



I was to at least 20 different doctors, my medical exam history is the size of War and Peace and SOMEHOW I was diagnosed with “just lazy and maybe depressed idk

so several mental hospitals later I’m chillin’ with a friend doing dumb tests like “what name would you have if u were a boy” and there’s this test about ADHD and I’m like

✨tf is ADHD✨

So he does that test and is like ah haha idunno what this thing is talking about :) and im sitting near him with trembling voice

D-do youmindifItry

And he’s like sure :) and by the end of this test I’m CRYINGbecauseSO THIS IS WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME THIS WHOLE TIME and I was sad but then I was notbecause I was ANGRY that all these people with medical degrees or whatever they had and they sat in their chair of lies looking very important in their white coat and looked at this girl who is clearly struggling and were like

Nah she just lazy



And they were like Nahyou just gottatry harder™✨

And because of them I had the worst depression for several years and became a shut in Oh and BTW

Apparently in my country most of the meds like Adderall and banned so i don’t know what to DO because being diagnosed would not solve SHITapparently

But I gotta try.

upd: this woman with a degree who I paid 40 dollars to visit said “oh no you couldn’t possibly take this long test on ADHD you would’ve left to do something else” and kicked me out of office after like 30 minutes because reasons???

I’m kinda sad and mad at the same time, like sad-mad. She totally thought ADHD is only hyper and said I wasn’t it. When even asked “are you one of these millennials huh” which ficking sucked.

I’m not gonna give up.


I was to at least 20 different doctors, my medical exam history is the size of War and Peace and SOMEHOW I was diagnosed with “just lazy and maybe depressed idk

so several mental hospitals later I’m chillin’ with a friend doing dumb tests like “what name would you have if u were a boy” and there’s this test about ADHD and I’m like

✨tf is ADHD✨

So he does that test and is like ah haha idunno what this thing is talking about :) and im sitting near him with trembling voice

D-do youmindifItry

And he’s like sure :) and by the end of this test I’m CRYINGbecauseSO THIS IS WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME THIS WHOLE TIME and I was sad but then I was notbecause I was ANGRY that all these people with medical degrees or whatever they had and they sat in their chair of lies looking very important in their white coat and looked at this girl who is clearly struggling and were like

Nah she just lazy



And they were like Nahyou just gottatry harder™✨

And because of them I had the worst depression for several years and became a shut in Oh and BTW

Apparently in my country most of the meds like Adderall and banned so i don’t know what to DO because being diagnosed would not solve SHITapparently

But I gotta try.

thank you guys so much for the support on my last post! i will continue to post sam and max content thank you guys so much for the support on my last post! i will continue to post sam and max content

thank you guys so much for the support on my last post! i will continue to post sam and max content and be an advocate in the tourettic community <3

Post link

Dsps means Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and it means that you’re sleep is delayed by two hours or more and you have a harder time waking up at the desired time you want.


Alt-text: [Start text: Is DPS related to ADHD? Prevalence of ADHD

Some scientists now believe that Adhd and DSPS are linked and believe that an estimated 73-78% of children and adults with adhd also have dsps. In recent years, scientists have begun investigating whether treating dsps in people with comorbid adhd and dsps improves adhd symptoms. End text]


Alt-text: [Start text: Can ADHD lead to bipolar?

Research studies show that about 70% percent of people with the condition also have adhd, and that 20% percent of people with adhd will develop Bipolar Disorder. The tragedy is that, when the disorders co-occur, the diagnoses are often missed. It can take up to 17 years for patients to receive a diagnosis of BD. End Text]

And this is why I have insomnia


Alt-text [Start text: Does Adhd interfere with sleep?

Adults with adhd rarely fall asleep easily, sleep soundly through the night, and then wake up feeling refreshed. More often, Adhd’s mental and physical restlessness disturbs a person’s sleep patterns – and the ensuing exhaustion hurts overall health and treatment. End text]

Comorbid means that medical conditions or diseases are present in a patient together


Alt-text: [Start text: Is OCD comorbid with ADHD?

OCD and ADHD are distinct but also comorbid disorders that can share similar symptoms, behaviors, and outcomes – for opposing reasons. This overlap can complicate diagnosis and treatment for patients with both conditions. End text]

Everyone’s favorite, rsd!


Alt-text: [Start text: Is RSD a symptom of ADHD?

RSD is, in fact, a common ADHD symptom. When this emotional response is externalized, it looks like an impressive, instantaneous rage at the person or situation responsible for causing the pain. End text]

And for fun because I got carried away


Alt-text: [Start text: What is happening in the brain of someone with ADHD?

Brain development is also slower in people with ADHD. The neural pathways don’t connect and mature at the same rate, making it harder to pay attention and focus. The can impair executive function, which handles organization and routine tasks. ADHD impacts brain chemistry too. End text]

Adhd is getting distracted from what you’re doing and hours later you realize that you were supposed to be doing something else instead of jumping down the Google rabbit hole of interesting things

Here’s some more, these two first ones are more or less about perfectionism & adhd


Adhd is doing something last minute becuase you felt that anxiety of the approaching deadline and you’re rushing around trying to do everything before times up.

Adhd is putting something down then immediately forgetting where it is.

That adhd mood when you get into the Work Zone™ and then something/someone interrupts you and now you can’t get back into your groove.

Today someone asked me what “semi-verbal” meant. I’m a semi-verbal autistic guy who is almost 30, I finally figured out how to express it. (Of course this is just me, we’re all different!)

For me speech is unreliable. I can’t count on it working, coming out the right way, or saying what I planned on. I have to voice everything I’m going to say to myself, in my head, to sort it out before it gets to my mouth, which is exhausting. Then the tone rarely comes out as intended and with stuttering the meaning can get lost quickly. I also tend to forget what I’m saying halfway through saying it, especially if I’m anxious.

I usually use typing and ASL to communicate, unless I need to mask/force myself to do my best for my safety. At home it’s a mix of gestures, sign, stimming, humming and noises, too. Anyway that’s what being semi-verbal means to me. Do you guys have a similar experience?

Thank you for coming to my neurodivergent TED talk™️ Have a nice day

This autism acceptance month I want to recognize all those in the autistic community who arent your uwu aesthetic autism soft pure bean

To my autistic people who have harmful stims

To my autistic people who don’t like being autistic

To my autistic people who have “gross” or “inappropriate” special interests

To my autistic people who have meltdowns in public

To my autistic people who can’t take care of themselves alone

I love you and you are just as much a valid part of this community as anyone else
