

∆Healing and embracing your path Ritual∆

What you will need:

  • Black candle (that can stand alone)
  • Bowl of moon charged water
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Parchment/papertowel
  • Sage
  • Dragons blood incense
  • Lotus incense
  • Ginger oil
  • Angelica
  • Cinnamon
  • Mugwort
  • Myrrh
  • Frankincense

Start by bathing in the sage as you ground yourself. Snuff the sage and burn just enough of the dragons blood in order to inhale the smoke for protection then snuff it as well. Now hold your black candle in both hands and meditate with it, enchant it with the intent of it not only protecting you throughout your ritual but banishing and absorbing any and all negativity in order to make room for the healing. Now light it and set it down infront of you. Grab the mortar and pestle and one by one add the healing herbs in. As you do so say these words “Angelica, to heal the head.” And place a bit in. “Mugwort to heal the heart.” And place it in. “Cinnamon to heal the body.” And place that in. Lastly “And Myrhh to heal the Spirit.”

Grind this mixture up and repeat these words two more times each as you do. Then take a pinch and sprinkle it on top of your head, and another pinch and sprinkle it in the black candles flame. Now mediate on these healing intentions and energies for a few minutes.

Now burn the lotus incense just enough to breathe in it’s smoke, focusing on it opening your mind, body and spirit to the energies you have gathered and to the intent of what will come next. Empty the contents of the mortar onto your chosen papertowel or parchment and add the frankincense to it. Grind it up and add it to the bowl of moon water. “Frankincense to strengthen my spiritual abilities.” And three drops of ginger oil into the bowl. “Ginger to bring power and confidence along my path.” Stir the bowl, meditating on these properties and visualize yourself confidently walking your personal path, happy and strong, as you wash your hands in it.

Close by thanking the universe, yourself, your guides and deities that help you everyday, then blow out the candle.

(This is just a ritual that I wrote up for personal reasons, but I’m posting it here in hopes that it’ll help someone!! Stay safe and many blessings!!Note: doing this on the full moon will be helpful as well!!!)

∆Witchy Reminder∆

A healthy dose of self criticism is perfectly fine within your craft, however remember not to wholly disregard everything always as you’ll lose confidence in yourself and much information that was otherwise important.

∆Witchy reminder∆

If you’re feeling disconnected with your witchcraft tools, try cleansing them and doing a small spell or ritual to reconnect your energetic ties with them.

I’m writing a spiritual growth and healing ritual for personal reasons, but would anyone like me to post it here for you and anyone else that’d possibly get help from it?

Don’t forget to keep going. New witches and old, there shall always be obstacles, blocks and healings that are needed, but these times will pass, and only make you stronger.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Next time you find yourself singing with emotion, try channeling your feelings and energy into a spell or a protection bubble or shield and see how it feels.

Amazingly Samhain falls on a full moon. We don’t need any virgins going and getting any bright ideas!!n lol


A small box (one with a lock and made of wood is recommended)

Paper and Pens

This spell is designed to be worked over a period of time.

Put the box on your altar and place your hands on both sides of it. Visualise protective energy surrounding the box. The box is like a trap for negativity. Anything can enter it, but negativity cannot leave it. Speak the following words:

Anything put in here will stay, to be forever locked away.

Place the box somewhere safe.

Whenever you want to get rid of anything negative such as; fear, anxiety, anger, anything - write down exactly what you want to get rid of on a small slip of paper and put it in the box. Visualize the negativity being trapped in the box, where it can’t ever escape.  Each time, shut the box firmly and say:

I lock this negativity away.

When the box is full, build a fire and toss the papers into the flames and say:

All that harms is lost in the flame, so burn, fire, burn

Negativity is banished, never to return

You can also burn the papers in a small container like a cauldron or a simple fire place.

