

Scrambled eggs and noodles!


This one is really simple. You also have the option of useing one whole egg or a few egg whites. Today I was feeling the fatty flavor of a yoke so I cheat a bit and used a whole egg. Just that and half a pack of shiritaki noodles beat with some veggies. Add spices of your choice, I did salt pepper and saracha and believe you me it is tasty and filling.

Tell me if you want me to make something!

I am so ecstatic that I have 36 followers in three days. I never felt like I was interesting enough for anyone to follow me. You guys are wonderful and if you want feel free to suggest anything to make a 100cal version of and I will try my best. I love cooking so much and would have a lot of fun trying to make new things. I have a fair amount of go to things (pinwheels, soups, muffins, etc.) that I’ll be making and posting every morning but I love a new challange.

Thanks so much and I hope we grow (as we shrink) to be friends.

99 Cals in total

Two egg whites, whisked

Three cups soup stock

One roma tomato, chunked

Spinach (I did a big frozen chunk)

Half a pack shiritaki noodles

Boil everything but egg, then slowly whisk it in.

I really recommend.

It’s five in the morning and I just looked up places to hide drugs so my boyfriend won’t know I have artificial sweeteners.

Ahahahahahahaha what the fuck brain.


This bad boy was so filling tried to have two cups and I couldn’t finish it (going to later though because it was fantastic).

Use a pot to fry some onion (half a small one or so) in half a teaspoon oil and a clove of garlic (I forgot to add that in myfitnesspal, but it’s 3 cal). Then add stock and bring to a boil, add the chopped asparagus (roughly half a pound but you can use more). Let it boil for a minute and then ram that bad boy in a blender with some spices ( I recommend lemon juice and rosemary).

Hey yall give about 1 more week and then I’ll post my cw… I’m just to scared to do it now since iv been off track for a while

Thank god for those diet pills man. I barely ate anything during Thanksgiving!! All I had was like to small pieces of ham and a couple spoonfulls of cream corn then I went to work and probably burned most if now all the cals!!

I’m also starting adhd meds that r suppose to make me lose helllllla weight so ya cant wait for that~

500 followers?!?!? Oh god ok here we go…

I am not pro shit!

I am surprised by how many people are following me and I just hope everyone here sees me as relatable and just trying to cope. To all of my followers I’m so sorry for the shit we gotta go through but I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YALL! If yall wanna dm and rant about binging hella ya I’ll rant with you! If u wanna tell me your thinking/going through recovery TELL ME!! I’ll hype you the fuck up!! I am not here to promote ed shit but I am here to make sure no one goes through it alone.

I really need to get better at self control

It’s been a while since iv fasted/restricted since I went through a idgaf period of my ed

But now I lost all self control! It’s so hard! If yall can tell me somthings yall do to control ur hunger that would help!!
