

Pisces-Aries Cusp (March 19 – March 24)

  • Learning patience is your most important task. Develop social skills through working alongside others. Try to curb your impetuous side–weigh alternatives and consider consequences before speaking or acting. Get to know yourself better.

Aries I (March 25 – April 2)

  • Cultivate your quiet side, yet do not neglect your aggressive urges or let them get bottled up inside. When you feel frustrated, try to understand the problem and then take the initiative. Acknowledge your need for affection and support. Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. 

Aries II (April 3 – April 10)

  • Resist overwhelming people with your energy. Act responsibly. Try not to be too needy of attention and beware of leading others on. Confirm your inner values and develop hidden talents.

Aries III (April 11 – April 18)

  • Tune in to what people are really saying. Beware of those who wish to monopolize your time and energy. Ideals and ideas can be worth of devotion, but also destructive. Make sure that others want to be helped or led before you offer. Try to keep in touch with the actual state of things. Beware of being carried away by your own enthusiasm.

Aries-Taurus Cusp (April 19 – April 24)

  • Try not to overpower others. Learn to back off and allow things to happen as they will. Although your hands may itch to do the job, give others a chance to do it their way, even if they make mistakes. Try to remain sensitive to the feelings of those around you.

Taurus I (April 25 – May 2)

  • Beware of taking on too much responsibility. Consciously work on changing yourself periodically. Beware of procrastinating in the name of prudence or good sense. Open up your horizons by exposing yourself to different disciplines and points of view.

Taurus II (May 3 – May 10)

  • Seek to be more affectionate and playful. Beware of strident, dogmatic or inflexible attitudes. Remember that others have gifts to teach also, and that the best teacher is often an eternal student. Set a good example by admitting your mistakes. Rework and revise your ideas periodically.

Taurus III (May 11 – May 18)

  • Dig deeper and explore the depths of your personality. Try to take matters a bit more seriously if you wish others to do the same in regard to you. On the other hand, never give up your natural and instinctive approach to life. Set your personal standards a bit higher and expect more of yourself.

Taurus-Gemini Cusp (May 19 – May 24)

  • Monitor the pace of your activities carefully. Seek to be more consistent and less casual in jettisoning people and ideas. Don’t come on so strong. Turn off your mental motor from time to time. Confront your fears and insecurities. 

Gemini I (May 25 – June 2)

  • Work to finish what you start. Develop the patience to interact fully with others. Your ideals may have to be sacrificed at times for the sake of harmony. Avoid escapism in its manifold guises. Keep busy and happy, but do not neglect your inner emotional life.

Gemini II (June 3 – June 10)

  • Try not to come on in a rush. Be clear in what you say but also diplomatic. Don’t be inattentive to the impression you make or the idea others have of you. There is great value in silence. Take the time to develop deep friendships.

Gemini III (June 11 – June 18)

  • Sometimes what is right in front of you is just as interesting as something risky or exotic. It may not be incumbent on you to influence the course of things. Allow yourself to express negativity when it is called for. Give yourself easy rewards, too.

Gemini-Cancer Cusp (June 19 – June 24)

  • Exercise your magical powers with care. You may need to be a bit tougher on yourself. Keep your eye on the goal and resist any tendency to drift. Do not lose yourself so readily in ecstatic experiences or you may have trouble finding yourself again. Beware of repressing your feelings or allowing destructive emotions to control you.

Cancer I (June 25 – July 2)

  • Don’t armor yourself too heavily– on the other hand, remain discriminating. Allow others the freedom to take risks. Though your salesmanship may be excellent, it is not always appreciated. Don’t only challenge your fears– overcome them through self-liberation and action.

Cancer II (July 3 – July 10)

  • Make a real effort to get out in the world. Toughen your stance a bit and try not to be so sensitive. Develop your financial sense and cultivate your talent for maintenance and continuity. Keep contact with those who care about you. Put your active fantasy and imagination to productive use.

Cancer III (July 11 – July 18)

  • Don’t be too sure you know what is right for people. Work to keep your own house in order. Allow others to express themselves freely. Perhaps no one doubts your good intentions, so it may not be necessary to justify them. Be confident of your abilities at a deep level.

Cancer-Leo Cusp (July 19 – July 25)

  • Even out the highs and lows; the rewards of stability are great. Cultivate self-discipline but never lose your spontaneity. Build a calm center that boslters your confidence and remains at the heart of your being. Concentrate more on living in the moment, free of past problems and future expectations. Pace yourself for the long haul.

Leo I (July 26 – August 2)

  • Learn to accept people as they are– both the positive and negative. It is probably useless to try to camouflage yourself, but do try to be more diplomatic and sensitive. Although you are good at making decisions for others, you may have overlooked making some crucial decisions for yourself. It doesn’t make you less of a person to be a bit more easygoing.

Leo II (August 3 – August 10)

  • Watch your temper. Hotheadedness can throw you off balance and aid your opponent. Compromise and diplomacy are virtues to be cultivated, not weaknesses to be despised. Remain open and vulnerable to love. Don’t be too hard on yourself, or too demanding. ease up a bit on the expectations you place on others.

