

Don’t limit yourself when you have so much to offer. The world is vast, just as your mind is. Take a look within and unleash all you’ve yet discovered.

Stress: People underestimate me because I’m so glamorous. What they don’t understand is I’m a strong woman.

Stress: And that strength comes from my values, my courage, and my dogged pursuit of vengeance.

Stress: I wish I was a farmer in rural Europe with no worries apart from the animals that’re threats in rural Europe

Mumbo: It’s the honey badgers you need to look out for

Iskall: Honey badgers dont live in Europe you fucking dumb piece of shit


Let’s Talk About…Vloggers 3

Today, I thought I would revisit vloggers and one elusive topic that is hidden in a cloud of confusion for people unaware of the significance of the new generation of careers that fall under the ‘online influencer’ banner – money. In a recent article from The Financial Times,they outline the risks – both financially and mentally – for content creators on YouTube. Let’s take a trip back down to…

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First week

This honestly was the first week of school from hell. I had assignments that were due before school even started and then I got slammed with hours worth of homework for each night. On top of that I’m still working over 20 hours a week so I have barely slept to keep up with everything. Last night after work I completely lost it and had a full on emotional break down in the shower because I had to save time since I was going to be up till atleast 12 as it was. I’ve managed to push my self so hard I got sick on the second day and have felt like absolute crap every day

 Everyone reaches some point in the school year when they realize they have over extended themselves, feel overly stressed, and just want to give up on themselves. I know I am guilty of this, especially over extending myself and then trying to cram as much into a day as possible. I get overly excited about all the options I have or under estimate how much time some of my commitments take up. There were times this year in college where I was up till two or three in the morning finishing up assignments after working almost ten hours straight.  It seems almost impossible to balance between being over extended and bored out of our mind. So here are some ways I help myself keep sane and organized during the year.

Before I begin I want to ask something I ask myself every year. What in your schedule can you not live without? These are the crucial tasks that absolutely must be done today. Think of how much time each of these takes up and be realistic, don’t give yourself five hours to sleep when really you need seven or eight(i’m guilty of this but try best to avoid it). Think of how to best organize these requirements so you don’t end up overlapping and find yourself stressed.

1)Use a planner/calendar

Having a easy to see lay out of the month really helps keep me on track. I like my planners to have a monthly and a weekly view. I put all deadlines, tests/quizzes, school events, siblings events, birthdays, work schedule ect here. It helps me to be able to see everything and plan out how early I need to start homework or studying for tests so I can get the best grade(In college there is a 2 week rule my friends and I use to study for tests). In the weekly Ill put a little tid bit of what was covered in class and any specifics about an assignment that gets assigned.  I know a lot of my friends have had success with using a calendar on their phone, another uses sticky notes and writes the essentials, and another uses a wall calendar. Find what works best for you and stick with that.

2)Study early

What I mean by this is start an assignment when you get it, even if its months away so the info is still fresh in your mind. It also means start studying for a test early so that you can start with studying for 30-40 minutes and work your way up to a three or four hour study session a few days before the test.

3)Find time for you

This seems like it wouldn’t have a lot to do with school and your success but stress cause people to shut down. Taking small 10-15 minute breaks after studying for two-three hours helps prevent burning out and getting overly stressed. Find a few things that make you happy and set aside some time for them. They don’t have to 

4)Read the content before its covered in class

This helps with comprehension but also allows you to ask questions about the content while it is being covered

5)Make friends

This helps out a lot when there are class projects or a big test coming up. I have a short list of people I talk to all the time about almost everything we do in class. It helps a lot knowing if you miss a class they can help cover you some and its super helpful having a few people you can depend on to study together with


don’t be afraid to highlight terms, important information or key concepts in your notes. This helps give a focus to the notes and gives a little reminder of what might be important to focus on when the test comes up

7)talking to your teacher/ use professors office hours

This goes for students of all ages, don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek out help. This can be in class or outside of class, for college students this is during office hours. Usually professors have few students coming in and truly want to help if they can. Meeting with the teacher can help establish a relationship which helps with grading later on and can help with finding the best way you learn.

