#gender dysphoria


Transthetics giveaway!

Use my link (above) and I’ll get another entry thanks in advance!

Where to buy packing underwear online

Here is a list I compiled of online stores that sell packing underwear, as well as prices (mostly in CDN due to my location, also occasionally USD and AU). I made this list for my own personal use, but figured it may be helpful to share with others? It’s a long post, but hopefully it’ll get even longer with some input from other community members!  

Please feel free to add any stores I missed, include reviews, etc. via reblog and/or comment!

*Please be advised that many of these stores are 18+ due to their selling s*x toy harnesses etc.* 


Spareparts brand “Pete Underwear” commando ($34 CDN), trunks ($44 CDN)


Spareparts brand “Pete Underwear” freestyle ($33.95 CDN) and trunks ($39.95)

Rodeoh brand “Truhk” boxer $50.00 CDN


Rodeoh brand boxer ($19 USD), STP boxer ($29 USD), STP long boxer ($25 USD)

Packer Gear brand boxer ($27 USD), briefs ($25 USD)

In-store altered PS Briefs ($17.50 USD), trunks ($19 USD), boxers ($19.50)

Spareparts brand “Pete Underwear” jock ($28.95), briefs ($34.95 USD), trunks ($35.95)


Store brand briefs ($43.79), boxers ($46.36), and button fly boxer (48.94)


Store brand “Budgie Briefs” ($39.36 CAD)


Rodeoh brand no-fly boxers ($20-22 USD), packing brief ($20 USD), STP packing boxer ($30.00), button fly boxer ($25.00 USD)

Packer Gear brand brief ($28.00 USD)

Spareparts brand “Pete Underwear” trunks ($40 USD), freestyle ($34 USD)


Store brand classic boxer ($19.99 USD) in black white grey green

Store brand boxers w graphics ($19.99-25 USD)

Store brand sport jock ($29.99 USD)

Store brand briefs ($19.99 USD) in white grey black green

Button fly boxer ($25 USD) teal, marble, dark grey

Boxer w graphics ($19.99-25 USD)

Boxer w extended leg ($15-25 USD)

STP boxer ($29.99 USD) black and grey

FTM Gear section includes a variety of packers, stps, and toys


Store brand trunks ($12 AU) and briefs ($6 AU)

I have also heard of tranzwear.net, but I haven’t the time to research the store rn.

Hopefully I will be able to update this post w more info soon! (updates may include links, descriptions of the stores esp. which ones are available to minors, etc.)

I realized I’ve talked a lot about “educational resources” about trans people, but haven’t recommended any specific resources? Well,,

uppercaseCHASE1 has a fantastic Trans 101 series that’s perfect for educating cis and trans people alike about stuff like:

“What is transgender?”, terminology, pronouns, gender dysphoria, social legal and medical transitioning, different types of surgeries, HRT, etc.

There’s over 30 videos and they’re all fantastic, I highly recommend you check it out if you haven’t already! 

when somebody calls me boy , my heart just goes ✨✨

oscillating between being sad i wasn’t born with my boy bits… and kinda really liking being trans bc us boys are special boys

TRIGGER WARNING: Gender dysphoria. 

Hey, guys. So, as most of you know, my little/wife is a trans woman. She’s wanted Sex Reassignment Surgery since the day she discovered what being trans was. It would make her life so much easier. It would take care of most of her dysphoria, dysmorphia, self-esteem issues… It would make her so, so happy. I want to see her happy in her own skin.

But due to our financial issues, we’re nowhere near being able to afford it ourselves. We’re lucky is we scrape by $100 a month for going out to eat. That’s why, with her blessing, I started a GoFundMe for her to hopefully reach this goal.

Guys, she’s so sweet, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be happy as much as she does. She’s such a good person, and it pains me to see her stuck like this. To see her in such distress. 

Here’s the link to the GoFundMe for her surgery. 


On top of it, if we end up with money after the expenses of her surgery, we plan on donating it to TransActive, so that we can spread awareness and affirmation for trans youth, so that they’re comfortable and informed enough to come out as soon as possible. Lex has no bigger regret than the fact that she didn’t transition earlier. We want to give more people that option.

Any little bit helps, guys! Thank!