Leo III (August 11 – August 18)

  • Try to tone down your demanding and commanding side. Hold the mirror up to yourself as well– examine your motivations carefully. Battle to keep the combatant in you more peaceful. Take some distance from yourself. Admitting weakness can also be a sign of strength.

Leo-Virgo Cusp (August 19 – August 25)

  • Don’t blame the world for not recognizing you if you hide yourself away. Be more transparent– let people see what you are really like. Beware of keeping secrets even from yourself. Allow others in, to share in both your joys and sorrows.

Virgo I (August 26 – September 2)

  • Soften your stance a bit– take things as they come and let them go as they will. Try to keep your work and home life separate. Step out a bit and demand dependability from others, too. Protect yourself from hangers-on and parasites. Occasionally be more selfish and unashamedly demand benefits for yourself.

Virgo II (September 3 – September 10)

  • Try to maintain flexibility and acceptance without compromising your high standards. Open your heart in love relationships. Be aware of your condemning and unforgiving side. Gentleness, kindness and diplomacy are traits worth developing. Beware of putting yourself above the law or outside society. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability.

Virgo III (September 11 – September 18)

  • Try to be more sympathetic to the feelings of others. Not everyone is as strong-willed and directed as you. Don’t get bottled up in your head; cultivating a love of food, sleep and sensuous activities is essential to the grounding of your energies. Do not hide behind or rely too heavily on those who would serve you.

Virgo-Libra Cusp (September 19 – September 24)

  • Don’t be overly concerned with appearances. Keep alive in your search for beauty– avoid becoming jaded, trendy or compulsive. Beware of neglecting spiritual goals or falling prey to excessive materialism. Keep your nervous system under control. 

Libra I (September 25 – October 2)

  • Cultivate self-confidence. Beware of being too aggressive in your criticism of others– your bark can bite. Be consistent in your stance. Fight the impulse to procrastinate, but at the same time resist interfering with things that work, even if they do not meet your expectations. Mistakes are just part of the game. 

Libra II (October 3 – October 10)

  • Try to find your true heart’s desire. Once you have found it, remember to show you really care. Don’t always give things away– hold on to what is most valuable in yourself. Learn to limit your explorations of interesting but distracting subjects that can sidetrack you from your main purpose. Make some hard choices, but preserve your dreams and visions.

Libra III (October 11 – October 18)

  • Beware of making promises you can’t keep. Consider carefully the possible repercussions of your actions. Sometimes it is necessary to play at a part but don’t kid yourself in the process. Be more considerate of the feelings of others; devote sufficient time and patience to emotional matters.

Libra-Scorpio Cusp (October 19 – October 25)

  • Try to relax and have fun. Learn to be less picky. Do not cut yourself off from unusual experiences but maintain your poise and balance. Continue to battle with life and resist escapism or the throes of self-pity. Leave the past behind and embrace the future. Cynicism and sarcasm are poison to you.

Scorpio I (October 26 – November 2)

  • Supply the same constancy you expect from others, but also be less hard on yourself when it comes to mistakes. If at all possible, try to both forgive and forget. Leave excess baggage behind– the injuries of the past can be too heavy for anyone to bear, even you.

Scorpio II (November 3 – November 11)

  • Let the sun shine in and the light within you shine out. Don’t take thing so seriously. Work on leveling out your moods and see how much happiness you can bring to yourself and others. Put your singular insight to productive use. Learn to laugh more at the illusions of the worlds and also at yourself.

Scorpio III (November 12 – November 18)

  • Keep a critical eye on yourself. Respond to the highest challenges and occasionally take meaningful risks. Be mindful of what is important in life, of what endures and has lasting value. Always aim high, and don’t be afraid of failure.

Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (November 19 – November 24)

  • Follow your vision of life but don’t lose touch with where others are. Keep your intentions honest and your motives pure. Develop the objectivity to stand back and observe yourself living. Try to be more forgiving and less possessive.

Sagittarius I (November 25 – December 2)

  • Strive to keep your emotions on an even level. Beware of allowing yourself an overly high-minded or high-handed attitude. Keep control over your expectations and try to be more forgiving. There is nothing wrong with compromise, or with occasionally losing. Watch your tendency to exaggerate.

Sagittarius II (December 3 – December 10)

  • Try to get out a bit more and do what others do from time to time. Don’t drive yourself into a corner by believing that no one can understand you. Make an effort to let others into your private world. Resist turning off to life: keep things fresh and renew your commitment.

Sagittarius III (December 11 – December 18)

  • Learn to enjoy the little things, the simple pleasures of life. Try to be more understanding of others. Apply your ethical standards to yourself and concentrate more of your energies on personal growth. Find a way to blend in when necessary and avoid ruffling feathers.

Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (December 19 – December 25)

  • Learn to temper your intensity. By understanding yourself better, you will be less at the mercy of your moods. Work on improving social relationships and continue to befriend others. Beware of any tendencies to close yourself off. Allow your warm and loving side full rein and keep your heart open.

Capricorn I (December 26 – January 2)

  • Let others take the lead more often. You may be wise, but remember that wise women learn more from fools than fools from wise women. Work hard at trying to admit mistakes when you make them. There is no particular merit in holding on to an outworn creed or outdated idea.

