
[Image Description:  A preview of a pamphlet entitled “Nonbinary Identity #2, A Condensed Guide” wit

[Image Description:  A preview of a pamphlet entitled “Nonbinary Identity #2, A Condensed Guide” with the front and back laid out side-by-side. There are sections entitled “Who is this pamphlet for?” and “What if I don’t understand something?” and helpful resources on the left page and sections titled “About This Pamphlet,” “Terms and Definitions,” and “More Terms and Definitions” on the right. The smaller text is too blurry to read. The entire pamphlet has a green, purple, and yellow color scheme.]

Nonbinary Identity #2 (Identities and Definitions) - Pamphlet #7

In this pamphlet, you’ll find an explanation of what sets it apart from the first Nonbinary Identity pamphlet, definitions of common nonbinary identities, and a small exploration of the roots of the gender binary.

Click here to download pamphlet files!

The original Publisher files may be requested for modification. If you download, please reblog!

The text can be read below the readmore, formatted in the intended reading order.

Front Panel

Nonbinary Identity #2, a Condensed Guide

Presented by Queer Condensed, queercondensed.tumblr.com

Version 1.0

Inside Flap

Who is this Pamphlet For?

Anyone who could find it useful. Maybe you’re nonbinary or questioning your gender identity and want some words. Maybe you’ve been given this by a friend or loved one who wants to help you understand different nonbinary identities. Maybe you’re just curious. Whoever you are and whatever your reason, this pamphlet is for you.

What if I Don’t Understand Something?

We, as the Queer Condensed team, strive to make our pamphlets as accessible as possible, and we include resources on the back panel of each pamphlet. However, we can’t cover everything in a handout. don’t be afraid to reach out for help through our provided resources or another trusted source, like LGBT centers or knowledgeable individuals who are okay with answering questions.

Published on January 12th, 2017

Rightmost Interior: About this Pamphlet

Why is this pamphlet #2?

Nonbinary identity is a complex concept and requires both knowledge of general transgender identity as well as several unique concepts and took the entire first pamphlet to explain it. We had to leave out definitions of individual identities. If you’re reading this looking for a word for yourself, don’t be afraid to experiment! Research the terms, talk to others with the identity or identities you’re interested in, and ask supportive friends to help you explore your gender. If you’ve been given this by another person to help understand something, ask them if there’s a specific identity they want you to focus on. Once you read the descriptions, talk to them. See what their identity means to them.

Why are there so many words?

Humans like to describe themselves with specific words - just look at the popularity of online personality quizzes. Nonbinary people feel differently about gender than what is accepted, but not all nonbinary people feel the same. There are many ways to experience gender, and therefore many words to describe it.

Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of identities, and definitions are generalized and may not match every individual’s sense of their gender.

Middle Interior: Terms and Definitions



Both an umbrella term for any gender that’s not fully male or fully female, but also an identity by itself used by people who feel neither fully male or fully female. A more broad identity, like “queer.” Generally defined as a transgender identity, but not all nonbinary people identify as transgeder.

Agender / Neutrois

Being genderless or gender-neutral. Not in-between male and female, but removed from that binary entirely. Note: some use these terms interchangeably, but some have distinctions between the two. The differences, or lack thereof, are up to the individual and the communities of the identities.


Having a gender identity that changes and moves between several identities. A genderfluid individual’s identity may change rapidly or slowly, but it is most definitely not fixed.


Similar to genderfluid, but the individual’s gender either fluctuates between a set number of genders or fluctuates in intensity.


Having a gender that is mostly, but not entirely, a certain gender. “-gender” may be replaced with the specific gender one feels close to. For example, a demiboy identifies partially as a boy, but not completely as one. Often, this “other” part of the identity is nonbinary itself in some way.

Leftmost Interior: More Terms and Definitions

Genders (cont.)

Bigender / Trigender / Polygender

Identifying with two, three, or multiple genders. These can be any genders at all and the individual can feel as if they are a blend of their multiple genders or switch between them. Similar to genderfluid in some senses.


Not identifying with traditional genders. Genderqueer individuals feel like they cannot be defined by the categories of “male” and “female” or are not constrained by them.

Eurocentricism and Gender

Many non-European cultures and countries have concepts of gender that include identities besides male and female. Two-Spirits in some Native American tribes and Hijras in South Asian countries are two more well-known examples. These identities aren’t really “nonbinary,” as the gender binary is a European concept, but they’re important to include nonetheless, as they are potential gender options for people of those cultures.