️‍⚧️✨ MTF/mtx tips ✨️‍⚧️


i really suggest not tucking with tape, so please try this alternative (good4budget) or buy a pair of undies specifically made for tucking!


getting a swimsuit with a skirt whether it be a one piece or two, is great for hiding the bits. especially if it’s in black! for those of you who do use tape, it’s good to note that most tucking tape should last about 2hrs in the water.


measure your chest and shoulders to make sure you’re buying the right bra size! i suggest getting a padded one a size up, so you can fill it in. i really suggest getting silicone inserts and some double sided tape to keep them in place if they don’t have their own adhesive. you could always use tissue, make homemade inserts, or buy these foam inserts for only $5usd!

more about bras linked ✨ here&here

natural estrogen

I reallt suggest trying this! Some people say this stuff doesn’t work but I definitely think it does the trick!

Soy: i highly recommend soy because it’s really high in estrogen and is easy to get and add into your daily diet! tofu, soy beans, soy milk, soy yogurt, soy powder, etc;

fruits/veggies: peaches, raspberries!!, strawberries, dried prunes, alfalfa sprouts, winter squash, green beans, broccoli, and cabbage.

Wild-yam, lentils, flaxseeds, and bust tea!! (tiddy skittle herbs )

Before I end the post, I’d like to add that tomboyx.com is a great place to shop no matter your agab/gender! I’ll be making a part two if this gets enough notes. Stay safe! <33



Altsex: A person with either dysphoria about not looking DMAB/DFAB, or simply wants to look AMAB/AFAB due to the idea being euphoric. This can be both (alt)pect and (alt)guina, one and then the rest of your body, or any mixture of testi(cled)-Wolffian/ovari(ated)-Müllerian sex characteristics. Regardless of DSAB/ASAB.

Created by @plurgai​ - AP



[Image description: vertical 5 stripes colored respectively with red, black, grey, white and yellow. End ID]

Oe-Altsex: A person with either dysphoria about not looking ©AMAB, or simply wants to look DMAB due to the idea being euphoric. This can be both altpect and altguina, one and then the rest of your body, or any mixture of MAAB/MDAB sex characteristics.

- AP



[Image description: vertical 5 stripes colored respectively with blue, black, grey, white and green. End ID]

Ae-Altsex: A person with either dysphoria about not looking ©AFAB, or simply wants to look DFAB due to the idea being euphoric. This can be both pect and guina, one and then the rest of your body, or any mixture of FDAB/FAAB sex characteristics.

- AP



Genital dysphoria: discomfort, confliction or distress with one’s genital sex, sometimes also gonadal and other secondary/phenotypic sex characteristics, not always external. 

It’s also known as genital dysmorphia when it’s not caused by a mismatch or disconnect between the biological/body/corporeal sex and gender identity, however people use the term this way even though they are not essentially gender dysphoric or transgender.

- AP

kontextmaschine: kontextmaschine:majortomiscominghome: I kept forgetting that I was a boy and not a kontextmaschine: kontextmaschine:majortomiscominghome: I kept forgetting that I was a boy and not a




I kept forgetting that I was a boy and not a girl. It was not gender euphoric

I smoked 5-MeO- well, I forget if this was DMT or DIPT – in college, the one that takes you from zero to tripping absolute balls and back in like 3 minutes, and I’d recommend that! I would not recommend salvia.

Wait, it was so not euphoric it was… dysphoric. I took salvia looking for an Experience, spun the wheel, and it came up “gender dysphoria”. Huh.

Post link

What do I feel about you?

You are handsome, and hot,

But not the way my friend fans herself

for Edward Cullen and Jacob Black

In my head, the words hold different meaning

How I wish my laugh would be like gravel

How I wish the curve of my hips would flatten

There is a good angle and

If I squint, it does seem okay, doesn’t it?

No, not really

Nevermind. Stop looking at mirrors.

So I look pretty. So you say.

So you said, I have the complexion for dresses

The figure for crop tops and skirts

So I did, perhaps

Should have went to someone who

Appreciated it, at least

Back then, it wasn’t a possibility

I kept on trying, to find a style

Trying on bras, maybe one would fit me

There’s a dress for everyone, they said,

And indeed, there is, and I look fabulous

I have proven to people that I can

That I know fashion

But none feels like home

Like shirt and pants did

On that man’s body

Do I want you on my bed?

Or do I want to be you?

So it grows, that longing

But it isn’t feasible, too expensive

Whereas a binder is easy

And I am okay, with my new short hair

I am handsome, I am hot

View on a certain angle, and I look just fine

Then I pick up the phone -


I walk into a room -


My consolation was that,

Sitting hunched, viewed from the back,

I am he

Not that I want to be a he

Do I?

