

Blessed Ostara!

Blessed Ostara and the first anniversary of my engagement! I live with the best man ever! May the new things begin!

Blessed Ostara!

Happy Ostara or Spring Equinox and Full Moon! I didn’t realize it was the first day of Spring; I thought it was tomorrow. It would explain why I got up and went for a walk and decided to bake some bread and make lavender syrup.

This bread is rosemary bread. It’s so so good. I paired it with some teriyaki “bacon” and cinnamon lavender vanilla coffee. I can’t really taste the lavender, though.

Tell me how you all are celebrating this fine day!

Ostara altar ✨ #ostara #altar #paganaltar #pagan #paganism #sabbat #wheeloftheyear #eostre #spring #

Ostara altar ✨
#ostara #altar #paganaltar #pagan #paganism #sabbat #wheeloftheyear #eostre #spring #springtime #springequinox #vernalequinox #witch #witchcraft #celebration #springseason #slavic #slavicgods #norse #norsegods #skulls #roedeerskull #goatskull #vultureculture #nest #birdnest #eggs #march #marchhare #candles

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Oh, how I longed for you, spring time#spring #springtime #springequinox #springday #springishere #

Oh, how I longed for you, spring time
#spring #springtime #springequinox #springday #springishere #springvibes #springcolours #afternoontea #teatime #tea #tealover #ostara #eostre #tarotdeck #magic #cosy #teaparty #flowers #springflowers #financiers #financiersauthématcha #matcha #matchacake #matchacookies #rosecakes #rosecookies #bake #bakery #kitchenwitchery #springlover
Petit précis de cuisine elfique, Yannig Germain
Ostara tarot, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard &
Financiers à la rose (roses) et au thé matcha (verts : recette dans le numéro 26 d’Une année en Magie, Mars 2021)

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Hello March#march #ostara #eostre #ostaraiscoming #springiscoming #nest #birdnest #oracle #oraclec

Hello March
#march #ostara #eostre #ostaraiscoming #springiscoming #nest #birdnest #oracle #oraclecard #oracledeck #fossil #ammonite #crystal #quartz #magic #witch #witchcraft #pagan #paganism #mars #hellomarch #marchhare #easterbunny #selenite #selenitesphere #thorshammer #wheeloftheyear #witchytreasures #oddities #arabosargsyan
Oracle deck : викканский оракул теней by Arabo Sargsyan
L’elféméride, Pierre Dubois & René Hausman

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Œufs du Lièvre de MarsPour le numéro de Mars d’Une année en Magie, Régine l’Aubergine nous a conco

Œufs du Lièvre de Mars
Pour le numéro de Mars d’Une année en Magie, Régine l’Aubergine nous a concocté une salade multicolores pour déguster les œufs du Lièvre de Mars. Vous ignoriez que les Lièvres cosmiques pondaient des œufs à Ostara ?
#ostara #eostre #ostaraiscoming #spring #springtime #springequinox #printemps #ostararecipe #recipe #saladecomposée #egg #ostaraeggs #eastereggs #easteregg #easter #easterrecipe #salad #veggie #veggierecipes #veggiefood #vegetables #vegetablesalad #colorfood #colourfood #eattherainbow #springcolours #healthy #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #colouredeggs

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I’m starting to adopt the now traditional Wiccan calendar into my hellenic practice. So I thought I’d share my ideas for how I’ll celebrate each holiday:

Moon Cycle Holidays :33

Samhain - Winter/Autumn Cross

Prayer to Persephone/Hades/aesir/ancestors

Halloween! (Eating out for dinner in costume)

Watching Halloween movies

(maybe party?)