What someone is referred to in the third person besides their name. He/him, she/her, and they/them are common pronoun sets. Other pronoun sets, or neopronouns, include xe/hir and ey/em, and others.  It’s important to respect these at all times, and apologize without making it a huge deal if you make mistakes.

Back Panel: Helpful Resources

Visibility, Education, and Advocacy Network


UPDATE NOTE: This website no longer exists

Awareness, Information, and Resources


For those struggling with the pressures of the binary gender system


Information Center


Exploring identity beyond the gender binary


Nonbinary Pamphlet #1

This pamphlet is dedicated to specific identities and their definitions, but Queer Condensed has a first pamphlet that goes over nonbinary identities more generally. Find it on our website, queercondensed.tumblr.com

Post link
queercondensed: [Image Description:  A preview of a pamphlet entitled “Nonbinary Identity #2, A Cond


[Image Description:  A preview of a pamphlet entitled “Nonbinary Identity #2, A Condensed Guide” with the front and back laid out side-by-side. There are sections entitled “Who is this pamphlet for?” and “What if I don’t understand something?” and helpful resources on the left page and sections titled “About This Pamphlet,” “Terms and Definitions,” and “More Terms and Definitions” on the right. The smaller text is too blurry to read. The entire pamphlet has a green, purple, and yellow color scheme.]

Nonbinary Identity #2 (Identities and Definitions) - Pamphlet #7

In this pamphlet, you’ll find an explanation of what sets it apart from the first Nonbinary Identity pamphlet, definitions of common nonbinary identities, and a small exploration of the roots of the gender binary.

Click here to download pamphlet files!

The original Publisher files may be requested for modification. If you download, please reblog!

The text can be read below the readmore, formatted in the intended reading order.

Keep reading

Day 4 of updates! As with the others, there’s now an image description and the full text of the pamphlet under a readmore. One of the websites no longer exist and several are no longer updated. I’ll have to figure out a solution for that without completely redoing the pamphlet.

Post link
I’m #queer and I’m here!️‍ Happy Pride season! Need a safe person to workout with? I

I’m #queer and I’m here!

Happy Pride season!
Need a safe person to workout with? I gotchu!
Need a safe person to talk to? I gotchu!
Need a safe person for anything at all (doesnt have to be workout related)? I gotchu!
Comment or send me a msg. At any time!
#genderqueer #pansexual #lgbtq #lgbtq #lgbtpride #safespace #lifting #workout #running #dedication #committment #determination #mindset #consistency #llamf #week52crew #personal #face #weightloss #journey #imafuckinganimal #dlbdailyfam #beastmode #girlswholift #motivation #london #ontario #ldndot #ldnont

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I want to be ‘she’ in the way a shy, 5'2 punk with short messy hair and a flat chest is 'she’; but I also want to be 'her’ how a badass, immaculately dressed businesswoman, who knows what she wants and always gets it, is 'her’.

And I want to 'he’ in the way a man with a full, neat beard who can rock a deep-necked evening gown is 'he’; but also 'him’ how a young, kind-faced, clean-shaven regency gentleman is 'him’.

And I want to be 'they’ how a hot steampunk force of nature is 'they’; but also 'them’ how a fae in the forest, beautiful and ineffable and singing, and dancing, and dancing, is 'them’.

And I want to use neopronouns how a downbeat punk musician uses neopronouns; I want to use them how a gentle, fresh-faced kid who’s innocent of all that’s fucked up in this world uses neopronouns.

I want to be a trans woman, I want to be a cis man; I want to be an enby punk, a genderfluid steampunk, a trans goth guy; I want to be.

My gender is confusing, but it’s my gender, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense.

CuriousCat for questions!

I made a CuriousCat for Nonbinary Awareness Week. This is open to any questions regarding NBWeek or nonbinarity as a whole.

New Blog

Hi! Just wanted to let you all know that I started a blog!

Today’s theme is transition! sheer are some questions that cancinsoire you.

Remember to use the hashtags #NBWeek and/or #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek!

Today’s theme is nonbinarity in relation to the world! Here are some questions you can use as inspiration.

Remember to use the hashtags #NBWeek and/or #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek!

