

Here’s a list of different types of witches, this is a pretty chunky list but it’s not all and as I remember more and more and learn about more of them, I’ll add more of them onto the list but for now, here ya go:

There are many types of witches, many of which can change throughout one’s journey, it’s important to know which path is which and how that affects us and others.

Atheist/Laveyan Satanic: Witchcraft worked with the idea that satan is a concept, rather than a real person or entity (loosely put; it’s a very detailed concept). Also known as Satanic witches who fit the secular description.

Alexandrian: holds that all participants are priests and priestesses; everyone is able to commune with the Divine, therefore there is no laity.

Augury:Divine omens, signs and symbols 

Celtic: Studies and worships Celtic deities and magick

Cosmic: Looks to the stars, moon, and astrology

Christian: Witchcraft that is performed to honor / or is performed in conjunction with the Christian God as the primary and only deity

Correllian: practices based on the idea that inner truth is universal in nature. Since Corellian Witchcraft teaches that Deity enters the life of the seeker in a way that can be best understood by them, Deity is key to the beneficial magic of this tradition.

Crystal: Uses crystals and their properties 

Dianic: Offshoot of Wicca focused on female deities 

Divination: Used tarot cards, I Ching tools, etc for divination

Druids: promotes harmony, connection, and reverence for the natural world.

Eclectic: Embraces any and all magick and magickal work

Elemental: Works with fire, water, air, earth, and spirit

Faery: Based on British folklore and works with the Fae

Gardenian: based on the polarity of a male and a female, which are represented in covens by the High Priestess and High Priest. The values being: the value of life, the inevitability of death, and the reincarnation after this life ends.

Green:Magic based on gardening and herbalism 

Hearth: Practices magick focused on the home

Hedge: Solitary practitioner, a herbalist

Hellenic: Worships Greek gods and goddesses

Hereditary: Handed down a bloodline of witches

Kitchen: Likes to mix food and cooking with magick

Lunar: Works with the lunar cycles

Norse: Based on the religion of Scandinavia 

(Theistic) Satanic: Witchcraft that is often centered around honoring and/or working with satan in spellwork and prayer

Science: A form of magick in which both metaphysical ideas and scientific facts/theories are mixed in together by the individual practicer

Sea:Practices water based magick 

Secular: Does not worship deities

Shaman:Enters altered state of consciousness 

Solitary: Practicing by ones’ self; not included in a group 

Traditional: One who practices witchcraft by honoring and using old and ‘traditional’ ways of magick; this type of witch might be one to practice modern methods of magick, but they might also stick to traditional concepts or techniques

Wicca:Modern pagan 

Write a letter to yourself, forgiving yourself of all the things you did but don’t like dwelling on, and apologizing to your younger self for not treating your mental wounds like you would physical, then write about what you’re going to improve about yourself, stick to it.

Casting Circles is very important for baby-witches to learn for protection and in general for spells, but before preforming any spells please make sure you know how to cast a circle. 

What is a circle, and why does it matter?

A circle is often a barrier that houses your spells and rituals. By casting a circle, you’re allocating energy to protect you from any unwanted or negative outside influences. There are a lot of formal ways to begin a circle and some informal.

It’s important to note that there are many ways to cast a circle.

In traditional witchcraft, you might call upon a god or goddess, while if you’re a secular witch, you might call upon the elements, or create a wall of your own energy. A circle isn’t mandatory, but it can significantly assist with protection and energy.

How to cast a circle

Always begin by cleansing your space. You can either use your mind to mentally push out, use incense to burn away or use a broom or besom to sweep away. Once you have your method for cleansing your space, it’s time to define your circle. To define your sacred circle, it’s important to take your space and location into consideration. Are you in your bedroom? Bathroom? Or outside? You can make your intended circle as large or as small as you’d like. You can mentally define your circle or mark the directions or elements with candles or crystals. If you’re using the four elements, you can create a cross shape. If you’re using the five elements, you can create a pentacle shape.

To cast a circle by calling upon the elements, begin facing the east. This is home to the element of air. When you move clockwise, you’ll end facing North where you can begin your ritual or spell work. Stand in your intended circle as you begin to relax and focus on your breathing. Take as long as you’d like at this step or until you feel calm, centered, and present.

What to Do/Say

Begin by envisioning the wind whipping around you and get really in tune with the element of air and say: “Element of air, I call on you.”

Moving clockwise, turn to the south. Envision crackling flames and the warmth of the sun. Once you are in tune with fire, say: “Element of fire, I call on you.”

Turn to the west. Envision flowing water in waves and waterfalls and streams, possibly moving around your body. When you feel attuned with water, say, “Element of water, I call on you.”