Capricorn II (January 3 – January 9)

  • Recognize your limitations– they do exist. Allow yourself to give in occasionally, even to fail and acknowledge it. Showing your more vulnerable side should not be threatening. Try to keep your ideals grounded and be sure your “reality” is not in fact an illusion.

Capricorn III (January 10 – January 16)

  • Don’t be afraid to take chances. If you do not dare to fail you may not achieve your true heart’s desire. Your insistence on security may be misplaced at times. Try to be more flexible where the feelings of others are concerned. Do not assume that your values have absolute or universal application.

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (January 17 – January 22)

  • You must find an outlet for your creative energy. Communicate what you experience. Try not to be discouraged by lack of understanding, ignorance or negative criticism off the deep end, but, rather, find those who understand and appreciate you.

Aquarius I (January 23 – January 30)

  • Clarify a realistic picture of yourself in your mind’s eye. A certain amount of undesirable personal interaction is always necessary; try to be a bit more thick-skinned and, if necessary, downright insensitive. Cultivate calm, patience and persistence rather than always going your own way. Learn to handle frustration and be tough enough to quietly demand the very best for yourself.

Aquarius II (January 31 – March 7)

  • Try to get in touch with your own deeper feelings. Sometimes it is better to meet problems head on. A bit of pain now may prevent much more later. Don’t be too dependent on others’ opinions of you. Have the courage to be yourself and don’t feel you have to please or entertain.

Aquarius III (February 8 – February 15)

  • Accept your need for other people and cultivate meaningful social interaction. Remain open and accepting, but demand that others accept you as you are, too. Your psychic abilities are valuable. use them constructively. Beware of allowing rejection to lower your self esteem.

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp (February 16 – February 22)

  • Don’t give up on the world or retreat behind fences. If necessary tear obstructions down to rediscover your sensitive self. Learning to trust may mean ceasing to fear. Without denying your need to explore the depths and heights, take the middle road more often.

Pisces I (February 23 – March 2)

  • Sometimes you need to be more aggressive. Keep in touch with everyday matters and remain attentive to your needs and the needs of others. Beware of alienation through placing yourself on a higher plane. Seeking a higher state of consciousness need not mean avoiding shouldering the work of life.

Pisces II (March 3 – March 10)

  • Try to remain realistic in your outlook. Resist the lure of escapes, in all their varies forms. On the other hand, leave a window open on the world. Continue to strive for trust and acceptance, but remember to stand up for yourself as well. Improving your social position may make certain things easier for you. Your suffering may neither be unique or, for that matter, necessary.

Pisces III (March 11 – March 18)

  • Be more demanding of yourself in your personal development, and contribute actively to the life around you. Beware of neglecting to build a firm foundation. There is a limit to what you are capable of overcoming–make life easier for yourself, and be willing to compromise when necessary.

The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone, Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers



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Simpler times…

I miss the simpler times when a telephone was all you had to communicate with someone. No social media, no texting, no blocking someone. You were forced to communicate or listen to the obnoxious phone ring over and over until you answered. Heck I even remember tying a string to two cans and playing telephone as a kid (still confused by that as it is a bit too much science for this blonde brain to comprehend how those two cans and a string worked)…

I wanted to reach out to you the other day. I reached out last month on the day of the Star and you forgave me. The intent was not to get a response but to bring something to light. To bring to your attention that I made you feel. And that is why you walked away. There is no other reason. But I chose not to send the email as I do not wish to be a hard limit pusher. You need to heal on your own terms, as I am mine. Please don’t misunderstand this post, for me, to write is to heal, to speak my truth and my needs come first. I am not selfish. That is the dynamic. I am happy you walked away this time as you were correct, I was not healing, you were a distraction. You were right, I wasn’t focused on my work.

I will trust that when/if that time comes I won’t need to seek the cards or outside sources, I will trust myself and that it’s the right time. I will trust that I will know without a shadow of a doubt when the right time will be to post this to the masses. Hoping you read. And it may never happen. Parts of this letter are over 2 months old, from our first lesson. You may just be a chapter in my life. An incredible one but who knows, only time will tell. For now I hold space for you as our story was pure magic and you said you would wait until June. But I have no idea if you’ll be at the other end of this journey, sadly I am not psychic.

I recognize that that I anxiously attached to you. Shut down the entire world except focusing on you, feeling a deep connection with just you, but that is not healthy. I need balance, strength and justice. I need to sit in the space and recognize why I chose you. It is my choice to choose you and your choice to choose me. Free will is a beautiful thing. You’re not the only person in the world. You don’t have to be a mathematician to recognize that there is way more than 1 person in the world for me. The subject of “The One” is beautiful but there are many ones, it’s just about who are we willing to work it out with, who are we meeting at the right time in our lives. So I need to sit in this space and recognize that you were brought into my life. And I was brought into yours. I chose you, and you chose me, and you said you would wait, but you have walked away three times now. Was it truly for my healing, or yours or some other lesson. I currently trust that it is all 3. And it may not be our time. I am doing the work without you, focused on the end goal. Up for the challenge. I heard you when you said I was jeopardizing my healing and myself for you, because by accepting that you are my Sir, my owner, my master and my divine union, I give myself over to you completely. That is submission. You were shocked by the transformation. And I accept that scared you. It made you feel. Not something you wanted. But do you need it? It’s a intimidating thing. I am sorry I triggered you, but to be triggered is to heal. If you choose to process. I hope you see that. Because in order to be in a life with me you will need to be open and honest and true to who you are, you will need to no longer deny your heart, your truth or your magic. To return to me, you will need to walk through the door knowing you’re entering a divine spiritual union.

