#truth quotes


Soda became vodka…

Bikes became cars…

Kisses turned into sex…

Remember when your dad’s shoulders was the highest place on earth?

The biggest problems we had was getting a ball that was stuck under a car and who ran the fastest.

Monopoly…was only a board game.

The most pain we ever felt was a scraped knee.

And goodbyes…only meant until tomorrow.

And we just couldn’t wait to grow up.

If the feeling you get after you eat too much after doing good of not eating or eating very little that day wasn’t bad enough,the feeling of realization of something better you could of eaten instead that’s low in cal/healthy so irritated with myself rn fuck

You know that person you find so lucky because they have the person you have deep emotions towards?the person you find so beautiful it hurts?the one that makes you feel like you’re not good enough even though youve never known them personally? You seriously never know if YOU have been that person someone else wants to be,you never know if someone wishes they looked like you or got the attention their crush gives to you. You seriously NEVER know,just like how that person that makes you feel so negative doesn’t know.
