#please help


I recently posted on the Sims 4 Studio forums but didn’t receive any response.

I decided to revisit my Glamper set and see if it needed any fixes. The biggest issue that has always bothered me is that the custom walls are darker than the camper ends (even though the textures are the exact same color).

Even if I make them “shinier” they are still dark, just dark and shiny (I removed the shine like a year ago which was an improvement). I can’t figure out how to lighten them up. I’m assuming it has something to do with shadows and the way light hits the walls but I don’t know how to fix it.

This has always bothered me and I would love tips if anyone knows how to fix it! Please help!


Please share this. Donate if you can. I could really use the help.

Please if you can, donate, or share this post.

Brimac0518 is the sweetest person I know, and truly the most dedicated parent and partner. She always put her family first, always.

Brimac0518 writing commissions are open, she is a talented writer you won’t regret it (her works inspired me for my second Dad Julian artwork).

She also has a Ko-Fi, with one time donations and a monthly supporter tier for $10 (exclusive access to sneak peeks of her works PLUS a 1,000 word fic featuring the content/prompt of your choice).

I’m trying to help her too, so since my online shop opened again (jammysketchbook.bigcartel.com) I’m giving her all my profits on the following prints :

- The Harvest Festival print
- Dad Julian sunlight print
- Ferdibert (FE3H) print

Thank you


hi. i know i havent been here in a while but i need help.

my gf has been through absolute hell this week, with the passing of her mother and losing her home, among other things i wont go into detail about for her sake. but it would mean the world if anyone would be able to donate a few dollars or even just reblog to get it to people who can. ill link the gofundme in the next reblog for anyone who’s interested in helping!

im also willing to do any commissions for those who donate $30+ with proof!

hi beautiful souls! i’m moving into my very own apartment that i’ve been waiting 6 months to be ready on Tuesday! i’m so grateful!!!

however, since it’s halfway through the month, i had to pay rent at my current place so i’m short on money. my dad was able to loan me most of it, but now i’m ~$50 short of moving.

i would ask my mom but she’s a narcissist and is abusive to me, so i really don’t want to talk to her, and i don’t think she’ll even help me. i have no one else to ask but you guys.

i’m so excited and so grateful that my new apartment is ready, i trust that everything will work out for me! if you’re able to help it work out and donate, my paypal, cashapp, and venmo username is amijo21 ..i just need $50!! please reblog if you can’t help by donating, thank you so much (✿^‿^)(◠‿・)—☆


if i’m meant to get help, i will.

hi beautiful souls, i hope you are doing well! i could really use some help.

i have been waiting 6 MONTHS to move into my new apartment. i’ve lived with my mom and roommates my entire life, this will be my very first own place where i can finally heal and be free. it’s ready to move in next week. i had the money saved up until yesterday, where i had 2 choices: pay part of the rent at my current place, or be evicted. i had to pay $300, making me that much short of moving. and that only covered rent until Feb 16th. i can’t afford to pay full rent here, so if i don’t move out by then, i will be evicted.

i asked my spirit guides what i should do, and they said i should ask online, and that i will find the money.

i need help raising $300 to move. i am disabled, and the gov doesn’t pay much for disability. i have no other way of finding the money, except social media. i would make a gofundme but they don’t give you the donations immediately, and i need them by Wednesday (Feb 16).

literally anything helps, if everyone donated $5 it would reach my goal in no time. i can’t be evicted, or it will go on my record and i won’t be able to find a place to live in the future. if you can donate anything, and i mean anything,my paypal, cashapp, and venmo are all amijo21

if you can’t donate, please reblog and help boost. if i am meant to get help, i will. thank you for reading.


Hello everyone!

I became the victim of unscrupulous doctors, so now I need the money to fix what they have done.

If it’s not too much trouble, my comissions are open. Reposts and donations is also a big help!

Thank you all in advance!