To know is to enter.
To enter is to heal.
To heal is to love.

Hear me. I know you listen, but do you hear me? See me? Feel me?

Humbly yours,


I honestly think eye contact is a Taurus and Scorpio axis thing. Taurus do it more intimately and intensely and scorpios do it more passively and lustfully. Taurus do it in a more connect oriented way where as scorpios do it more in a reading/investigating you way. Scorpios don’t like to make eye contact contrary to belief and if you do it more than them they’ll be shy. Taurus on the other hand will stare you down as if they’re looking in your soul, eye contact is a read on your character for them.

Sagittarius and Gemini are senstive in person and detached when they’re apart from you. On one hand they love intimacy and real life affection but when you’re away they can seem less interested or rather distracted or bored but what it really is, is that they are so independent that they can easily get caught up with their own pursuits often keeping you in their mind but not actively showing that. You matter but you become a mental fixation rather than something they pursue in the real world mainly because they end up getting caught up in their own endeavors. This is often why people think these signs seem hot and cold romantically when really there feelings are consistent they just aren’t needy or dependent on the physical aspect.

Aquarius and Leo’s are afraid of commitment. Not because they’re players but rather because they are so soft and emotional and so deeply in love with people that they let in. This scares them though so they often can get scared off easily by meeting the one or by meeting someone who fits all there boxes which is why they often subconsciously pursue flings or momentary satisfaction so they don’t have to actually give any thing deeper of themselves to another person. The funny thing is though they get over this stage and often do find there way back to those who’ve loved them, they just need time to really get over the fear. In a sense they are truly the cat afraid to dip their whole paw into the water, hence the theme water bearer and lion. They’re afraid to really be happy.

Pisces and Virgos are equally distracted. Virgos just seem more grounded because their distraction and rather unavailable nature is rooted in their focus on career and work related activities. Pisces is louder with their unavailable/distracted nature because they wear it and embody it. They meet in the middle because they both are endlessly sacrificing and deeply loving souls but virgo actually brings this desire into the real world with the sacrifice of not being able to bring the emotional side to the action. Pisces aren’t always able to bring this desire to palpable levels despite their intense desire to, so often times they can come across as unreliable and wishy washy but unlike virgo in the rare moments that they are actually able to make good on their actions they are able to bring the emotional side to the action. So virgo and Pisces are two sides of the coin of sacrifice it’s just that both go about sacrificing for the ones they love differently. Pisces may spend years trying to do this while a virgo can do it the day of. The difference being one is with feelings and the other isn’t.

Aries and libra tend to have the reversed roles on their axis. Aries aren’t as selfish as they’re made out to be and libra are no where near as co-dependent or people oriented as people make them to be. Aries actions are libra centered meaning that they do everything based on the thoughts of how it might effect people around them. In there deeper self they want admiration and acknowledgement the same way a child wants to be seen doing things. For better or for worse they center all of their individualistic actions on the hopes or at times compliance of how it will help, hurt, impact or move another person. Libra on the other hand center their actions under them helm of Aries desire so often times they have more “self” oriented expections when they do things. They don’t really care about how they are perceived deep down, they care more about their own innate satisfaction with a choice and wether that choice will impact their future self and their future selfs circumstances. Will it benefit them? Will they be happy? Will the be sad? This is often the source of their indecisiveness. So in theory Aries and libra are backwards in terms of their inner worlds.

Cancer and Capricorn’s are both hyper aware of themselves. But this hyper awareness is reverse in the sense that Capricorn is aware of themselves publically, aware of their health and mind in the long run but not in the moment or the short term. Cancer is hyper aware of themselves in the more intimate ways, the home, the short term and the moment. So often times these natives can both equally seem caught up in themselves which can give them the air of selfishness or dissociation with the world around them when in reality they’re painfully in tune with it just not in the compacity that most people are. They spend days hours and years digging into themselves to achieve this concept of perfection that can at times age them beyond there years making them seem like old souls. Out of all the axis Capricorn and cancer are the most similar in their path meaning that at times they yin and yang one another quite a bit in their concepts, including the concept of self awareness and being comfortable with the self before becoming comfortable with others, which is often times why they can be horrible at integrating to the wills of others.


How the Venus Signs Show Love

Aries- They’re very flirty signs, they often are very impatient and rush into things because they’re impulsive. They love to be in relationships even if it’s bad for them. Even if they’re mistreated they stay because of how much they love, love.

Taurus- They crave physical touch, it’s their love language. They express their love through touch. They’re very romantic and don’t rush into relationships at all. They mainly prefer being single and are independent. They know when to settle. Also, taurus rule the throat. Take that as you will.

Gemini- They’re kind of “awkward” when it comes to relationships. They don’t like settling, and they’re just don’t like talking about emotions or feelings. They as well dislike confrontation so it’s hard for them to someone they like them. But once they’re comfortable, they’re very passionate lovers. They mainly show affection through sarcasm and jokes.