I want to look like one

But I’m not one.

I’m neither

How is that supposed to work?

It took me years to understand

How long would others take?

It wasn’t that difficult, back then

I don’t pay attention

I’m good at it

I live in my daydreams, my paracosm

I don’t see the mirror, I draw myself

But then they went and grew a beard

Got that gravelly voice

And I couldn’t think of anything else

There is a way, they said

It’s not all impossible

Somewhat feasible, even

As long as you don’t pay attention to official documents

There is a way

It could be done

I could

I want to

I am afraid

I don’t know how it works



Honestly misinformation about dysphoria is one of the biggest downfalls for people

I just saw someone who said “I only experience dysphoria sometimes so that means I’m genderfluid” and I feel so fucking bad for them


You’re trans buddy. There’s no need to use overcomplicated labels. Fluctuating dysphoria is a real thing - I have it and it fucking sucks because it makes me think I’m not really trans or I’m faking it or whatever. It doesn’t mean you’re some fake gender, it means you’re trans and that’s normal! I went through the same problem because I thought my unnatural dysphoria meant I was bigender or genderfluid or a demiboy or pangender, hell I wanted to be pangender or deergender just because I liked the colors of the flags. But that’s not how being trans works - you either are or you aren’t. You’re not in between, your gender isn’t half and half, your gender doesn’t fluctuate, and you certainly aren’t trans or some other gender just because you think it’s cool or pretty.

And dysphoria certainly doesn’t mean hating yourself. I mean I’m pretty sure I have fucking depression and anxiety and gender dysphoria makes it all worse. It does make me hate my body, but I don’t really hate myself as a person. I wish I was born a cis guy, but that doesn’t mean I hate who I am now. I just need a body I can be happy in, because this one hurts me. I’m excited for the changes I can have, even if it means suffering through acne and weird smell and whatever. It’s not self hatred, it’s a neurological condition that lets me know that the body I’m in is wrong. That’s all that’s happening and this misinformation is extremely detrimental to many people.

great post, op. more people gotta read this (specifically and especially tucutes & MOGAI kids)

(ID: one hand labeled “autism” shaking hands with another hand labeled “gender dysphoria”, where their hands meet it says “making me dress inappropriately for the weather”)

Thinkin about those day when I used to be a transmed..

Why tf was I convinced to join a group of people that 1) have repeated the WRONG definition of gender dysphoria multiple times, and 2) don’t even have a set in requirement of gender dysphoria (like, how bad must your dysphoria be to qualify as trans? Is a little dysphoria enough, or does it have to be severe?)?????

All I see are children running around, spouting pure garbage from their mouths and hoping that it’ll sound “scientific” enough. 

Like a flat-earther not having a set model for their earth, transmeds can’t even negotiate how much dysphoria makes a trans person “trans”, let alone define it properly. Sad!

Shortened the post

Trans people do not need dysphoria to be trans, and not every trans person “desires” cispassing. Not every trans person feels distress, and many trans people are fine with their current physical self. 

Perpetuating these false beliefs leads people to believe that all trans people must be inherently distressed with themselves/their transness, and that they must do literally everything in their power to cispass (even if they don’t want to/can’t due to social/familial/financial/etc. factors).

No trans person has to dwell in distress just to satisfy transmedicalist and other transphobic beliefs

Transmeds argue that “dysphoria is needed to be trans” and that “trans people should find a way to pass/transition no matter what” and those arguments are hurting more than they are helping.

To argue that dysphoria is needed to be trans, is to place a burden onto those trans people that possess no distress or discomfort. That is stressful, and can lead to a series of issues, including peer pressure, and trans individuals insisting that they have dysphoria when they have known for a long time that they experience no discomfort whatsoever.

To insist that trans people must make an effort to pass and transition is very inconsiderate and manipulative. There are trans people that may want to transition and pass any way they want, but they are stuck in a terrible environment, or they may not have the financial means to transition or pass. There are trans people that find cispassing unnecessary, and they find transitioning to be unnecessary as well. They are comfortable in their bodies and with their current clothes. Forcing the radical belief that trans people “must make an effort to pass” at the expense of their comfort, finances, life and well being, is destructive, and can lead to trans people of any age giving in to peer pressure.

That peer pressure can lead to problems, and may lead to trans people making decisions they didn’t want to make due the pressure put on them for not having dysphoria or refusing to transition and cispass.

