#incorrect umbrella acadamy


Klaus: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.

Allison: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.

Klaus, Not when you’re playing with Five, it’s not. He puts words like “ephemeral.” And I put “dog”…

Klaus: can I please burn this place to the ground?

Five: seeing as it’s a castle made of stone, I don’t think it’s going to do much damage

Klaus: but trying will make me feel better

Klaus: What’s for lunch?

Diego: I already ate.

Klaus: Oh… without me?

Diego: I was hungry!! Do you want me to get you anything? What do you want?


Diego:—us, Klaus!

Klaus: [still trapped in his thoughts, not even realising that he was speaking out loud] Would cannibalism solve both world hunger and overpopulation???


Diego: I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just say that.

Allison: A soulmate is someone who won’t complain about any of the music on your phone when you put your playlist on shuffle

Klaus: I complain about my own music when it’s on shuffle what are you talking about

Klaus: What’s the saddest song you’ve ever heard?

Diego: To be completely honest the only song I’ve ever cried while listening to is Ocean man and I have no idea why

Klaus: I bet you haven’t done a single good deed today.

Five: That’s not true at all; in fact, I prevented a murder just earlier this morning.

Klaus: Oh?! Wow, Five, that’s wonderful. How did you manage that?

Five:Self Control.

Klaus, talking to a dog: you’re soft. are you even aware of your mortality? of course ur not. u pure, wholesome and sentient unselfish being. do u feel that? that’s my heart. i love you. look at those ears. here take my wallet

Klaus: I like when you’re in the grocery store and you see people buying eggs because they always pick up the carton and then open it like it’s a metal briefcase full of cash involved in a drug deal and they’re confirming it’s money. “Don’t bother counting it, it’s all there. 12.” Then they always pick one up and inspect it like, “Yeah, it’s Grade A alright…The real deal.”

Ben: People are checking to see if any of the eggs are cracked, you walnut

Klaus:Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is we’re landing immediately. The bad news? We’re crash-landing.