Cancer- They’re very shy which makes them hard to be in a relationship. It’s easy for a Cancer Venus to develop feelings because they have unrealistic standards and just think a lot. They’re very passionate and loyal people though. Once a cancer venus truly loves you, you’re the only person who matters. They show their love by words and comfort.

Leo- They show their love through compliments. They love to give and receive compliments. Love is the most important thing in their life, so they are very loyal people. They have high expectations as they love attention and affection.

Virgo- Virgo venus get turned off very quickly. They are quite a critical partner, but they love endlessly. They’re very picky, so if they choose you, you’re special. They love to show their lives through hugs and cuddles. They’re very warm around those who they love and would do anything for them.

Libra- They show love through being kind and caring towards you. They will show you they care about you. Libra venus is known as the sign of love. They’re naturally very flirty and romantic. They prioritize communication and want you to be treated amazing.

Scorpio- Scorpio venus is a very physical sign. They’re very known for being intense in bed and just passionate lovers. But scorpios deeply need connections with people’s souls. They love to know every inch of you. They are very willing to commit and express love through intimacy and pleasure.

Sagittarius- They in general, hate commitment. A relationship is definitely not their top priority and they’re extremely independent. They express their love by devoting time to you and joking around. They love laughing and be close with the people they love most. Relationships with sagittarius venus are very fun ones.

Capricorn- They are very cautious when it comes to love. They don’t immediately jump into a relationship, they definitely are the type to test the waters first. Capricorn venus are very prone to be cheated on because of how hard it is for them to let go. They show their love through spending their time with you and taking you out on dates. They love to show off the best sides of them.

Aquarius- This venus is very child like and usually have playful relationships. They don’t like showing affection nor their emotions when it comes to relationships. They can come off as cold. Their relationships can mainly just be short little flings. But when they love someone and see a future, they will stay with them as long as they can. They show their love through their words as aquarius venus are incredibly smart with their words.

Pisces- This venus is clingy. It’s hard for them to let go. They’re kinky individuals and are sensual. They often create a false image of the person they love or have feelings for because of their day dreams. They love VERY hard. They’re very in tune with their emotions, and their partners emotions. They show their love through showing how much they care about you and deep conversations.


aries moons are just as scared of expressing their more gentle emotions that make them vulnerable as aquarius/capricorn/scorpio but they feel anger is an emotion that makes you empowered, not vulnerable, so they often channel every single feeling they have into aggression, rage that can often appear infantile, and thick-skinned hostility. they’re the definition of “looks angry, is actually sad and hurt”. there’s a lot of difficulty in admitting their vulnerability even to themselves.

taurus moon understand people really well but pretend they often end up pretending they don’t understand because they are very protective of themselves and they consider every point of view that’s different from their own to be a threat to their stable and comfortable way of life. that’s why they shut off their natural inclination to be understanding of others and choose, sometimes without even realizing it fully, a lifestyle for themselves that rarely changes, therefore has little room for improvement.

gemini moons create all by themselves so much noise in their heads and hearts just so they can run away from things like commitment, emotions, making choices and knowing what they want. they seek stimulation from various sources all the time so they can be able to switch their focus from their emotional world to…idk, something supposedly more interesting but actually just less scary for them. they use their incessant inner monologue to talk over the voice of their real feelings.

cancer is a peculiar archetype - it’s associated with both the mother and the baby. this shows in cancer moons as an inner indecision which role to take - the nurturer or the nurtured. in the first case, they might feel as if they don’t receive enough love. in the second, they might feel as if they don’t give enough love. that’s why it’s important to remember you can be both and that maturity is often connected to learning how to implement and appreciate ambiguity. other people might make it hard for you too, expecting you to be either baby or a mom person for their peace of mind they find through simplicity, and you may internalize those expectations.

leo as an archetype needs outside validation. or, best case scenario, they don’t need it, they just feel really good when they get it. leo suns often have a natural inclination for attracting attention but leo moons have trouble doing that. they really need praise and appreciation to be happy with anything they do but also they don’t know how to ask for it and feel that if they somehow called forward the appraisal, it’s actually not genuine and given to them out of pity or smth. so they’re often stuck in situations where they can’t really say what they want and count on other ppl to guess it.

virgo moons… actually i have absolutely no fkn idea. like that’s the thing with you guys, you’re so damn secretive. i mean everyone knows capricorn and scorpio are hiding stuff so they’re obvsly not so good at doing it, but you? you really just don’t believe people can understand most of your inner world and you have disillusioned yourself to the point of just believing no one will ever be good enough to comprehend you, that’s why it’s best to pretend there’s nothing to understand in order to make annoying ppl stop trying and let you be.

libra moons are some of the most adapting ppl but this leaves them with a suppressed anger that others dont adapt enough and always demand more flexibility from them. they might end up feeling chronically dissatisfied in their relationships because of this. they’re often switching between extremeties like “it’s all my fault, i am probably really selfish and horrible cuz i did this one thing for myself four years ago” and “you never did enough, i am always so considerate and thoughtful and you’re not at all”. it’s hard to reach balance in that state of mind and that’s what libra is all about after all.

