#send help



“You’re the best reward that time has given to me.”

My inbox is open!!

I need some recommendations on what to watch next :P

I’ve seen these already ⬇️

  • Sherlock
  • Supernatural
  • Doctor who
  • Brooklyn 99
  • Glee
  • The office
  • Handmaids tale
  • Lucifer
  • Queer eye
  • Stranger things
  • Umbrella academy

**Edit** I won’t watch 13 Reasons Why due to triggers

I’m sure there are more but whatever, help a girl out please lmao

lunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose referencelunarismonstrum:More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose reference


More Werewolf Chris doodles using renders and screenshots of Nergi as pose references! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

That’s it now you’ve done it. I am additcted to werewolf Chris congratulations!!!! *nuzzles into his fur*

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just spent the last 2 hours trying to get origin to work just so i can post new cc that i made last night and not any of the wips i already have i-


Stuck between being a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff and I don’t know which to pick!?!?! Minor existentiel crisis y'all:(

But like gUYS my heart needs to CHILL! All these sexy & cute KoREan bOYS are ruining me from the inside to out side, it’s like my teenage years are back again but stroNGER. WTH hORmoNES?! YoU need to StOP, now.

So ok I cheat on my crochet from time to time with other fiber work

Today I’m working on orders for my super popular Halloween Scrunchies working with my vintage Singer machine, my trusted work horse!

I’m going to donate a portion of all the sales in my Etsy shop this weekend to the Red Cross for Hurricane Michael relief. I have a lot of family in Panama City Beach, one who lost his home. I feel deeply for the people in that area as I’ve lived through my share of bad storms being a life long Florida resident. They face a tough road ahead. I’m glad to see the Red Cross there helping residents!

So come visit orangeporridge.etsy.com pick up some cute Scrunchies or an adorable avocado plush and help the victims of Michael ⛑️



When you’re too tired to try but too much of a perfectionist to give a half-effort so you just sit in limbo and do nothing until the assignment is past due.

“jack of all trades, master of none,

and terribly good at coming undone.”

- me, about me

I really don’t mean to cut everyone off, believe me

it happens

it’s not in my control

I can’t even control my own life

how could I control my friends

please im crying while taking my quizzes that are already months past the deadlines and im not even halfway done AND THE DUE DATES ARE UNTIL 27

I think I’ll die of boredom today, nothing really gets me out of it. It’s a big mood…..send help

Most people have really nice hobbies.

But I get myself into unnecessary situations that I shouldn’t be doing in the first place,and then lie or fake my way out of them to make it seem like the others person’s fault. H A H A , W h o o p s !

Hewwo OwO ,good afternoon,I hope you like gifs because I got more good shit.

so yeah i started reading haikyuu!! i have exams all next month i can’t be addicted to a new manga 

so yeah i started reading haikyuu!! i have exams all next month i can’t be addicted to a new manga 

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jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this???


Concept Photo (Proof ver.)

You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? HOW???

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Ah! That glorious moment when you have been working on something for a week and when you read it back you’re just like NOPE and hit the delete button.

Guess I’ll try again.


has anyone else noticed that jensen ackles tends to favor one particular pose

i like to call it the ‘lean n’ spread’


this here is jensen ackles 

Keep reading

Hello hi how are y’all I’m finally out of preventive quarantine for I tested negative, and yet I’m losing my mind working on this Valorant x Mucha thing soooo just wanted to make a quick W.I.P. update.

I don’t know if I’m more pleased of how it is turning out, or more frustrated about the amount of time and effort I’m putting on this while I should focus on exams.

Either way, still a LONG WAY TO GO. Will post the finished result at some time, of course still hypothesizing I’ll actually finish this one.

Which I’m not sure given the amount of details I have planned.

ANYWAYS. I really appreciate when a Sage resurrected me, even if I suck at the game.


How comes I just wanted to change the RAM sticks to my computer and found myself in a 4 hours odissey, disassembling and reassembling half of the machine to recover something that fell under the motherboard?!

Never went further than regular fans dusting before, I have officially unlocked a new level of anxiety.


Does anyone watch the arrangement on E!? I have binged watched it in the last day and a half and it has given me all the feels. I need a good fanfic to hold me over till the season finale! Please send help!

Well guys, gals, and non-binary pals… remember coffee shop girl? The saga? My bi-disastrous attempt to give this beautiful woman my number that I’ve been crushing on? Rev’s attempt to live a coffee shop au in real life?

Well I went in today, per my Friday usual, and guess who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all and has decided they’re curious… and wants to go out for dinner?

YA GIRL HAS A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone sedate me. I’m not okay


Deep inside she knew who she was, and that person was smart, and kind, and often funny. But somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.


my problem is that I download new cc - and instead of incorporating the new items into my current game -I just create a new family… smh.



You can use this as an ask meme and have people inbox you the numbers, or just fill it out on your own if you’re really bored. Whatever you feel like doing!

1. How do they react to pouring themselves a bowl of their favorite cereal and discovering there’s no milk?
2. How do they respond to telemarketers?
3. How many burgers can they eat in one meal?
4. If they found fifty dollars, what would they do with it?
5. What’s their immediate thought upon hearing a baby crying on a bus/plane/ect?
6. Opinions on bubble wrap?
7. What would they do if a sleazy person tried hitting on them in the street?
8. Would they take online personality quizzes?
9. How much belief do they invest in horoscopes?
10. If sent back in time to save the future, how badly would they fuck up?
11. How much time would they spend customizing a video game character?
12. What do they do if they’re at home and the electricity goes out?
13. Someone pushes the character into a pool while fully dressed. Do they seek revenge?
14. If the OC made an original character, what would they be like?
15. How would they conduct themselves if taken to a concert?
16. Would they buy merchandise of a TV show/movie/ect they like?
17. How do they act on social media sites?
18. What would they suggest to help someone rid themselves of the hiccups?
19. How long would they be able to listen to a 24 hour loop of their favorite song?
20. How would they react to discovering someone has stolen their lunch while they were in class/working/ect?

Send me asks! Instead of using OCs, choose a number and an X-men character - I need drawing inspiration!
