

Don’t be like this idiot on edtwt.

If you get brain fog like I do while fasting, pls eat something.

Also, you would think that she would learn/do something about it after the first time. But no, she was careless and put her ed first and almost took another life. How selfish…

Okay you guys, my timeline be dead asf for some reason (maybe some of y’all got term or something). If you’re and ed account follow me or like this post so I can follow you.

I am wayyyyy too insecure to post body checks but for any one curious about my progress, here’s a before and after of my face.

208lbs v.s 138lbs

I am nowhere near where I want to be but before and after helps me to stay motivated

If you’re opposed to saving bodychecks but regularly save thinspo without knowing where it came from… boy do I have news for you

Wow, thank you for 500 followers. I’ve gotten more followers in the past 2 years I’ve been on tumblr than the past 9 years I’ve been on Insta lol.

This moment is bittersweet. I’m glad that I have such a great support system, where I am able to speak freely about my thoughts and struggles.

But I am sad, that there are so many beautiful people that suffer from the same illness and destructive thoughts that I do.

Again, thank you, I love you, and please stay safe. ❤️

Hip dip thinspo

I didn’t even know I had hip dips until I started losing weight lol

I binged today for the first time in 2 months. I feel awful. I hate myself so damn much. My brother and I got into an argument and I havent gotten so upset in such a long time. I dont know why it made me have the urge to emotionally eat so badly. It didn’t help that I havent lost a pound in 2 weeks. I was only eating 900 calories a day too (occasionally eating 1300 cal when I really needed it). But eating 1300 cal today wasn’t enough. I ate 1955 calories today. Im never going to be skinny :(


Me while sick: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while shitting: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while existing: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while binge eating:what is a scale? I dont know her

Anyone else get triggered/jealous of their among us character body stats?

Like she’s 92 pounds? And for what? What’s her secret?

You guys wish you could have this breakfast 0 cal!!

Do you ever listen to a song you haven’t heard before and it makes you realize you’re still not over that specific person

I’m so used to my ED that it’s no longer an ED to me,it’s a lifestyle.

Went from trying to sleep as much as I could to escape you for awhile to keeping insanely busy because you’re in my nightmares now.

Artist of art: unsure

If the feeling you get after you eat too much after doing good of not eating or eating very little that day wasn’t bad enough,the feeling of realization of something better you could of eaten instead that’s low in cal/healthy so irritated with myself rn fuck

Trying to reply to someone you still care about but completely detached from is a challenge I’m currently not winning.

Artist: unknown but full credit goes to them