scorpio moons really just need peace but keep starting drama. the intensity of their emotions just really doesn’t leave them much choice, there’s just a natural inclination to control and hide the power of their feelings, but when you do that systematically there is a specific kind of pressure building up inside that demands to be let out in some way. so scorpio moons, unwilling to show how DEEPLY they’re feeling but at the same time needing an outlet of the tension inside, stir up dramatic and extreme situations that they don’t really need to be in. and this disrupts the peace they need in order to express their emotions properly and build some trust.

sagittarius moon is very similar to gemini, after all they’re opposite signs. the difference here is that while gemini moon uses the internal monologue to avoid things, sag uses other people for the same purpose. when they don’t wanna face something, they just get lost in other people’s internal monologues, odd as it is. or in philosophy, or some sort of art or science, something to study in depth. I’ve noticed it’s quite common for sagittarius moons to have people around them that try to make them pay attention to the parts of themselves they’re avoiding. and they just love to argue with said people in order to prove how they’re not avoiding anything at all and they’re just ruining everything.

capricorn moon culture is caring so much about some things that you totally suppress your care and come out as completely uncaring and freezingly cold so you have to pretend to care about shit you don’t care about in order to appear at least a tad bit caring - as you really are. like you gotta fake who you really are cuz you can’t show it truthfully cuz it’s too much if you know what i mean. so you end up expressing real traits of your character but in a fake way and this confuses you emotionally even further.

aquarius moons are the most fragile ones imo. they’ve usually had a detached mother figure that didn’t provide them the attention they needed and didn’t really trust their feelings. that’s why it’s difficult for them to trust someone with their vulnerabilities. yet they really crave the type of intimacy that comes by sharing the sensitive parts of you - and let me tell you aquarius moons are really sensitive. so their reaction when they’re in a rut and realize they wish they could share why they’re upset to someone is to detach. to just run away somewhere, close themselves in their cage and deal with this on their own. they want someone to show them they care but every attempt of doing so may feel like an intrusion to the safety of detachment.

pisces moons are basically a bundle of self-sabotaging mechanisms. honestly it may really take a while with this moon to figure out which mechanism started where and how it intertwines with another and cancels a third one and so on. they’re both detached from their feelings - yes they are - and very emotional, both deeply emotionally intelligent and kind of dumb with feelings. they know what they feel but they don’t if it’s them feeling it or someone else. it’s basically a mess of contradictions and they must implement some strict routine of introspection, meditation or some form of creating art in order to receive the clarity they so desperately need.

/this was originally just a rant exposing my capricorn moon ass but i started thinking about similar mechanisms working with the rest of the moon signs and this happened lmao/



Aries: I start to feel like im losing control so

Taurus: I start to feel uncomfortable with my surroundings so

Gemini: I start to have trouble verbalizing my feelings and thoughts so

Cancer: I start to feel unsafe so

Leo: My self-image starts deteriorating so

Virgo: I feel unorganized so

Libra: I feel out of balance so

Scorpio: I start being self-destructive so

Sagittarius: I feel trapped in my own mind so

Capricorn: I feel like a failure so

Aquarius: I feel too generic so

Pisces: I’m drowning in responsibilities so


1st house: I let everyone know through my self-expression to deal with it

2nd house: I pamper myself or but myself new stuff to deal with it

3rd house: I keep it to myself and overthink to deal with it

4th house: I cry and let it all out to deal with it

5th house: Do what makes me happy to deal with it

6th house: I organize or clean my environment and mind to deal with it

7th house: I distract myself with relationships and the people around me to deal with it

8th house: I start falling back into my usual bad habits to deal with it

9th house: I move somewhere else and leave people behind to deal with it

10th house: I start to be harder on myself and think of how I can be better to deal with it

11th house: I isolate myself to deal with it

12th house: I escape back to my own reality to deal with it.

#calendar    #saint seiya    #fanart    #aiolia    #gemini    #lost canvas    #marco albiero    #zaionic    #kashuan    #hellstinger    #prema-ja    #leenuay    #saintcosevent    #maidsaint    #kerogi-haku    #リクアキラ    #cosmomika    #knights of the zodiac    

Sun Sign

Your sun sign is best described as your answer to the question, “Who are you?” It is your personality and character traits, at least your most prominent ones. That being said, all of your signs are meant to tell you about yourself and they should all be read in context. That means if your sun is a fire sun but the majority of your other placements are water then you will display some fire attributes, but also a lot of water traits because that is what you have more of.

The Signs Are…

♈️Aries - Born March 21 to April 19. Aries’ are confident, motivated, brave, passionate. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Fire, Metal: Iron, Ruler: Mars, Season: Spring, Stone: Amethyst, Diamond, Color: Red, Symbol: The Ram

♉️Taurus - Born April 20 to May 20. Taurus’ are stable, dependable, stubborn, loyal, strong. Modality: Fixed, Element: Earth, Metal: Copper, Ruler: Venus, Season: Spring, Stone: Emerald, Color: Green, Symbol: The Bull

♊️Gemini - Born May 21 to June 20. Gemini’s are social, adaptable, curious, versatile. Modality: Mutable, Element: Air, Metal: Mercury, Ruler: Mercury, Season: Spring, Stone: Agate, Color: Yellow, Symbol: The Twins

