
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.
- B.M. Maruch

byBella Kotak

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I’m sooooo excited for what’s to come for my Image Consulting business, The Savvy Wearap

I’m sooooo excited for what’s to come for my Image Consulting business, The Savvy Wearapist in 2016!! I have so much passion about the fashion and beauty industry and supporting businesswomen - the next step I’m taking is one of the best investments I may have made thus far! Stay tuned! #Sisterhood #Empowerment #Workspace #UpliftingOneAnother (at Oakland, California)

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Source: bell hooks in an interview with Maya Angelou for Shambhala SunImage description: A still ima

Source: bell hooks in an interview with Maya Angelou for Shambhala Sun

Image description: A still image from the 90’s TV sitcom Saved By The Bell. Lisa and a friend are at a slumber party, wearing pajamas.  Lisa is holding her hands up in excitement, and she is smiling as she talks to someone off camera (interpretation of scene my own). The caption reads, “I will not bow down to somebody else’s whim or someone else’s ignorance.”

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not to be dramatic but i need to get fucked

Countdown to the Atlanta conference! Have you gotten your tickets yet??Register at: http://www.d2asp

Countdown to the Atlanta conference! Have you gotten your tickets yet??

Register at: http://www.d2aspire.com/

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When we make love… it’s magic for me.
But I want to know you are as enthralled as I am.

Your pleasure is very important to me.
I know you’re shy in saying what you want…

But will you show me, my love?
I want to give you everything.


I know it’s Halloween or whatever, but some of ya’ll needed to WAKE UP and really see what the hell is going on around you! The house is decorated, you got the perfect costume, but you and your boyfriend aren’t speaking, you’re about to get fired and one of your kids is clearly on drugs! WAKE UP! You’re officially too comfortable ‍♀️❌
#wakeup #toughlove #truth #inspire #motivate #video #motivationalvideo #inspiration #motivation #headwrap #portia #hustle #halloween #mindset #boss #success #struggle #lifecoach #empowerment #change #makeachange (at Los Angeles, California)

#wakeup    #toughlove    #inspire    #motivate    #motivationalvideo    #inspiration    #motivation    #headwrap    #portia    #hustle    #halloween    #mindset    #success    #struggle    #lifecoach    #empowerment    #change    #makeachange    
I need feminism because… We are strong, independent women!If you truly are strong, independen

I need feminism because… We are strong, independent women!

If you truly are strong, independent women, you would not be relying on feminism to address issues and hardships that most women are very capable, yet unwilling, to address themselves. Feminism relies on strong, independent women to prove that women are capable of showing the same equal levels of determination, talent, power, influence, resilience, toughness, persuasiveness, validity, devotion, leadership, and intellectual ability as any “male privileged” successful man or successful women.

Strong and independent women are, more often than not, enlightened enough to realise that they don’t need feminism, feminism needs them. Feminism needs strong, independent women to validate its claims about females being strong and independent. Don’t you see? Feminism rides on the back of successful, self empowered women, and steals the credit and recognition of their achievements to further push its own agenda!

This is what makes feminism (the first-wave, first-world modern “feminism”), such a dangerous and greedy political movement. It manipulates women into developing victim complexes before convincing them that they need this movement to help empower themselves to become strong and independent women. 

I am a woman. I firmly believe that almost every single woman in modern, first world countries have the opportunity of developing and improving themselves to become a strong, independent, self-empowered members of society. Some people act on these opportunities, some people prefer not too. Some people are overwhelmed by the struggles they may face, some people eat their struggles for breakfast. What I am saying is that we have equal opportunities and equal rights under law. What we choose to do with what we have access to is up to us. 

Besides, not all women poses is the drive and determination to become super-women-major-media-recognition powerhouses. That is okay. If it makes you happy and fulfilled, be a stay at home mum, view your partner as the head of your household, that still doesn’t make you any more or less strong, independent or empowered in your own way. Don’t let feminism convince you otherwise.

- fraudulentfeminist

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After being abused by a boyfriend I learned that getting closure from someone isn’t always an option

After being abused by a boyfriend I learned that getting closure from someone isn’t always an option. It simply wasn’t safe for me to reach out to him to ask him the questions I wanted answers to for my peace of mind. I didn’t think I could move on without a sense of understanding, but as life went on eventually acceptance replaced confusion and I began to draw closer to peace.

I’ve lived through enough now to know that I won’t always get the answers when I want them, but I find that they’re usually waiting for me somewhere in the future. Going with the flow of life and not ruminating on other people’s motives has shown me that I can experience joy, peace and healing without receiving all the answers. The keys to my wellbeing are in nobody’s hands but my own.

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 Activists call on world leaders to make gender equality pledge a reality World leaders must back up

Activists call on world leaders to make gender equality pledge a reality

World leaders must back up their pledge to end gender inequality with concrete commitments on how they plan to empower women, said activists preparing for the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

The annual CSW meeting to review progress on women’s empowerment, which begins in New York on Monday, is the first since the UN general assembly adopted the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the roadmap for ending poverty, inequality and conserving the environment over the next 15 years that was agreed in September.

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