#i just want to be happy


me thinking about the dance scene in ny special:

me watching the scene:



can you imagine chuckling at none pizza with left beef and then living through the death of humanity and resurrecting a chunk of it and becoming a god figure to the new society you create and then 10,000 years later referencing it in conversation to a horribly traumatized teenager who has no possible frame of reference for this ancient meme that no one else alive has ever heard of

i assume this is a reference to something but choose to believe it is simply a creative exercise that tumblr user spleen9000 is inviting me to participate in. like yes. yes im imagining it

I want to be cute and desirable but I’m just ugly and suicidal 

Great spirit level in the sky

One more statue built from smoke

A crowbar as a toothpick


all of us going through so much right now. I really hope we all get to the point in our lives where we can just breathe easy

I always thought one day I would be happy. Now I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever be.


There is no bigger loneliness than to desperately want something you can never have.


One of the worst feelings in this world is mourning the loss of someone who isn’t dead, just not there anymore. When you have to go through the grief over someone who is still alive, they just don’t want you.

I don’t think I will ever be enough There is something broken inside of me, like I am just made of broken pieces someone couldn’t quite fit together in the way they were supposed to. Like I was shattered at some point and they gave up before they got it right. I don’t think this is how humans are supposed to feel and now I am just sad and alone and scared and I think this is how its always going to be..

damn I wonder what it’s like to be happy

I used to think we were going to be like a fairy tale. But the things you did to me? 

That was out of a horror movie.

I just have to hope theres something after this, that theres something better than everything leading up to this point because theres no way that this pain and this heartache is all there is

It has to be worth it..

Its tragic isnt it?

Feeling so alone in a world this full of people? 7.5 billion other souls on this planet and it feels like you are going through it all alone.

I hate that I’m always so alone, especially on nights like this where my depression gets the best of me and suddenly I realize how alone I am. I dont have anyone to turn to when this happens, I don’t have people who are actually there for me. No one ever knows what to do and I just feel like even more of a burden. I feel like a burden all the time and I dont know how to reach out to people when I feel like the world is coming down around me and it feels like the only thing that will make it stop is just to stop existing. I dont want to feel alone. I just want to be able to connect to other people without feeling like theres something wrong with me, like I’m broken.

My mental health has never been worse and I’m crying alone at 2am bc I don’t have people there for me and I don’t know how to change that.

Tonight is one of those nights where my chest feels heavy and I cant stop crying and I really just want someone to talk to.

I’m so tired of feeling so alone..

I can’t keep a friend.

I can’t find a job.

I can’t study.

I can’t keep a smile.

I can’t eat.

I can’t make me happy.

I can’t be happy.

I don’t want to live anymore.

I’m such a waste of time.

I wish I could die without hurt my family, my babe, and my cats.

I wish something happen.

I really don’t want to die, but I can’t find something to live for.

I’m so sorry.