Not every trans person has dysphoria, and not every trans person wishes to transition, cispass, or change their gender expression. If those trans people are comfortable with themselves, who are transmeds to take away that comfort?

I hope eventually cis people in general will be able to understand the actual extent of what gender dysphoria is

Obviously there’s no way for someone to properly understand it without experiencing it, but I do wish people knew it was more than “being sad or uncomfortable when people call you the wrong gender”

I didn’t think I had much dysphoria until I started taking T, then I realized that my dysphoria was so bad that I had been severely dissociating because of it since I was a child. It got to the point that because I wasn’t fixing it, I experienced horrible chronic pain and fatigue on a daily basis as a result of extreme suppressed stress.

My therapist was horrified when he realized I was working a job where I had to actively deadname myself every five minutes for eight hours a day, because it was destroying me mentally and physically and I didn’t even realize until I stopped. I was so used to extreme stress and constant pain that I thought it was normal.

The only reason I realized this was because it stopped after I came out and started transitioning.

I feel like if more people informed themselves on the effects of dysphoria from the words of trans people, I would have to deal less with people going “you should be more patient with people who knowingly misgender you”

People that call themselves radical feminists telling dysphoric teenagers that they’re ‘mutilating themselves’ and being ‘homophobic’, while trans rights activists tell dysphoric teenagers that their feelings are not uncommon or ‘wrong’ and that there are solutions and that they’ll be supported. No wonder many dysphoric teenagers will start identifying as ‘trans’ and socially and physically transitioning, with an unclear amount of them regretting this later on.

Some of these radical feminists might mean well, but they fail to realize that their tactics only encourage(!) teenagers to transition. And I know this is a thing, because this actually happened to me personally. The condescending choice of words and lack of empathy make that you won’t even consider listening to any of their points.

Don’t pretend you’re ‘fighting against misogyny’, while calling trans men and detransitioned women ‘mutilated’. You are reducing us to our bodies, in an outspokenly degrading way. That’s quite misogynist.

Dysphoric teenagers should know that there’s a lot of people that experience gender dysphoria, and that people deal with this in different ways. Transitioning isn’t always the best solution, even though for some it might be. A lot of different factors contribute to or can even cause dysphoria, such as misogyny, sexism and homophobia. It is possible to internalize these things. As someone who is detransitioning after having used HRT for years and having had surgery, I would recommend trying to work on these views of society you might’ve internalized, before physically transitioning. Make your own, well informed choice. It’s your body.

kimabutch: [ID: a poem in two screenshots. The poem reads:Long after I’d found deliverance in a suitkimabutch: [ID: a poem in two screenshots. The poem reads:Long after I’d found deliverance in a suit


[ID: a poem in two screenshots. The poem reads:

Long after I’d found deliverance in a suit and tie, I kept my old dresses. Back of the closet, not quite out of sight — that guilt never quite out of mind.

How could I bear to throw out these beautiful gifts? (That I never wore) Hadn’t I wanted them? (Hadn’t I wanted to want them?) Hadn’t I been excited to receive them? (Hadn’t I watched in the mirror as a pretty stranger put them on, constricted in flowing skirts?)

Maybe I’d want them some day. I’d show myself off to my family. “Look how happy I am with what you gave me.” “I’m not ungrateful.” “You knew me so well.” I never did.

I’ve got great boobs, in my lesbian opinion. I can’t hate them when I look in the mirror. Size, shape, weight — stalwart against months of testosterone, years of binding, more than a decade of their wrongness clawing at me, even as I prayed to want them.

Won’t I like them someday? Won’t I want to feed a child? Won’t my lovers like them? Shouldn’t I feel grateful?

I gave away my dresses, in the end — to my then-girlfriend, to my sister, to charity; heart whole to see someone else want them. My chest aches to do the same: give its breasts to one who’ll treat them well, with a user’s guide. “Yeah, they’ll hurt before your period, but they’re sensitive too, if you like that. Don’t forget to wash under them in the summer.”

A Double Incision Mastectomy With Free Nipple Grafts (top surgery) doesn’t work like that — uses most of the breasts to make a new chest. Hardly enough left over for a woman in need, only enough to turn my fantastic boobs into flat pecs (As scissors cut up dresses to make vests) (As needles stitch button-down shirts from old skirts.)

And maybe— maybe I loved the unwanted fabric of my body enough to give it strength to become something else. Not a giveaway, but a transformation.

End ID.]

A poem that I’ve been working on for a while but thinking about for years. Thanks for reading if you do.

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