

If the world will be falling apart, as long as I’d be in your arms, I’d be home.

- unaiza n, home was never four walls and a roof.

fill my heart with song, let me swing for evermore. you are all I long for, all I worship and adore - in other words, please be true. in other words, I love you.

fly me to the moon, let me play up there with those stars, let me see what life is like on a jupiter and mars - in other words, hold my hand.
in other words, darling, kiss me.

If love has never left you gasping for air, ripped you apart and stirred your soul - then you have not experienced love, my darling.

- unaiza n, love isn’t always red

I want to do bad things to you, so wild, so rough that I can’t seem to put them in words.

- unaiza n, until the sun begs us to stop

you’re just a knife twisting in my heart, the burning wounds on my skin. I’ve been trying to write about leaving through the rusted door of this never ending July. but I’m so blinded by the ember sunsets, the hazy lights in your eyes. exquisitely miserable for you – I can’t even move one foot out, or finish the empty verse.

- unaiza n, I can’t leave - I don’t want to.

there are still poems, left undone in the book that we didn’t close right. one of us has to keep writing them - one of us has to keep the words bleeding.

- unaiza n, why couldn’t you be the one to keep us breathing?

but what is love if it doesn’t wreck your soul and haunt you?

- unaiza n, ruin me in the name of love, will you?

I’ve created a small town out of my sadness, and named every empty home after you.

- unaiza n, after you.

but my love, I’ve shed much more than just tears for you.

- unaiza n, blood, sweat and ink

I literally cannot believe that so many people go through heartbreak it is such an awful feeling ???? Like i can’t stop feeling empty and crying and feeling like someone is stabbing me in the chest over and over again and i look around and think about how many other people went through this and I’m like damn , that’s so much to go through, especially if you’ve been through it multiple times. Basically i hope it hurts less and we figure things out even if it seems like the end of the world ( it feels like that for me right now ) but I’d like to think I’ll be okay and even happy again sometime . I’m so proud of everyone slowly slowly making it day by day.

I have an endless supply of tears

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1. Breaking trust

2. Lack of respect

3. Jealousy

4. Angry outburst/ high volatility

5. Making assumptions

6. Unreasonable expectations

7. Bitterness

8. Unforgiveness

9. Being cold and uncaring

10.Failing to prioritize your partner.

memories of …

memories of . . .

I wasn’t going to write you anymore love songs,

but I know I do still;

I wasn’t going to sing to you no more

But nibble on my earlobe

then tickle my ribs

and you know I will melt for you.

I’m tired, weary and strained

from losing you day after day

this heart needs a home

I wish it was you,

yes, it should have been you.

You say I don’t talk too much

you mentioned that I’d rather play…

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Aujourd'hui est un grand jour pour Ciara.

Après avoir sorti “I Bet”, son single officiel tiré de son sixième album “JACKIE” le 13 janvier dernier, Ciara nous dévoile le clip vidéo qui lui est associé.

Dans ce clip, réalisé par Hannah-Lux Davis (“Only” de Nicki Minaj ou encore “Love Me Harder” d'Ariana Grande), Ciara nous montre les résultats des efforts physiques surmontés depuis sa grossesse. Un corps magnifique, des mouvements grâcieux dignes d'une ballerine, et un fond aux tons neutres et monochromes qui donnent un air de naturel, la maman du petit Future Zahir a de quoi rendre le rappeur Future, son baby daddy complètement fou. On se demanderait limite pourquoi il a osé poser les yeux ailleurs.

On rappelle néanmoins que Ciara reste fidèle à elle-même. Dans son single “I’m Out” de son dernier album “CIARA”, elle chante à tue-tête “Ladies, this your song/ So as soon as it come on/ You should get down on the floor/ Come and get your sexy on”. Ce single est censé parler aux femmes après une rupture. “Fais ce que je dis. Regarde! Je le fais!" semble donc être l'adage de notre chanteuse.

Tout ce qu'on peut dire est: YASSS CICI YASSS!

P.S.: Son album ”JACKIE“ (en hommage à sa mère) devrait sortir courant 2015, faites donc l'appoint!

Pour voir le clip:

im evolving to the person u wanted me to be

i never knew what it felt like when someone got over their pride and reached out to show me that they wanted me back. i was always the one person to think of great gestures and long letters to fight for someone. i can only ever imagine what it feels like to have someone fight for me.
