
Make yourself happy by doing this simple exercise.Follow this to live longer

Make yourself happy by doing this simple exercise.

Follow this to live longer

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Lower Back Pain ExerciseFollow these simple exercise to get rid of back pain. You can do that at hom

Lower Back Pain Exercise

Follow these simple exercise to get rid of back pain. You can do that at home.


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All I wanna do these days is work out, walk for hours and sleep. I would be losing weight soo fast but I have to study soo freaking much and it‘s stressing me out which is holding me back from losing weight so much.

I‘ll try to study super effective now so I have more time to work out and feel less stressed about my exams cause I‘m prepared. Like that I‘ll be able to stay focused and reach my dreams. Let‘s do this

Well, I’ve been going through the university application process since the start of my second year of college, just to mention I live in the UK  and here students go to high school 11-16 years old doing GCSE’s, then do two years at college doing A Levels and this is where you apply for University. My top university choice offered me a conditional offer, meaning I must get or do certain things to be able to start the course.

My conditions are:

  • DD on my applied science BTEC
  • 120 UCAS points
  • Pass numeracy professional skills test
  • Pass literacy professional skills test

I have passed the numeracy test and I’m on my way to getting D*D* on my applied science, but even they don’t get me enough UCAS points only 112, I need to at least pass, which in A Level is an E grade. But I’m really anxious because I don’t do very well in exams, I get very nervous and I just freeze and write pure bullshit.

I know all the content I just can’t function in an exam, especially when there’s so much at stake.

My mum has been an amazing support and rock for me to keep me focused and not panicking, she’s said how even if I don’t meet the conditions that it’s not the end of the world because there’s always the job of a teaching assistant.

I just have to remain positive and try my best.

Yoga for Stress & Anxiety (30 Minute Yoga) Slow Stretch Yoga Practice

USe this 30 minute Yoga for Stress Relief with slow stretch yoga poses to calm down & relieve tension, while melting stress and anxiety. You will finish feeling so loose and relaxed. 7 DAY YOGA CHALLENGE: http://bit.ly/7DAYyogachallenge

#stress    #anxiety    #yoga for stress    #destress    #youtube yoga    #yoga online    #sarahbethyoga    

Can you tell I’m burnt out? No? Good that’s how I want it.

I’m going to die if I keep going, but society doesn’t give breaks, especially not for mental health. So….I’ve just increased my workload… because burning fast and bright is less painful than the slow burn.

My theme of the week is possessions. Who else is going to do this? (inbox me) 
In our daily lives we all have about 85% of our possessions that we wont use today probably. We might have too much clothes. Clothes that we could wear everyday and a closet full of so much clothes that we wont wear an outfit twice a year… that seems a bit much doesn’t it. 

I used to be like but in the end I realized it was too much options and waste of time. To be thinking of what to wear and taking more time to pick it when the whole day it would feel like I still ended up making the wrong choice and feel like its ugly- when in the end, all of them looked awesome on me… in the eyes of others no one could notice unless you stand up straight, which made the whole outfit look great ironically. 

Sorry, rambling. This week is possessions week and not like demons taking over peoples bodies and I’m gunna learn how to summon them lol.
First step to living and finding some peace in your home is having less stuff to think of. Having lots of things makes you feel like I should use that or seeing how much stuff, I know makes me feel, makes you feel crowded and closed in away from something bigger. Who else is on this journey right now

If you want to live a simpler life start by having less stuff. The amount of stuff you have will wei

If you want to live a simpler life start by having less stuff. 
The amount of stuff you have will weigh you mind down where you will belong to your stuff and not the other way around. 

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Comic for #inktober prompt “wreck” Who needs a Halloween costume, just turn up to the pa

Comic for #inktober prompt “wreck” Who needs a Halloween costume, just turn up to the party wearing the look of pure stress.

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The #inktober prompt today was “squeeze” which made me think of shower gel

The #inktober prompt today was “squeeze” which made me think of shower gel

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Amúgy kurvára vicces az, hogy minden kezdődik elölről. A szenvedés, a kilátástalanság, a stressz, a bánat…..

Caro tu, ti sembrerà banale quello che sto per dirti e probabilmente, se non sei pronto, lascerai volare queste parole al vento, ma ti prego comunque di restare, e leggere fino alla fine. Per molto tempo sono stata scontenta della mia vita, ero triste, senza motivazione, non mi vedevo mai abbasstanza bella, simpatica, non avevo mai abbastanza amici e mi facevo mille pensieri su ciò che gli altri pensavano e su come avrei dovuto essere sencondo quelle persone che pensavo fossero mie amiche, poi…ho capito. Ho capito che la risposta ai problemi della maggior parte di noi è che abbiamo paura di dire due parole: “adesso cambio”. Il cambiamento, ti avverto già caro tu, è molto difficle e impiega tanto tempo a mostrare i suoi risultati, ma il bello, fidati, è che puoi cominciare dalle più piccole cose a metterti in gioco, quelle che non avevi neanche mai considerato. Cominciare ad andare a letto presto e svegliarti presto la mattina per essere più produttivo, mangiare più sano perchè fa bene al tuo corpo che devi trattare come fosse il tempio dove risiede la tua anima, perdere quei venti munuti a prepararsi una bella colazione e a gustarsela fieri del proprio capolavoro, predisporsi degli obbiettivi giornalieri, di studio o lavoro, trovarsi un hobbie artistico e accomapagnarlo dallo sport che farà bene al nostro corpo quando saremo più anziani, iniziare un progetto particolare, come può essere un lavoro online (a me ha salvato), una pagina instagram o un canale youtube dove facciamo ciò che ci piace e lo condividiamo, leggere qualche pagina prima di dormire o guardare un film per rilassarci…insomma iniziare con dei cambiamenti di vita, piccoli ma che rendono le giornate migliori, ti fanno fare un sorriso in più, ti fanno dire “ehi avevo un obbiettivo e lo ho portato a termine, domani conitnuo”. Caro tu, a volte dobbiamo pensare ad essere felici nei momenti di solitudine, anche chiusi in casa, come in questo periodo, prima di poter essere felici con altri…altrimenti se non siamo felici della nostra quotidianità rimmaeremmo sempre condizionati del giudizio altrui su di noi… - scrivoperanestetizzaretutto

I’ve been a big ball of stress the past few weeks.