(Examples of my work are on my page)


So ok I cheat on my crochet from time to time with other fiber work

Today I’m working on orders for my super popular Halloween Scrunchies working with my vintage Singer machine, my trusted work horse!

I’m going to donate a portion of all the sales in my Etsy shop this weekend to the Red Cross for Hurricane Michael relief. I have a lot of family in Panama City Beach, one who lost his home. I feel deeply for the people in that area as I’ve lived through my share of bad storms being a life long Florida resident. They face a tough road ahead. I’m glad to see the Red Cross there helping residents!

So come visit orangeporridge.etsy.com pick up some cute Scrunchies or an adorable avocado plush and help the victims of Michael ⛑️



Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m i

Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m in a real pickle, folks. As of now I cannot afford water or toilet paper not even speaking about rent and food. 

If you can’t afford a commission but would like to help me out, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ANGEL here’s my Paypal I will make you a little sketch <3

If you have any questions or want to make an order please DM me!

If you can’t help me monetarily, please please please reblog and boost this post so I can get out of this situation!

Post link

not really related to anything i post at all. like ever. but i thought i’d share this great picture i made

Today is mental health day & i hope that everyone is looking out for one and other.. and also, t

Today is mental health day & i hope that everyone is looking out for one and other.. and also, talk to a person who you feel are feeling a bit down.. make a difference. Make them feel wanted & appreciated

Post link



I told you there would be reprocussions for not getting my rent paid on time.

Now I’m going to be homeless. I need money now! I need to either placate my landlords or to get first and last month’s rent.


[email protected]



please buy a painting, or contribute money on PayPal or Venmo, or if you can’t do that please repost as much as you possibly can.

The trolls are winning and I’m so fucked. But I guess that was the point.

These part couple days I haven’t been begging. Which is a no no. I have just been so tired from working out and emotional stress that I have passed out at 9 or 9:30 every night.  That is still no excuse though.

Tonight I am thinking of begging in a way I haven’t before just to show Master how much I need his cock. Also planning on greeting him at the door differently. I know that there has to be punishment for my lack of begging and other things such as saying “I” and “me” instead of “this slave” and “your slave”, saying “no” and just my attitude in general.

I honestly  don’t know why I am doing things that displease Master. I know it isn’t on purpose. Maybe I am just not thinking everything through and how it effects him and makes him feel, which should be my first thought in doing things. “Will this please Master and bring him joy?” used to be the first thought I had before doing things, so why has it changed?

I want Master to be happy and to be pleased with all my actions. Why have I lost the fire this week? I am leaving in six days for three weeks so one would think I would be doing the opposite.

Maybe I need to sit and meditate and try to get my emotions straight. Do some self healing today before he returns home from work so I will be in a better mood and happier spirits. That may be helpful.

please help me figure this out, I feel lost right now.

Is this normal, to act out in such a way before I depart?

hey uh, our condolences to everyone whos hyperfixations are fading and to everyone who lost their hyperfixation and is trying to find one. we’re currently flip-flopping between 2 of our old ones and we can’t find any new stuff to fixate on, so we totally get it




Hi! New problem! My paycheck doesn’t cover my rent! Rent is $607 and paycheck is $496.64 I need $112 to cover rent, please help me if you can.




Hello thanks for taking time to read my post. I need a little help I’m recently getting evicted. I’m trying to come up with the money. I’ve been going through some struggles of getting out an abusive relationship, losing my car. I have no family where I live. My mom was my only support and she has passed over 2 Years ago. I tired to get back in school to better myself for me and my 6 year old boy. Life keeps hitting me . My health is declining from my diabetes I recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure and lymphedema. So it’s been a struggle trying to work and keep up with everything. I hate to even ask but a small donation would be very helpful and appreciated. I just need to keep the roof over me and my son. Understandable if a donation couldn’t be made I will appreciate a reblog please and thanks so much ❤️

$0/$600 ill keep updates ✨️

I also have Zelle. My email for that is [email protected]

Thanks SO much I appreciate anything !