First hot cocoa of the season

Apple cider


Decorating for thanksgiving (Nov 1)

Themed candles/scents

Getting next years calendar

Colors: orange, black, purple, green, yellow, brown, red

Pie making

Birch wood



Yule - Winter Solstice

Prayer to Hestia/aesir/ancestors

Decorating for Christmas (d.a. thanksgiving)


Spend evening with family (if applicable)

Christmas movies

Home cooked meal


Yule goat

Baking cookies

Themed candles/scents

Colors: white, red, green, gold, dark blue

Birch wood/pine/holly


Imbolc - Winter/Spring Cross

Prayer to Aphrodite/Demeter



Valentine’s Day decorating


Candles(!!!)/fresh scents

Love themed shit

Colors: white, red, pink

Cake baking

Ostara - Spring Equinox

Prayer to Persephone/Demeter/Artemis/Hera

Easter themed shit

Easter brunch**

Spring flowers

Easter baskets

Egg decorating (before)

Candles/themed scents


Colors: white, pink/pastels, purple, gold/yellow, blue, green

Cookie baking

Seasonal fruits

Beltane - Spring/Summer Cross

Prayer to Demeter/Persephone/Poseidon/Zeus/Dionysus

Spring cleaning

Summer themed decorating

Candles/themed scents


Colors: white, pastels, blue, yellow/gold, green

Seasonal fruits


Litha - Summer Solstice

Prayer to Apollo/Titans

Summer themed shit

Going swimming/water park

Going camping***



Candles/themed scents

Colors: gold/yellow, blue, green, white

Seasonal fruits/melons

Lughnasso - Summer/Autumn Cross

Prayer to Apollo/Demeter/Zeus/Poseidon

Summer flowers (kinda mixed with fall stuff)

Last lemonade of year/cider


Candles/themed scents

Colors: blue, white, yellow, brown, orange, green

Bread making

Mabon - Autumn Equinox

Prayer to Demeter/Persephone/Apollo

Starting to plan Halloween costume

Fall themed flowers/flora

Halloween decorating

Apple cider/pumpkin spice shit


Jack-o-lanterns/fake pumpkin decorating

Candles/themed scents

Donations/charity stuff

Autumn cleaning

Colors: orange, red, yellow, black, brown

Bread making

Apples/berries/seasonal fruits

French toast

Potluck with friends**



Witchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚ It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you nWitchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚ It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you n

Witchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚

It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you navigating this year.

☿ Mercury Retrogrades show the Mercury Direct (date of ending).

♒ Zodiac Signs are color coded according to its element.

☆ Solar events (Solstice & Equinox) are filled sparkle ★ and the other fetivities (midpoints) are a simple sparkle ✧︎

**Be sure to double check the dates for your region, since specific dates may vary due to TimeZones (specially for zodiac entries, full moons, etc.)

Let me know if you see any mistakes or have any questions about it!

People kept sending messages about the 2022 witchy calendar even now in April so I wanted to upload it anyway  ☆

Thanks to our patreons and the people who sent messages who impulse us to search for this info and combining it here for all of you!

Go to our Patreon for the complete HD image.

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1. PAST - Staying grounded

What aspects of your life do you need to nurture this season? What habits, people, practice, or rituals keep you grounded and help you grow and stand tall?

2. PRESENT - Planting new seeds

What seeds should you be planting right now? What new habit, project or goal should you start working on, using the spring energy?

3. FUTURE - Your best self

How do you envision yourself in the deep of summer, harvesting the fruits of your spring labour? Manifest what will come out of the projects you’re currently starting. 

Happy spring equinox!#pathoftheoldones #pagansofinstagram #pagano #ostara #witchreligion #witcheso

Happy spring equinox!

#pathoftheoldones #pagansofinstagram #pagano #ostara #witchreligion #witchesofinstagram #hoodoo #pagan #witch #traditionalwitchcraft #hexen #hexennacht #eostre #irishwitch #Scottishwitch #druidsofinstagram #backtotheroots #witchblood  #ezoterika #pohon #norsewitch #noituus #wiccansofinstagram #paganismo #vykladkaret #doanevis #vještica #springequinox #hedgewitch #greenwitch

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HAPPY EASTER/OSTARA!!#easter #easter2018 #happyeaster #easterweekend #ostara #ostara2018 #paganism


#easter #easter2018 #happyeaster #easterweekend #ostara #ostara2018 #paganism #sabbats #wiccan #witchcraft #witches #druids #healers #spirituality #religion #beliefs #faith #nature

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General Information

For more go and check my Instagram.

