#fuck feelings

White Ferrari/// Frank Ocean ♡•12/27/17•♡ •19:24•

White Ferrari/// Frank Ocean

♡•12/27/17•♡ •19:24•

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i hate when you want to talk about something that’s bothering you but you feel like you’ve already talked about it too much so you just hold it in…

Dear Universe,

I never want to go through this again. Please, no more lessons. I’ve had enough. Don’t you think I’ve learned enough?

-painful lessons

Nothing is real. If I keep telling myself that nothing is real then nothing can hurt me. Nobody can break my heart. Nothing can make me cry. Nothing is real.


You went from being my favorite person to a complete stranger in an instant.

-and it’s fucking with my head

It’s midnight and lonliness is wrecking you. You sit in the dark side of your room and ponder on whether it’s because you’re a terrible person or simply because you are nobody’s priority. Or second choice. Or third. Or fourth…or fifth…

—which is it?

When people don’t give me a reason for why they left, I blame myself until I’m numb.

—a dark place no one should ever have to visit

I don’t hate you, I just don’t want to have these feelings for you. It’s too much.

—but i would hate you if i could

The worst feeling is when having feelings for someone yk you can’t be with.