Turn to the North. Conjure up the scent of the earth after it rains. Imagine the silence and darkness of a cave and the rooted feeling of being barefoot on the earth. When you feel attuned, say, “Element of earth, I call on you.”

Still facing North, become aware of your feet and send a column or roots of light deep into the core of the earth. Bring this energy up from the center of the earth and into your body and visualize a white light flowing, creating the circle and say: “With these elements together under spirit, I cast a circle of protection above, below, within.”

This is where you perform your ritual, meditation, or spells.

You can also temporarily exit your circle without repeating the entire circle casting process. To do so, hold an athame or wand in your hand and make a cutting motion across the line of the circle and say: “I use this athame of crystal to open a door.” Your wand or athame will help you direct energy to make an incision in your circle of energy. When returning, you can simply reverse the process to close the door.

Opening a circle

Also called closing a circle is a way to release the energy you’ve built and is a way to thank the elements for their assistance.

The process of opening a circle begins with you facing north to release earth and saying:  “Earth, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Next, you’ll turn to the west to release water: “Water, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Then, you’ll turn to the south to release fire: “Fire, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

  After that, you’ll turn to the east to release air: “Air, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Finally, you’ll return back north to release spirit and the circle by saying: “Spirit, I bid you farewell. I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

Other popular phrases for circle casting and opening:

“The circle is open, but never broken. The love of the deity name is forever in my heart.”

“Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.”

“I thank you, element of name for lending your energy tonight. I bid you farewell.”

“I call the Guardian of direction and the element of element to watch over this sacred circle.”



Just to let you guys know, I opened a witchcraft server on discord, if any of you are interested in joining, you can find like minded witches and talk to me personally and find all the help you need on your paths. As well as other forms of media like TikTok and instagram that can be found in my link tree: 


Nyx: The Night


Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the night, and the daughter of Chaos. Her birthplace was not on Earth but in Gaia. She is Primordial God. It is said that she was created near the beginning of time. Her home is in the depths of Hades’ underworld. Nyx has a shadowy figure, which makes her the perfect personification of the night.

Nyx is a very unique goddess. She can impact mankind in a good or bad way. Her ability to bring sleep or death unto to the human race. Zeus even feared Nyx because she was older and stronger than him. That speaks volumes of her power. The moonstone is used to honor her to this day. It reflects it’s owner and should be used during the full moon.

Nyx lived in Tartarus. However, Nyx is not exactly the personification of evil in greek mythology. She’s never spoken of having done anything more ‘evil’ than Zeus himself does in any mythology. Yet, many see her as more of a villain figure than she ever appears to be.

Nyx married Erebus, the God of darkness. Nyx and Erebus produced Hemera (Day) and Aither (Light). Hemera is Nyx’s opposite. Nyx brought the dark veil over the night, while Hemera chased the dark mists away each morning. Interestingly so, Nyx was able to create her own dark spirits including Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. More of Nyx’s children include, Geras, Moros, Nemesis, the Keres, and the Oneiroi.

GospelMT 10:17-22 

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Beware of men, for they will hand you over to courts
and scourge you in their synagogues,
and you will be led before governors and kings for my sake
as a witness before them and the pagans.
When they hand you over,
do not worry about how you are to speak
or what you are to say.
You will be given at that moment what you are to say.
For it will not be you who speak
but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Brother will hand over brother to death,
and the father his child;
children will rise up against parents and have them put to death.
You will be hated by all because of my name,
but whoever endures to the end will be saved.”

NEW: BLESSED BE PLAQUES now available at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace! http://www.eartisans.n

NEW: BLESSED BE PLAQUES now available at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace! http://www.eartisans.net/collections/home-garden-plaques/products/blessed-be-plaque-stone-finish

Our Blessed Be plaques are the perfect magical way to welcome friends, family and fellow cunning folk to your home. Notice the hidden imagery within the plaque’s knot work border. Can you find the two stags, the chalice, the pentagrams and the moon phases? Buy your Blessed Be Plaque now. 

See all of our new plaques, here at Eclectic Artisans: http://www.eartisans.net/collections/home-garden-plaques

Post link
NEW at Eclectic Artisans-Greenman Plaque w/Offering Bowl Our Greenman plaque is a magical rendition

NEWatEclectic Artisans-Greenman Plaque w/Offering Bowl

Our Greenman plaque is a magical rendition of the much beloved masculine spirit of nature. This Greenman plaque has intricate leafy details and a mysterious face and will be sure to add a magical earthy presence upon the walls of your home, shrine room or sacred space. What makes this plaque even more unique is that it contains a small round offering bowl/reservoir in the front, allowing you to place offerings, petitions, herbs, stones or even a tea light candle within it. This plaque would make a great representation of the divine masculine during ritual within your home, and one could show reverence to the Greenman by placing your desired offering within the bowl. The plaque comes with a built in hook on the back to easily mount on your wall. Made from cold cast resin. See more pagan plaques.