The pagan year begins with Samhain on October 31 and ends with the sundown on October 30. Each holiday is also called sabbat. They are celebrated to honor a given time of the year.


Also known as All Hallows’ Eve, Halloween.

Time: October 31 (start of the pagan new year).

Colors: orange, brown, black, gold, white, silver.


Time: Winter Solstice. December 21.

Colors: green, red, gold, silver, white.


Also known as Candlemas, Brighid’s Day/

Time: around February 2.

Colors: white, pink, yellow, red.

PS. Sorry for bad typo in the photo :( 


Also known as Eostre (‘ehs-truh’)  - Goddess of Spring.

Time: Spring Equinox. March 20 (or 21).

Colors: light greens and blues, yellow and pink.


Also known as Roodmas, Walpurgisnacht, May Day.

Time: May 1.

Colors: green, blue, pink, white, yellow, purple.


Also known as Midsummer Night’s Eve.

Time: Summer Solstice. (Approx.) June 21.

Colors: Pale Yellow, Green, Gold, White


Also known as Lughnasadh.

Time: August 1 through August 2 (first harvest of the year).

Colors: Yellow, Brown, Orange, Green, Gold.


Also known as Alban Elfed, Mean Fomhair.

Time: Autumn Equinox, around September 21.

Colors: Red, brown, orange, gold.

*Edit: Removed pronunciation examples ad there were too many mistakes. Waiting for your examples in the comments!


Tag Yourself: The Sabbats as Witchy Aesthetics

Yule: indigo velvet and gold stars, snow globes and faint piano melodies, the scent of fresh oranges, bloodstone, meditation and dream work, embracing sacred stillness, transformation through hibernation, Norse mythology and runes, red cardinal feathers, footprints in the snow.

Imbolc: gold morning sunlight through white lace curtains, the scent of pine and eucalyptus, acorn caps, bullet journals and succulents , new moon manifestation spells, dainty bottles of tinctures labeled in neat handwriting,  the power of new beginnings, determination to grow and heal.

Ostara: flower crowns and heart shaped sunglasses, flirty glances, lavender lemonade and rose quartz, messy glittery altars with saint candles, the smell of the earth after rain, art magick, buzzing honeybees and turquoise robins’ eggs,  devotion to Persephone, irreverent reverence.

Beltane: red lipstick and black silk, dark chocolate with raspberries, jasmine and sandalwood incense, baths surrounded by black candles, glamours cast on jewelry and makeup, connection to the fae, masquerade parties and vampire novels, empowerment through fire and the full moon.

Litha: overalls and sunflowers, a smile like rainbow after a summer storm, going barefoot, ride or die for Rider Waite, earth signs, Van Gough and ‘60s music, energy work, lemongrass and patchouli, being the friend who takes spiders outside, way more amethyst and citrine than one person needs. 

Lughnasadh: chai lattes and dog-eared paper backs, oversized beige sweaters with denim shorts, the scent of dried rosemary and sage, protection magick, wet clay,  freckles, dainty gold necklaces, sigils on everything, herby bread and kitchen witchcraft, strength through persistence.

Mabon: dimples, plaid wool scarves, sepia photographs, historical study and ancestor work, red foxes, the scent of fallen leaves, tea magick, hosting bonfires and dinner parties, hazelnut and carnelian, Celtic folklore, wand making, cozy cardigans and meandering walks in the woods. 

Samhain: animal bones and labradorite, grey fog rolling through deep teal mountains, pendulum divination, introversion, chaos magick, abandoned buildings, spirit work, myrrh and mullein, beat up notebooks, hanging out in cemeteries, androgynous clothing, seeing omens everywhere.

Little Witch

Little Witch,small and still

cast a spell and feel the chill,

 of winters breath upon your neck.