♋️Cancer - Born June 21 to July 22. Cancer’s are loyal, caring, sensitive, intuitive. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Water, Metal: Silver, Ruler: Moon, Season: Summer, Stone: Pearl, Opal, Color: White, Yellow, Symbol: The Crab

♌️Leo - Born July 23 - August 22. Leo’s are confident, assertive, dramatic, warm. Modality: Fixed, Element: Fire, Metal: Gold, Ruler: Sun, Season: Summer, Stone: Ruby, Color: Orange, Gold, Symbol: The Lion

♍️Virgo - Born August 23 to September 22. Virgo’s are intelligent, analytical, practical, loyal. Modality: Mutable, Element: Earth, Metal: Mercury, Ruler: Mercury, Season: Summer, Stone: Sapphire, Color: Blue, Beige, Symbol: The Maiden

♎️Libra - Born September 23 to October 22. Libra’s are Idealistic, Fair, Clever, Diplomatic. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Air, Metal: Copper, Ruler: Venus, Season: Autumn, Stone: Diamond, Quartz, Marble, Color: Green, Blue, Symbol: The Scales

♏️Scorpio - Born October 23 to November 22. Scorpio’s are Perceptive, Determined, Focused, Intelligent. Modality: Fixed, Element: Water, Metal: Steel, Iron, Ruler: Pluto, Mars, Season: Autumn, Stone: Topaz, Opal, Color: Purple, Symbol(s): Scorpion, Eagle, Snake, Phoenix

♐️Sagittarius - Born November 23 to December 22. Sagittarius’ are Adventurous, Independent, Optimistic, Outspoken. Modality: Mutable, Element: Fire, Metal: Tin, Ruler: Jupiter, Season: Autumn, Stone: Topaz, Color: Turquoise, Symbol: The Archer

♑️Capricorn - Born December 22 to January 19. Capricorn’s are Ambitious, Resourceful, Wise, Prudent. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Earth, Metal: Lead, Ruler: Saturn, Season: Winter, Stone: Amber, Onyx, Color: Brown, Black, Grey, Symbol: The Goat

♒️Aquarius - Born January 20 to February 18. Aquarius’ are independent, leaders, inventive, smart. Modality: Fixed, Element: Air, Metal: Uranium, Ruler: Uranus, Season: Winter, Stone: Amethyst, Color: Blue, Symbol: Water-Bearer

♓️Pisces - Born February 19 to March 20. Pisces’ are Artistic, Perceptive, Intuitive, Compassionate. Modality: Mutable, Element: Water, Metal: Tin, Ruler: Neptune, Season: Winter, Stone: Jade, Color: Purple, Blue, Green, Symbol: The Fish

Geminis in Ravenclaw are the ultimate communicators. They are often seen in the halls having heated debates with various students at once. So it’s safe to say that they are often in detention because of their uncontrollable need to debate with professors constantly. They especially pride themselves on their knowledge of lesser known languages and are never seen without at least three books. Unfortunately, many Gemini Ravenclaws have trouble completing projects because once their minds settle on one idea, it immediately skips over to another. Most of the projects they do complete were probably better off just being ideas. Expect many of them to be tremendously talented Alchemists.

Aries ♈︎:

Aries placements can make for a fiery, pioneering, and persistent attitude associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aries belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Mars.

Taurus ♉︎:

Taurus placements can make for a balanced, rational, resourceful style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Taurus belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Venus.

Gemini ♊︎:

Gemini placements can make for a lively, versatile, and synchronized approach connecting with the impact of the celestial body.  Gemini belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Mercury.

Cancer ♋︎:

Cancer placements can make for an enthusiastic, cautious, and conventional methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Cancer belongs to the element Water and is ruled by the Moon.

Leo ♌︎:

Leo placements can make for a welcoming, thrilling, and flamboyant style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Leo belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by the Sun.

Virgo ♍︎:

Virgo placements can make for a conscientious, practical, and analytical attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Virgo belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Mercury.

Libra ♎︎:

Libra placements can make for a sophisticated, fair-minded, sociable approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Libra belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Venus.

Scorpio ♏︎:

Scorpio placements can make for an intense, secluded, elaborate methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Scorpio belongs to the element water and is ruled by Mars or Pluto.

Sagittarius ♐︎:

Sagittarius placements can make for an expansive, charming, independent style connecting with the influence of the celestial body. Sagittarius belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn ♑︎:

Capricorn placements can make for an acquisitive, focused, plausible attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Capricorn belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Saturn.

Aquarius ♒︎:

Aquarius placements can make for an alluring, imaginative, inventive approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aquarius belongs to the element air, and is ruled by the planet Saturn or Uranus.

Pisces ♓︎:

Pisces placements can make for an enthusiastic, ingenious, beautiful methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Pisces belongs to the element water and is ruled by the Mercury or Pluto.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

The signs’ horoscope for 2020

All hope will be lost for these signs to. They’d better stay home in bed and forget to breath for a while idk:

None of the signs

These signs will have a terrible year. They sometimes say “Per aspera ad astra”, meaning “through hardships to the stars”. Not for these signs, though. That would be more like a “per aspera ad aspera” if you get what I mean. I mean hardships without end.:

None of the signs

These signs are lucky this year. Even if they struggle, it gets better. Even when there are setbacks and annoying or sad things, they’ll be able to work through it if they just try. They shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when they struggle or give a compliment; that will make their dayseasier and more enjoyable!:

All the damnsigns.

