

All I wanna do these days is work out, walk for hours and sleep. I would be losing weight soo fast but I have to study soo freaking much and it‘s stressing me out which is holding me back from losing weight so much.

I‘ll try to study super effective now so I have more time to work out and feel less stressed about my exams cause I‘m prepared. Like that I‘ll be able to stay focused and reach my dreams. Let‘s do this

This isn’t a meme, I think I might actually have a problem

i don’t think y’all understand how quirky i am.

i have an eating disorder and im still fat




no offense but

if i see one more person claim they binged and it isn’t 2,000+ calories imma hulk smash. seriously binging is out of control eating it’s not eating an extra 200+ calories you slime. some people actually have binge eating disorders and your misusing the word and it’s so FUCKING ANNOYING


okay so i got a lot of hate on this post lemme clear something up.

there’s a difference between binging and overeating. most of the time (not always) when you think you binged you actually are overreacting because you guys ARE STARVING. binging is something people do as a coping mechanism.

no offense but

if i see one more person claim they binged and it isn’t 2,000+ calories imma hulk smash. seriously binging is out of control eating it’s not eating an extra 200+ calories you slime. some people actually have binge eating disorders and your misusing the word and it’s so FUCKING ANNOYING


day 4: felt so drained today, woke up at 6 cause i had a class at 8 and then my first meal was at 1 and testerday i had dinner around 8pm, so that means i technically did a 17 hour fast¿?¿

wow i didn’t know it was that long until now and ngl i feel pretty great about that. haven’t done a fast in ages, let alone one that lasted that long

oh ya and today was the first time that i had a single-serve meal and i was full after it!! like full to the point that when i was asked if i wanted seconds i said no right away!! like usually i would say yes, then realize taht i shouldn’t and then decline later. but today’s reaction was so quick i felt so good!!!

so today was a very good day

not sure if this will help anyone, but a small little trick that i use to help me go to sleep faster when i’m hungry: i drink so much water til the point that my stomach hurts and then i fall asleep faster cause u sleep faster on a full stomach.

idrk is that made any sense but ya

day 3: had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple and apple sauce and a granola bar

weighed myself and i’m 165 about 2-3 pounds to go before monday

day two: not so bad but don’t feel as great about it as i did yesterday. and it’s only day two fml. gotta keep going.

two months of work will be so rewarding at the end

**this is my edit**
The 2nd clip makes me cry inside I love Stefan and Elena together ugh:/ I feel myself self slowly braking again and I’m 2 weeks away to my clean goal and I’m not gonna let myself break.

“I’m scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment, that the world’s ju

“I’m scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment, that the world’s just going to come crashing down. And I don’t know if I can survive that.

Post link

Spring break is over, Tomorrow back to school I’m very nervous and might relapse, going to try very hard not to self harm I haven’t In 3 weeks. My longest is 6 weeks and I’m going to go longer. But I’m going to focus on my eating disorder right now. I’m trying to stay strong because I know there’s hope! Stay strong all xoxo

Scrambled eggs and noodles!


This one is really simple. You also have the option of useing one whole egg or a few egg whites. Today I was feeling the fatty flavor of a yoke so I cheat a bit and used a whole egg. Just that and half a pack of shiritaki noodles beat with some veggies. Add spices of your choice, I did salt pepper and saracha and believe you me it is tasty and filling.


This bad boy was so filling tried to have two cups and I couldn’t finish it (going to later though because it was fantastic).

Use a pot to fry some onion (half a small one or so) in half a teaspoon oil and a clove of garlic (I forgot to add that in myfitnesspal, but it’s 3 cal). Then add stock and bring to a boil, add the chopped asparagus (roughly half a pound but you can use more). Let it boil for a minute and then ram that bad boy in a blender with some spices ( I recommend lemon juice and rosemary).


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If you are going to join and post a pic make sure to tag it with #thelinesproject

Let’s do it again this yr!! Please spread and share!!

I would do a face reveal at 1k but I’m a gross repub account that isn’t original, still fat, and ugly as HECK not to mention my nose is huge ew