Hello thanks for taking time to read my post. I need a little help I’m recently getting evicted. I’m trying to come up with the money. I’ve been going through some struggles of getting out an abusive relationship, losing my car. I have no family where I live. My mom was my only support and she has passed over 2 Years ago. I tired to get back in school to better myself for me and my 6 year old boy. Life keeps hitting me . My health is declining from my diabetes I recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure and lymphedema. So it’s been a struggle trying to work and keep up with everything. I hate to even ask but a small donation would be very helpful and appreciated. I just need to keep the roof over me and my son. Understandable if a donation couldn’t be made I will appreciate a reblog please and thanks so much ❤️

$0/$600 ill keep updates ✨️

I also have Zelle. My email for that is [email protected]

Thanks SO much I appreciate anything !


I had an amazing, long talk with my sister yesterday and she might be asexual and/or aromantic. It seems like some people have persuaded her that she just isn’t ready for a relationship, although I’m a bit doubtful of that, as she said that she doesn’t even feel any attraction. 

If you are asexual and/or aromantic, or anywhere else on the ace spectrum, I’d love to her about your own experience, however much you want to share about it. I’d like to show her what (other) ace and/or aro people feel, maybe she’ll identify with your experiences. 

So please - you’d do me and my sister a huge favour!! - send in any of your experiences you feel comfortable sharing. They can be as long or as short as you want them to be, about anything related to your identity. 

Send your experiences as an ask, submit a post, send me an instant message, anything works - I won’t post anything you don’t want me to, of course! 

Thank you so much for your help. If you’re not on the spectrum yourself, I’d love it if you could reblog this to reach other people! <3

summercatworld: Hi, I’m SummerMy human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it wsummercatworld: Hi, I’m SummerMy human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it wsummercatworld: Hi, I’m SummerMy human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it wsummercatworld: Hi, I’m SummerMy human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it wsummercatworld: Hi, I’m SummerMy human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it w


Hi, I’m Summer
My human chose that name because I came home on a rainy night and it was like a little sunshine at home. My favorite things are to run around the garden in the morning, destroy small tomatoes and hunt dragonflies. I already broke my leg because of this!! I am a very happy and loved cat. I live with my human and her aunt now. One day when my human came home I could not get out of my bed. She took me to the vet and I was burning with fever. I love to play and I scratched myself somewhere. It was at home because I am an indoor cat. It was very small and was being treated but it infected very quickly. I needed to be hospitalized for several days and treated the abscess with surgery. We do not have much money and my human’s emergency funds are putting an end to our vet visits. She is a student and does not earn much. The vet was paid with a credit card for a cousin but we have to pay everything off soon. We do not have much to sell to pay for it. I know it’s really too much to ask but we have nothing to do. I’m very young and have my whole life ahead of me. Anything helps us. That would mean a lot to me and my human <3

You can help us here: https://www.youcaring.com/summer-832722

We will post updates and photos soon

**help summer**

Post link


So much for my Birthday..

Yes, my birthday is tommrow…

So instead of enjoying my birthday, I get to deal with no more frequent work with my freelance client who just up and left me without warning. Now that I have very little money in my patreon, I’m worried about not being able to pay for my cellphone bill and internet. This seriously made me depressed as I was about to work on comics and finish the planners and then this happens after I just submitted work for this guy.

Guys if you can, please help me out. If you know anyone whose looking for a designer for virtual assistant for work, please pass them my way. I had no luck finding a job IRL and I’ve been looking for over 3 years.

Please support me on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cosmicfunnies

Here is my gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/5x8qvk-help-me-move-out-of-my-abusive-home?

My Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/cosmicfunnies

My online store: https://www.cosmicfunnies.com

Thanks again, and I hope I find something by the holidays..

Have a nice week.

Signal boost! Jacqueline’s content is cute and most importantly, educational. If you can, join their Patreon, buy from their store, or just donate to help out. Hope they have a wonderful birthday! ❤️
