

I’ve been eating 900 calories for the past 2 weeks without binge eating and I am at my breaking point. The connection between my brain and my mouth has disappeared. I have a serious lack of energy. I cant even stand up without getting dizzy and seeing black dots. I’ve chewed 23 fucking packs of gum. No, I’m dead serious, my jaw is so fucking sore. I’ve lost about 4 pounds and its almost not worth it. I ate 1300 calories today and I feel like a failure. I’ve eaten  1300 calories before and its actually helped me not binge for the longest time ever but the slow weight loss had me so impatient. It doesn’t feel as bad as a binge. Actually, I feel better, but still, I know I’m going to be heavier when I weigh my self in the morning. :(

I’m so fucking weak as shit I know 

Someone underweight: I have anorexia

Me: I believe you

Someone overweight: I have anorexia

Me : I believe you

My doctor : You have anorexia

Me: Uh, I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch

Hey you guys be really careful about joining ed Twitter because it super obvious how pro ana they are.

I deleted my account last year because it got way too toxic way too fast

I love ed tumblr because you guys are so open and kind to everyone - thx ☺️

I’m a 200+ sw ana, and ever since then I’ve lost over 60+ pounds. I am nowhere near considered ‘’skinny’’ but peoples reaction to me when I haven’t seen them in a long time is astonishing. They’re either always in shock or CONSTANTLY looking at me. Oh, and they’re always asking me for weight loss advice. I tell them “diet and exercise” but its actually  “a eating disorder and suffering” lol 