8)record the lectures if you are allowed

This helps if you miss a section of lecture and can help you study in times where you can’t pull out a notebook or textbook.

9)sit in the front if possible

This helps the teachers remember who you are(helps when you go in to ask for help, they are often more friendly) and gives you the least amount of distractions. My chem teacher took a poll of where people sat in class and their average test scores, even those who did not participate much in class but sat in the front did better than those who sat in the back.

10)Have snacks

I have studied with many people who have skipped meals(guilty) or didn’t bring snacks. This can make studying less productive because there isn’t as much focus on the material. The snack can also be used as a reward for reaching a certain point. I liked to bring some brain foods(help memory and brain development) mixed nuts, granola bars, pumpkin seeds, etc and then a cheat snack like cheez its that I would swap out.

11)Eat brain foods

On important days treat your brain, especially those long studying days. A few great options are eggs, blueberries, tea, dark chocolate, avocado, oatmeal, nuts, etc. These foods can really help with concentration and give a little boost.

12) Don’t pull all nighters all the time

This is hard especially when it comes to college but staying up all night for many nights in a row throws your body off, slows you down and can make it harder to remember content from class. Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night to keep from burning out and to ensure you get the most of your day. This is hard to do(trust me I know) but it is beneficial in the long run.

13)Color code

Color coding can help your brain associate terms together and help terms stay longer.

14)Use practice exams

If your professor/teacher post practice tests use them to your advantage. Try going through them in the amount of time you would be given without any study tools. See how well you did after and then focus on the areas you did poorly on. Often at least 4-5 questions from the practices are on the test in some form whether it be the same set up or the same kind of question.

15)Move around

Research has shown moving study spots can help with memory. moving around causes our brain to form new associations with the same information so it becomes a stronger memory.

16)Write it out 

If possible try to write out notes as you are more likely to remember material written than you are if its typed. For college this is harder to do with lecture, often I type out my notes then go back and review them and possibly write them out later that night.

17) learn what works best

This sounds like common sense but figure out what learning style works best for you. Personally I have to read the material and take notes over the content at the same time for me to really soak up the information. One of my best friends is more auditory and likes to watch videos and listen to videos to help her study. In college you can sometimes choose whether you would like an online text book only or a package that has an online book as well as a paper copy. I find it better to have a paper copy, but some people I study with love the online version.

18)Find your weaknesses

Through out covering the material find sections that you are not as confident on or don’t fully understand. Make a list of them as they appear then try to focus on those sections when studying.


Its been two tears. Hermitcraft fans how we feelin

What goes into account when you talk to yourself? Thoughts in the night… Thoughts whilst working… There’s only so much time you get to talk to yourself. Make sure you give enough Me-Time. You may not feel so, but your body, mind, heart and soul; they’re all desirous to talk to you!


Illustration: Ricard Lopez Iglesias (@ricardilus)
Music: The Nature Of Memories by Dhruv Goel.

#mentalawarenessweek    #mentalhealth    #depression    #stress    #anxiety    #videos    #visualart    #visualstorytelling    #videography    #filmmaking    #illustration    

3 apps are being submitted in the next 22 hours. Two of them are done, I am just waiting to have people review my essays. One is only 300 words from being done. Either way. I feel like everything’s moving so quickly.

I’ve had a really rough week, and for the first time in months, can’t find anyone to let me abuse them to relieve stress. I’d kill to have a slut crawling around, bringing me glass after glass of wine, rubbing my feet, and letting me slap her tits and face to blow off steam.

“I got guns in my head and they won’t go, spirits in my head and they won’t go”

Nice song about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

#depression    #depressed    #depressing thoughts    #suicide    #suicide attempt    #suicide thoughts    #suicidal    #sadness    #suffering    #it hurts    #i suffer    #anxiety    #stress    #being broken    #mental illness    #crying    #dead inside    #i cant    #i wanna be dead    #i want to die    #breaking down    