Bring the cold bring the snow bring the wind bring the ice,

be careful little witch, winter is colder than you think. 

Speak your spells slow,and sure, and true.

 And spring will find you.

The flowers will say hello! 

And the sky will cry in delight!

The trees will drink and the birds will sing.

Oh! Little witch you’ve never seen a truer thing,

Than the kiss of the sun on new rose petals.

Stay calm little witch,

spring will carry you to summer.

Little witch! Awaken and see!

The summer rain is here again!

Say hello to the sun!

Hello to long days and short nights.

More time for fun and less for fright!

Rejoice in the sun little witch, 

for it is almost summers end. 

For it is almost time for you to grow and learn the old forgotten ways.

Bask in the sun little witch,

And just wait for fall to come,

Pumpkins and mums, there’s that chill in the air!

Feel little witch, that fall is here!

The new power in your veins,

Oh my little witch, 

how much you will know this time next year!





Ostara is the sabbat of new beginnings and life. Fertility magic (especially through the use of eggs and garden and seed blessings are commonly performed during this time)

Use this Sabbat to perform magic to break away barriers, start new projects or inventions, and breathe new life into your home and garden. This is also a great time to celebrate balance as day and night are equal on this day. Color eggs to attract different things such as love, fertility, wealth, and prosperity. Then plant them in the garden to slow these things to grow into your life.


  • rebirth
  • new life
  • new beginnings
  • resurrection
  • fertility
  • balance
  • youth


  • Rabbits/Bunnies
  • Eggs
  • Flowers
  • Birds- Especially Robins and other spring birds.
  • Lambs
  • Baskets


  • rabbits
  • hares
  • chicks
  • robins
  • lambs
  • snakes
  • unicorns
  • dragons


  • pastel green
  • yellow
  • pink
  • gold
  • grass green
  • robin’s egg blue
  • red
  • White
  • Greens
  • Light Pink
  • Light Yellow
  • Pastel Purple
  • Pastel Blue


  • Eggs
  • fresh fruit
  • dairy
  • Spring greens & herbs
  • leafy green vegetables
  • flower dishes
  • honey cakes
  • sprouts
  • fish
  • hot cross buns,
  • sweet bread
  • milk
  • chocolate,
  • jelly beans/eggs
  • lemonade
  • Custards
  • Quiches
  • Edible Flowers
  • Violet jelly
  • Lamb


  • acorn
  • All Spring Flowers
  • crocus
  • daffodil
  • dogwood
  • Easter lily
  • forsythia
  • ginger
  • honeysuckle
  • hyssop
  • Iris
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • linden
  • narcissus
  • Peony
  • Rose
  • Sage
  • Straw
  • Tulip
  • Violets
  • woodruff


  • Adonis
  • Aphrodite
  • Ares
  • Astarte
  • Athena
  • Aurora
  • Cernunnos
  • Cybele
  • Dionysis
  • Eostre
  • Gaia
  • Isis
  • Kore
  • Mars
  • Narcissus
  • Osiris
  • Ostara
  • Pan
  • Persophone
  • The Green Man
  • The Maiden
  • Thoth
  • Venus
  • Venus


  • amethyst
  • aquamarine
  • rose quartz
  • moonstone
  • bloodstone
  • red jasper

If you have anything to add please do! And don’t ever hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have!

Merry meet ~ B(Phae)

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Ostara (equinox) Day 3 of #fairyfaeweek. . . . #fairyfaeweek2021 #faeries #fairy #fantasyart #bunn

Ostara (equinox)
Day 3 of #fairyfaeweek
#fairyfaeweek2021 #faeries #fairy #fantasyart #bunnylover #ocart #characterart #easter #ostara #spring #flowerstagram #rabbit #instaart #digitalpainting #drawing #artistofinstagram #illustragram #springvibes #pastelaesthetic #aesthetic (presso Italy)

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Blessed Ostara everyone! I’m so excited for warmer days and working in the garden!
