#incorrect greek myths


Apollo:for the last time, a frog cant steal your credit card information

Dionysus: You dont know what they are capable of!

Ares, texting hermes: Yo!

Ares: My girl said that your post are the funniest

Ares: so i wanted to let you know that i wish all the violence upon you

Ares, staring dramatically at the horizon: We’re born alone and we die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget that fact but I never forget.

Athena, not looking up from her book: Aphrodite left three minutes ago.

Hermes: Hey, Athena?


Hermes: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?



Athena: Where’s Apollo?

Apollo: You bought a taco?


Apollo: From the same truck that hit hermes?

Ares, with a mouthful of taco: Well me starving isn’t gonna help him.

Artemis, going through Aphrodite’s suitcase: What’s this? I said take only what you need to survive!

Aphrodite: It’s my industrial strength hair dryer, and I can’t live without it!

Persephone: Why are Zeus and Poseidon sitting back to back?

Hades: They got into a fight.

Persephone: Why are they holding hands?

Hades: Poseidon gets sad when they fight.

Hestia: How do you do that? Act like Persephone being married to Hades doesn’t bother you?

Demeter: Step 1: bottle emotions


Demeter: Step 2: two shots of whiskey

Ares: I’m not getting into anymore stupid arguements with you anymore, starting now.


Apollo: Aphrodite is average looking

Ares: wha-average?! Have yoU SEEN HER???

Dionysus: you call it a near death experience…

Hermes: we call it a vibe check from God.

Athena: [eye twitches]

Dionysus, on the phone: Hey Artemis, I need to borrow $5000.

Artemis: Why the hell do you need to borrrow $5000?

Dionysus: For an escape room.

Artemis: What kind of escape room costs $5000?!



Poseidon: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?

Hestia: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.

Zeus: Three of us saw it, Hestia. How do you explain that?!

Hestia: *points to Hades* sleep deprivation *points to Poesidon* doesn’t want to be left out *points to Zeus* Delusional personality disorder.

Poseidon and Athena: *running up to each other* *doing a really long and complicated handshake*

Poseidon, deadpan: you’re so annoying. I hate you so much

Athena: I’ve never met anyone weaker and uglier than you.

Hera: Did you have to stab him?

Ares: You didn’t hear what he said to me!

Hera, over Ares’ bullshit: What did he say?

Ares: “What are you gonna do, stab me?!”




Zeus: That’s fair

Zeus: Do you remember when we were married?

Metis: I hate your queen.

Zeus: Good times, good times.

Metis: You were my favorite husband…



Zeus: I cannot even begin to tell you how sad that is.

Aphrodite: Did it hurt?-


Aphrodite: You didn’t wait for the “when you fell from heaven” part?!

Hephaestus: Everything hurts

Hades: My kink is people caring about me and want to hear what I have to say

Apollo: Too unrealistic

Apollo: Just settle for bondage like the rest of us
