąć schudł!


Nie wiem czy ktoś tu jeszcze jest

Ale wracam


Dzisiaj żałuję każdej kalorii, każdego kęsa i każdej minuty poświęconej na jedzenie.

ok so i ate a nice meal today that filled me up soooo nicely



at 3am i still chose to binge

update im debating doing it again its 5:40 am whats wrong with me

#ana problems    #ana probz    #ana progress    #analog    #anarexja    #ana blog    #pro ana    #proana    #anathings    #ana thoughts    #ana thinking    #ana life    #ana quotes    #ana routine    #ana diet    

If going somewhere keep something sugary on you , I don’t want you passing out. It may feel like progress getting symptoms but how are you gonna be successful with an iv drip love . If you’re always restricting take YOUR VITAMINS. Not any vitamins pay attention to what you’re lacking if youre confused on what I mean dm me please I actually care about your safety. I pinky promise! Don’t do this diet If you’re already a low weight you’re most likely gonna hit a plateau .

My work out plant to lose weight and tone up ! For someone that weighs 170-180 this will burn around 400-500 calories it depends on the weight of the exercise and the person who’s doing it !

Dm me and we can form a cute at home or gym routine for you for free , and made for your goals and experience I’ll even calculate your calorie burn ❤️

Note : if you weigh less you’ll burn less cals .

If you weigh more , you’ll burn more cals .

#tw eating things    #eating disoder things    #thinnn    #eating disoder thoughts    #thinsppi    #anarecia    #skinny    #thinspo    #workout    #anabuddy    #ana diet    

Looking for ana buddy ! I want to go on a 500 calorie diet with anyone

Preferably 5’0-5-4 and around 150-200 pounds !

Message me if you want to be ana buddies and do diets together ! ❤️

okay liquid fast doing well, I <3 miso soup so it’s been pretty easy so far

#ana diet    #male ana    #ftm ana    #ana boy    #male ed    

okay okay i’m just spitballin’ here but this is what i think i’m going to do-

day 1- 1000 cal

day 2- 1100 cal

day 3- 900 cal

day 4-1000 

day 5- 1100

day 6- 1200

day 7- 900

i’m trying to make sure i get enough nutrition to get taller and gain muscle and also so i have enough energy to work out,, i’ve cut out tons of carbs and i’ll try to stay off of sugar

#ana diet    #male ana    #ftm ana    

LOOLLLL I just saw an old post that got like 1000 notes where I’m talking about this meal plan I had that was less than 200 cal/day, I kept that shit up for like a week tops I’m such a faker

rn all I eat is protein (cottage cheese, meat, eggs) and I try to get at LEAST 500 calories a day so my body doesnt go into starvation mode again and I end up gaining instead of losing
