#incorrect mcu quotes


Stephen: It’s dark in here.

Y/N: Don’t worry dude I got this!

Y/N: *Stomps their feet*

Y/N: *Skechers light up*


Stephen:*Pats Y/N on the head* and this is why I married you.

Strange: this jar is definitely magical and has weird vibes

Strange: I’m gonna open it

Everett: Vibranium can do so many amazing things

Everett: And yet the best my country could come up with was “glorified frisbee”

Everett: I’ve nearly died once this week, what’s a few more times?

Everett: My life is a soap opera, and I’m a supporting character

Zemo: I want to die in your arms

Bucky: that’s both touching and concerning

Bucky: are you okay?

Sam (to Walker): Penny for your thoughts?

Bucky: Don’t waste your money

Bucky and Zemo: *planning* And most importantly, Sam can’t find out

Sam: *walks in* Sam can’t find out about what?

Zemo: *shoves stack of notes out of Sam’s line of sight*

Bucky: Nothing. It’s fine. Absolutely nothing you need to worry about!