Height: 13.00 Inches
Width: 9.5" at it’s widest, (4.25" at its thinnest)
Offering Bowl: Length: 2.5" x 2.5" (1.0" depth)
Weight: 2lb 6oz. 

Post link

∆Healing and embracing your path Ritual∆

What you will need:

  • Black candle (that can stand alone)
  • Bowl of moon charged water
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Parchment/papertowel
  • Sage
  • Dragons blood incense
  • Lotus incense
  • Ginger oil
  • Angelica
  • Cinnamon
  • Mugwort
  • Myrrh
  • Frankincense

Start by bathing in the sage as you ground yourself. Snuff the sage and burn just enough of the dragons blood in order to inhale the smoke for protection then snuff it as well. Now hold your black candle in both hands and meditate with it, enchant it with the intent of it not only protecting you throughout your ritual but banishing and absorbing any and all negativity in order to make room for the healing. Now light it and set it down infront of you. Grab the mortar and pestle and one by one add the healing herbs in. As you do so say these words “Angelica, to heal the head.” And place a bit in. “Mugwort to heal the heart.” And place it in. “Cinnamon to heal the body.” And place that in. Lastly “And Myrhh to heal the Spirit.”

Grind this mixture up and repeat these words two more times each as you do. Then take a pinch and sprinkle it on top of your head, and another pinch and sprinkle it in the black candles flame. Now mediate on these healing intentions and energies for a few minutes.

Now burn the lotus incense just enough to breathe in it’s smoke, focusing on it opening your mind, body and spirit to the energies you have gathered and to the intent of what will come next. Empty the contents of the mortar onto your chosen papertowel or parchment and add the frankincense to it. Grind it up and add it to the bowl of moon water. “Frankincense to strengthen my spiritual abilities.” And three drops of ginger oil into the bowl. “Ginger to bring power and confidence along my path.” Stir the bowl, meditating on these properties and visualize yourself confidently walking your personal path, happy and strong, as you wash your hands in it.

Close by thanking the universe, yourself, your guides and deities that help you everyday, then blow out the candle.

(This is just a ritual that I wrote up for personal reasons, but I’m posting it here in hopes that it’ll help someone!! Stay safe and many blessings!!Note: doing this on the full moon will be helpful as well!!!)

∆Witchy Reminder∆

A healthy dose of self criticism is perfectly fine within your craft, however remember not to wholly disregard everything always as you’ll lose confidence in yourself and much information that was otherwise important.

∆Witchy reminder∆

If you’re feeling disconnected with your witchcraft tools, try cleansing them and doing a small spell or ritual to reconnect your energetic ties with them.

I’m writing a spiritual growth and healing ritual for personal reasons, but would anyone like me to post it here for you and anyone else that’d possibly get help from it?

Don’t forget to keep going. New witches and old, there shall always be obstacles, blocks and healings that are needed, but these times will pass, and only make you stronger.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Next time you find yourself singing with emotion, try channeling your feelings and energy into a spell or a protection bubble or shield and see how it feels.

Amazingly Samhain falls on a full moon. We don’t need any virgins going and getting any bright ideas!!n lol


A small box (one with a lock and made of wood is recommended)

Paper and Pens

This spell is designed to be worked over a period of time.

Put the box on your altar and place your hands on both sides of it. Visualise protective energy surrounding the box. The box is like a trap for negativity. Anything can enter it, but negativity cannot leave it. Speak the following words:

Anything put in here will stay, to be forever locked away.

Place the box somewhere safe.

Whenever you want to get rid of anything negative such as; fear, anxiety, anger, anything - write down exactly what you want to get rid of on a small slip of paper and put it in the box. Visualize the negativity being trapped in the box, where it can’t ever escape.  Each time, shut the box firmly and say:

I lock this negativity away.

When the box is full, build a fire and toss the papers into the flames and say:

All that harms is lost in the flame, so burn, fire, burn

Negativity is banished, never to return

You can also burn the papers in a small container like a cauldron or a simple fire place.

Take care my loves. -Nora



A small pouch

Dried lavender

Dried chamomile

A bay leaf

Dry rose petals

A small crystal (amethyst or smoky quartz)

Slowly fill the pouch with all the gathered items as you say:

Demons of the night,

Go away,

Don’t come my way,

I bid you light and love,

Go back to the cosmos above


Then seal the pouch and place under your pillow to protect yourself from nightmares.

I bid you all a soothing rest my witchy loves. My ask box is always open and feel free to message me as you please for questions or even just to chat.

-Nora Wolf

~keep your plants alive, healthy and safe ~ Emoji Spell

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