Take care my loves. -Nora



A small pouch

Dried lavender

Dried chamomile

A bay leaf

Dry rose petals

A small crystal (amethyst or smoky quartz)

Slowly fill the pouch with all the gathered items as you say:

Demons of the night,

Go away,

Don’t come my way,

I bid you light and love,

Go back to the cosmos above


Then seal the pouch and place under your pillow to protect yourself from nightmares.

I bid you all a soothing rest my witchy loves. My ask box is always open and feel free to message me as you please for questions or even just to chat.

-Nora Wolf

~keep your plants alive, healthy and safe ~ Emoji Spell

Likes charge, reblogs cast

A witch ought never be frightened in the darkest forest, because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her

Terry Pratchett

Witch Guide to Garlic

I love Garlic so much I put it in almost everything I eat. The only downfall to that is my breath can smell if I don’t brush my teeth or have a mint after eating it.

Garlic is masculine and associated with the planet Mars, the zodiac sign Aries, the element fire and the goddess Hecate.

Magical Properties:

- Protection

- Endurance

- Warding off evil

- Healing

- Courage

Magical Uses:

- wiping a knife with garlic juice rids it of negative energy

- Hanging a garlic braid over your door helps ward off bad people as well as bring good luck

- Keep garlic under the pillow of children to protect them while they sleep

- Can ward off both physical and energy vampires

- It can break a spell by burying the tools you used in a hole and place garlic with said tools to reverse the affects

Witch’s Guide to Camomile

I’ve been drinking tea almost everyday for the past year or two. Chamomile is one of my favorite teas as it helps me relax and sleep

Chamomile is a masculine plant, it’s associated with the sun, the zodiac sign Leo, the element water and sun gods such as Lugh, Ra and Cerunnos

Magical Properties:

- Healing

- Love

- Prosperity

- Tranquillity

- Purification

Magical Uses:

- Burn the flowers everyday to attract money

- Drink the chamomile tea before doing rituals or spells to help prepare your body

- Sprinkle the flowers in powder form around your house to undo any spell cast against you

- Wash your hands in Chamomile tea to increase your luck when you’re gambling

- Put the flowers in your hair to attract love

- Keep some in your pockets to attract general good luck

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn’t afraid of facing challenges.

Paulo Coelho

Witch’s Guide to Ginger

A tumblr user suggested I cover ginger next and it’s magical uses. I always want to do what you guys are interested in so let me know any other herb, plant, spices or any topics you want me to do

Ginger is masculine plant associated with the element fire, mars sun and the zodiac sign Aires.

Magical Properties:

- Speed things up in spells

- Prosperity

- Ignites passion and love

- Healing

- Luck

Magical Uses:

- keep ginger root in the house to attract prosperity

- Add to any love spell you cast to give it more power

- As a food can help increase sexual energy and fertility

- Sprinkle root in your pockets or purse to attract money

- Place under a pillow to stop nightmares

- Throw into the sea to calm a storm and invoke peace


Do not keep ginger on skin for long period of time, some people who ingest too much ginger can get stomach ache and diarrhea, and can increase menstrual blood.

Witch tip #15

Make sure you cleanse and bless your writing utensils (pens, pencils even your phone or laptop) just like you would a wand or any magical tool since they also carry energy.

Witch’s guide Eucalyptus

Growing up my aunt would always put eucalyptus oil in a diffuser when I was sick so it bring memories of those days.

It’s associated with the elements water and air, the zodiac sign cancer, the planets Mercury and Venus and it’s feminine

Magical properties include:

  • Positive luck
  • Knowledge
  • Divination
  • Purification
  • Protection
  • Healing

Magical Uses:

  • It can heal worries, regrets and mental exhaustion
  • When burned it can be stuffed in mojo bags, pillows and poppets
  • Used as an oil to anoint magickal tools
  • Use it in a ritual for news that your waiting to hear for positive results
  • It’s wood when worn as a charm can bring good luck
  • When burned it can help ward your house of evil

Witch’s guide to catnip

I knew next to nothing about catnip besides that it makes cats act all weird. So I wanted to research it more here is what I found out.