Today’s theme is misconceptions! Here are some questions you can use to guide you.

Remember to use the hashtags #NBWeek and/or #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek!

“Can I be nonbinary if…?”

Yes. Yes, you can.

For International Nonbinary People’s Day, today’s theme is nonbinary joy! Here are some questions that can guide you.

Remember to use the hashtags #NBWeek and/or #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek!

Today’s theme is coming to terms! Here are some questions you can use as a guide.

Remember to use the hashtags #NBWeek and/or #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek!

This fabulously genderqueer individual has an important message for you.

If you’re trans and you identify in whole or part as a boy, good for you!!! You’re not contributing to the infantilization of trans men by being yourself. Boys can be soft and sensitive, and they can also be incredibly strong and creative and awesome in ways too numerous to list! 

The word “boy” carries a different connotation from the word “man,” and that’s okay! Just use whichever word makes you feel most comfortable. Personally, being a boy to me means that I retain my ties to softness and childhood and I find that liberating. Other guys get euphoric when they’re referred to as men. Everybody’s different and both of these things are totally okay! 

So lately I’ve seen a lot of posts rejecting the trans boy stereotype, meaning that of a “soft” white, thin, feminine, young, usually-gay and able-bodied person and instead drawing more attention to the older and more conventionally (hyper) masculine and “manly” members of our community. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, I think positivity for trans guys of all descriptions is important and I’m glad we’re expanding on this, but we have a long way to go! Trans guys are more than “soft boys” or “manly men” and we need to be aware of this and try our best to lift each other up! 

My issue is that our examples of masculinity are still very narrow either way. Trans guys aren’t as simple as all that! 

Trans guys aren’t just white, thin, able-bodied teens or even twenty-somethings. I want visibility and an awareness of the existence of boys and men of color, guys of various races and ethnic backgrounds who so often get passed over. Fat trans guys, trans guys with physical disabilities and chronic illnessses, neurodivergent guys! Body politics and accessibility advocacy are things this community severely lacks. I also want to just give a huge shoutout to trans guys of all sexualities; whether you’re gay, straight, bi, pan, poly, ace, queer, however you call yourself, you are loved. By me! 

I also just want to acknowledge, even though I’m pretty much that first “soft boy” stereotype minus the able-bodied part, I am such a tiny sampling of the traits a transmasculine person can have.

Trans guys can be binary or non-binary, fat or thin, of any race or ethnicity, and with any disability, neurotype, or mental illness. They can be men in their 70s or five-year-old boys or anywhere between and beyond. 

They can be athletes or math nerds or both or neither. Heck, they can be theater kids. They can be addicts, they can be survivors, they can have eating disorders and abuse stories and traumas. They can be artists and philosophers. They can practice any religion or none at all or be undecided. They can be sex workers or former sex workers. They can be feminists. They can be out and proud or closeted or still questioning. 

They can be found in suits, or dresses, or flannels with skinny jeans, or Catholic-school uniforms, or hospital gowns, or cozy pullover sweaters. They can be single, married, fathers, grandfathers, uncles. They can be in relationships with a loving partner, or multiple!  They can have literally any story and they all deserve to be acknowledged. 

A single trans guy can be anything and together we are everything and I never see this talked about, not fully, and I still haven‘t done a proper job of it but I had to start somewhere! I’m still young and new to this community myself, so my knowledge is limited but it is growing and I want to see this place become someplace welcoming for all trans boys and men.

I know this post far from includes everyone but I tried my best, I’m tired and emotional but I tried my best and please add anything I’ve missed because every transmasculine experience is unique and deserves more attention in this place. I love all of you, boys and men. Please talk, and please listen to each other. 

A moment of silence and appreciation for all trans kids in sex-segregated education. You’re strong as heck and I promise this is finite. 


I love female fags, male dykes, trans mtftms and ftmtfs. I adore genderqueer genderfreaks who fuck gender and hug eachother. A kiss to every bi lesbian, every asexual lesbian, every mspec gay guy married to his beard who he’s in love with. A smile and a nod to all the incomprehensible degenerates who are holding hands when they get pelted with rocks on the street for being visible and a menace to society. I pour one out for all the faggot dykes, femme butches, agender aromatic asexuals, high femmes and stone butches. This one goes out to the freaks of nature who queer queerness and are left to martyrdom by those who should love them, you are loved by me.