Don’t forget to tag your sign when you reblog! Tag your friends or S/O!

If you tag “I’m none of the signs lol” I will hunt your inbox and I’ll be in your DM’s! Just a warning! I will! I will.

The Winter #ColdMoon Showing up one day after the beginning of winter Solace is starting out in the

The Winter #ColdMoon Showing up one day after the beginning of winter Solace is starting out in the sign of #Gemini reminding us to #celebrate all the good moments of 2018. This includes reaching out to those we love to thank them for the part that they played in those good moments and thanking those for helping us through the not so good moments then at 12:49 PM the #fullmoon moves into #cancer a sign that reminds us to reflect and do some self-care to prepare us to move forward into the new year rested and rejuvenated For new beginnings and bigger dreams to go for with all our hearts believing in ourselves more than anyone else in 2019 #higherconsciousness #lifeofapsychic #psychicinyourpocket #spiritualjourney

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Personal Aesthetic ♊

Anonymous asked:

Could you do a hufflepuff aesthetic for a girl named Claire? I’m also a Gemini if it helps at all

(version without name included)

Couple Aesthetic

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Would you mind making a background with a Pisces girl and Gemini Boy who both love history? Preferably with pink and blue? Even if you don’t, I hope you have a great day!!!


First of the Fire Signs, Aries’ temperamental and dynamic nature is heightened. This Zodiac Sign is one of activity, adventure, and interest in just about everything. Much like a flame freshly ignited in a fireplace full of kindling, Aries has plenty of room for growth and expansion. For the same reason, Aries also is associated with a rather innocent and childlike quality.

First of the Earth Signs, Taurusis the most strong and stable. They seek a life full of harmony and happiness. Like the crust of the Earth, Taurus provides a solid foundation. Taurus is warm and nurturing, loving to care for anyone and everyone. They thoroughly enjoy material comforts, especially those with high aesthetic quality.

First of the Air Signs, Geminiis the most flighty. Much like a “dust devil,” this Zodiac Sign spins erratically through life without slowing down, meanwhile, they pick up carry with them anything lucky enough to fall in their path. This Sign also indicates a feeling of incompletion; as Gemini drifts along the wind searching for someone to make them feel complete.

First of the Water Signs, Cancer caring and empathetic nature is heightened. This Zodiac Sign is known for being genuine, compassionate, nurturing, and helpful, along with being reserved and secretive, wary to open up to anyone but those closest to them. Though this Sign is known for being gentle, Cancer can become quite aggressive when they need to defend themselves or those they care about – like a river that spills it’s banks.

As the middle Fire Sign, Leo enjoys being in the center - center of attention and center stage, to be specific. This Zodiac Sign is like fire at its peak; strong and steadily sharing its warmth and light. Leo is dependable, and grandiose, with a knack for making their presence known. With such a regal nature, Leo can comfortably command a crowd.

As the middle Earth Sign, Virgo is like the Middle of the Earth – not on one side, or the other; not too soft or too rigid, too hot or too cold. This Zodiac Sign is stable, observing, analytical, and helpful – Virgo carefully observes those around them, stepping in precisely when help is needed. Virgo isn’t as materialistic than the other Earth Signs; instead, this Sign often becomes rather fixated on taking comfort in order and organization.

As the middle Air Sign, Libra’s air is steady and reliable – much like the vital air we breathe.  Libra seeks harmony, balance, and peace. They thrive on relationships – romance is as vital to Libra as oxygen is. Libra provides for loved ones like air provides for humanity.

As the middle Water Sign, Scorpio enjoys observing those around them. Like a raging river, Scorpio is both intense and powerful. Rivers shape and control the environment in which they exist. Similarly, Scorpio’s tend to control both themselves and their environment. Fully equipped with an equally intuitive and cunning nature, Scorpio has a knack for  revealing secrets.

As the last of the Fire Signs, Sagittarius is the bottom of the fire – the unknown part, the mysterious part. Sagittarius is philosophical. Fire’s creative and idealistic nature is especially strong in this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius is the most gentle of the Fire Signs, symbolic of fire slowly nearing its end.

As the last of the Earth Signs, Capricorn is much like the lowest part of the Earth – the part that is shrouded in mystery, mostly unable to be studied, and composed by various minerals and elements. Capricorn enjoys materialistic possessions and public status. This Zodiac Sign is logical, realistic, stable, and steady. Capricorn values their social standing and will often fight to preserve it.

As the last of the Air Signs, Aquarius symbolizes the jet steam that flows high above our humanly forms. This distance allows them to observe those around them in their mission to achieve originality and progress. Aquarius can be unpredictable and erratic, but also are known for their advanced thinking.

As the last of the Water Signs, Pisces is highly philosophical and spiritual. Much like a small creek that changes directions by even the most gentle of environmental factors. This Zodiac Sign is mystical, calm, and have lovely charm – like the creek that artists venture to for inspiration to paint their canvas. Pisces value beauty in their lives, both physical art and beautiful personalities.