Cat nip is associated with the goddess Bast, it’s also associated with the element water, the zodiac signs Taurus, Libra and Scorpio and the planet Venus. It’s also a feminine herb.

Magical properties:

Love- works best for women


Attracts good spirits



Magical uses:

  • Take catnip and hold it in your hand until it’s warm then hold a friend’s hand. It’s said that you’ll be friends forever as long and the catnip is kept safe
  • Hang over your door for happiness and luck
  • Mix with dragon’s blood in incense to get rid of a bad habit
  • Give to your cat to make a physic bond with them
  • Put in dream pillows to promote sleeps
  • Use as a bookmark for magical books
  • Give to cats to see the act crazy
  • It’s also used mostly in mojo bags and candle magick


- May 21- June 20th

- Planet: Mercury

- Flowers: Lavender and lily of the valley

- Element: Air

-Symbol: The twins

- Positive traits:

Adaptable, clever, creative, sociable, quick witted

- Negative traits:

Inconsistent, indecisive, superficial, judgmental, can be two faced

- Compatible Signs:

Leo, Libra, Aries and Aquarius

Famous Geminis:

Marilyn Monroe, James Charles and Tom Holland

Eliminating Personal Poverty


A small bowl




Open a safety pin

What to do:

Fill the bowl with equal parts of sugar, salt and rice.

Place the open safety pin in the center of the mixture. Keep the bowl out in the open. Refresh the ingredients when you feel the time is right.

Ostara Ritual


Fresh Flowers

Jasmine or rose incense

Green and yellow candles (or use one white candle)

A bowl of water

A single white flower

What to do:

Put the single white flower in the bowl of water so it’s floating, contemplating its beauty. Light your candles while thinking of the regeneration power of nature. Light your incense while thinking about the perfumes given to us by the Goddess. Sit or stand and quietly consider the cycle of nature and Mother Earth’s great power.

Stand with your feet 18 inches apart imagine reaching down to the center of the earth through the soles of your feet. Feel your roots sinking deep down into the earth from which you can draw energy.

Feel the energy being fed back to you, rising up through you towards the light. Reach your arms upward towards the light. Feel that enfeebled moving downwards through you. Let those energies mingle with those of the Earth. Allow all these new energies to swirl around and through you, cleansing, healing and balancing.


“Ostara, lady of flowers and strong new life. Be born anew in me tonight.”

When you feel ready ground yourself my running your hands over your body from head to toe. Sit quietly thinking of how you will use this new energy. Return your energy to your solar plexus and leave your sacred place.

Want Spell


A marker or pen

A fully grown leaf

What to do:

Write or draw on the leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want. Lay the leaf of the ground.

As the leaf withers it takes your desire to the Earth. In thanks Mother Nature will grant your wish. You can also throw the leaf in running water or place it under a stone as well.

“Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase our every action.”

Dorothy Morrison

Hey Tumblr! We haven’t posted here in forever and wanted to start sharing our jewels here again.

If you follow us on Tumblr, here’s a code for 20% off, “TUMBLR_JUNE21”. We haven’t released a discount code since 2019, and this one expires on June 7th. Thank you for sticking with us! www.omniastudios.com

Tiny hands holding your own tiny full moon. Oracle ring with glowing handmade full moon orb

Moira ring with moving sand timer. Inspired by the greek fates, who control life. ⏳⌛

I’m slowly getting closer to finishing this lovely ladies. The last couple of days I spent buried un

I’m slowly getting closer to finishing this lovely ladies. The last couple of days I spent buried underneath blankets,because I caught some nasty bug.

I’ve decided to go with the folk elements of the blonde’s clothes,like ribbons attached to the wreath,a black vest and a shirt with embroidery,a floral skirt and an apron.

Stay tuned for more!

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 “All that move on the trusty land, and all in the sea, and all that fly, all these are fed from her

“All that move on the trusty land, and all in the sea, and all that fly, all these are fed from her wealth.
Hail, Mother of the gods, Gaia.”


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