

This bitch relapsed real bad. IMAGINE

losing weight uve already lost before is so draining

ok so i ate a nice meal today that filled me up soooo nicely



at 3am i still chose to binge

update im debating doing it again its 5:40 am whats wrong with me

Don’t be like this idiot on edtwt.

If you get brain fog like I do while fasting, pls eat something.

Also, you would think that she would learn/do something about it after the first time. But no, she was careless and put her ed first and almost took another life. How selfish…

I am wayyyyy too insecure to post body checks but for any one curious about my progress, here’s a before and after of my face.

208lbs v.s 138lbs

I am nowhere near where I want to be but before and after helps me to stay motivated

I’ve been eating 900 calories for the past 2 weeks without binge eating and I am at my breaking point. The connection between my brain and my mouth has disappeared. I have a serious lack of energy. I cant even stand up without getting dizzy and seeing black dots. I’ve chewed 23 fucking packs of gum. No, I’m dead serious, my jaw is so fucking sore. I’ve lost about 4 pounds and its almost not worth it. I ate 1300 calories today and I feel like a failure. I’ve eaten  1300 calories before and its actually helped me not binge for the longest time ever but the slow weight loss had me so impatient. It doesn’t feel as bad as a binge. Actually, I feel better, but still, I know I’m going to be heavier when I weigh my self in the morning. :(

I’m so fucking weak as shit I know 

I’ve been eating 1300 calories for a while now and its allowed me not binge for the longest time ever. However I got a bit sick last week and decided one day that I was too tired to eat dinner. I immediately dropped two pounds, so ever since I’ve been eating 800 calories a day. I kind of regret it because I’m getting so hungry the longer that I’m doing this. But I’m afraid that I’m going to gain all the weight I lost. Pls someone help lol I’m going to see if I can do this at least until I’m under 140 lbs. 

I’m a 200+ sw ana, and ever since then I’ve lost over 60+ pounds. I am nowhere near considered ‘’skinny’’ but peoples reaction to me when I haven’t seen them in a long time is astonishing. They’re either always in shock or CONSTANTLY looking at me. Oh, and they’re always asking me for weight loss advice. I tell them “diet and exercise” but its actually  “a eating disorder and suffering” lol 

Why am I so triggered by being told to be quiet… like wtf.. I’m such a fucking child

All i had yesterday was a packet of crisps and a small pizza,

Thats so good for me

Under 1000 cals altogether too

I think its about time i leave this group of friends, i dont fit in, they dont really like me i can feel it

I think its about time i leave this group of friends, i dont fit in, they dont really like me i can feel it

Havent lost any weight this month… at least i didnt put any on though, just maintained

Just gonna stop keeping my hopes up over stuff…

Thats 2 people commented on my weight today…

Told my roommate i saw a cute chonky rat and he said “just like you”

And then was talking to my dad about my join issues and he said its probably down to my weight…

I hate them… i hate them both so much

Im sick of being the therapist friend, but i know if im not she’ll commit cause no one else cares about her

Why did i bother going to uni, everything i create i grow to despise, ive changed my ideas so much that now idek what direction its going in. Might just drop out and go off the rails

Currently mourning the body i had at my lowest weight

My roomate commented on the fact I bought bread…. I was finally ready to try eat bread again and now i know its gonna sit there to go off cause i dont want to eat it anymore, I wish he’d mind his damn business!

I have an austim assessment tomorrow morning, nervous is an understatement
