
NCT 127- Fire TruckOriginal release date: July 6, 2016~please like/reblog if used~*send me an ask orNCT 127- Fire TruckOriginal release date: July 6, 2016~please like/reblog if used~*send me an ask orNCT 127- Fire TruckOriginal release date: July 6, 2016~please like/reblog if used~*send me an ask orNCT 127- Fire TruckOriginal release date: July 6, 2016~please like/reblog if used~*send me an ask orNCT 127- Fire TruckOriginal release date: July 6, 2016~please like/reblog if used~*send me an ask or

NCT 127- Fire Truck

Original release date: July 6, 2016

~please like/reblog if used~

*send me an ask or message if you would like any of these modified or made to fit your specific phone screen*

Part of handsomeamanda’s tumblr comeback (more info here) (more of my comeback posts here)

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220601 WINWIN Studio & LOEWE罗意威 Weibo Update

220601 WayV_official Twitter Update

“Turn Back Time with WayV

Happy Children’s Day to everyone! Let’s all stay children at heart!”

220531 WINWIN Studio’s Weibo Update

220604 WINWIN Weibo Update

Sicheng and Taeyong icons!

hope that you like!

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Aries: The 7th Sense (NCT U)


Taurus: Taste The Feeling (NCT 127)


Gemini: Switch (NCT 127 ft.SMR15B)


Cancer: Cure (Taeyong w/ Yoo Youngjin)


Leo: Cherry Bomb (NCT 127)


Virgo: Without You (NCT U)


Libra: My First And Last (NCT Dream)


Scorpio: Limitless (NCT 127)


Sagittarius:Fire Truck (NCT 127)


Capricorn: We Young (NCT Dream)


Aquarius: Dream In A Dream (Ten)


Pisces:Chewing Gum (NCT Dream)


Aries:Mad City

Taurus: Another World



Leo:Fire Truck

Virgo:Back 2 U (AM 01:27)

Libra:Once Again

Scorpio: Baby Don’t Like It


Capricorn: Wake Up

Aquarius:Good Thing














Fire Signs:Ten

Earth Signs:Winwin

Air Signs:Doyoung

Water Signs:Taeyong

Cusps add:Jisung

☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au sicheng
happy, only slightly late, birthday <3
find others here: johnny|haechan|taeil|taeyong|mark|jaemin|yangyang |yuta

  • there is a sound that seltzer water makes when you drop something into it, like a slice of fresh fruit, like a little pop of fireworks
  • you remember liking the sound ever since you were young, much has changed since then, but you still like it now
  • you put the last bottle in the basket of your bike and check your phone, the farmers market opens in half an hour
  • your stand is much smaller than the rest, a lot of the people are driving down into town from large farms in the countryside. some local restaurants are setting up summertime stalls. 
  • your little abode is all but a wooden table you brought last night from your balcony, covered in a checkered cloth and a handwritten sign
  • cold sparkling cherry ades & lemonade - home made
  • though meager, you are content - setting out the cooler you expertly tied to the side of your handlebars with the drinks you’ve prepared
  • the summer sun beats down on your shoulders, but you don’t mind 
  • the people watching is a fun activity for an otherwise boring summer
  • the first couple of days, you’re not surprised by the scarce amount of customers
  • every other stand has more options and more people - but you still manage to sell some bottles, and with each one, you get a satisfied smile from the customer
  • one afternoon, you’re halfway through a book you’ve brought along when someone’s shadow casts over you
  • you close it and look up to see - 
  • “dong sicheng?”
  • “ah, i thought it was you.”
  • he’s taller than you remember, and broader. 
  • the hair longer at the back of his neck.
  • “are you back for the summer, i heard you spent last semester abroad?”
  • he nods, fingers reaching for one of the bottles of cherry ade
  • “can i buy one?”
  • you smile, “it’s on the house. tell me if you like it.”
  • he takes his time opening it, taking a long drink
  • you notice how his hand is large, big enough to wrap around the entire bottle’s width
  • he finally turns back to you and smiles, soft, “i do like it.”
  • you lean forward a little - “it’s my grandmothers recipe.”
  • “isn’t it just sparkling water and fruit?”
  • he tilts his head and you shake your head, “there’s a secret ingredient.”
  • his brown eyes reflect into an almost homey yellow when the sunrays beat down directly onto them
  • “what is it?”
  • you shrug, “secret- remember?”
  • he waves and you realize only a couple of minutes after he has gone
  • that he left money on the table
  • you bike back in the summer night breeze, suddenly remembering the last time you saw him - dong sicheng.
  • it was almost two years ago, since then he’s spent his time out of the country. 
  • you had passed his group of friends in the park, but he wasn’t ever there 
  • he’s grown, he got more handsome.
  • you wobble on your bike a little at the intrusive thought. you shake it out, instead focusing on the preparation for tomorrows market.
  • about a week passes, and maybe word has gotten out about your cherry ade, because you get a little more business
  • and sicheng keeps showing up
  • you keep giving him the drink for free - but somehow money always ends up on the table or in the tip jar
  • you think you should confront him, but that might be rude. 
  • so you just put it in a separate little box, planning that one day you’ll see him and give it all back.
  • it’s a friday when you look up from your book and see several shadows overcasting yours
  • you recognize them; kun, hendery, xiaojun, yukhei, ten, and yangyang
  • hendery pulls a bottle of lemonade from your cooler and grins
  • “so this is the stuff sicheng keeps drinking?”
  • kun snatches it and settles it back between the ice
  • “no, it’s the cherry ade.”
  • he turns to you with a slight grin, “but i don’t think it’s just the cherry ade he’s been coming back for.”
  • you have no idea what he’s talking about - and you put a hand on your hip
  • “do you guys want to buy something or-”
  • “sorry, seven cherry ades please.”
  • you count them - “but there’s only six of you.”
  • “we’re getting one for sicheng.”
  • your heart sinks a bit when you assume that means sicheng won’t come himself 
  • but place the seven bottles into a brown paper bag
  • kun thanks you, hands you the money, but you refuse it
  • “i keep telling sicheng they’re on the house, but he keeps giving me money. ill just assume he paid for those seven in …. theory.”
  • kun smiles because he understands what you mean 
  • hendery just looks at xiaojun for some help, but gets a halfhearted mumble in return
  • as the market closes for the day, the moon is peeking up in the sky 
  • but it isn’t dark just yet
  • you pack what’s leftover into your bikes basket before walking out to the sidewalk
  • parked on the edge is a car you’re not familiar with, between all the vans from the different farms
  • the car door opens and sicheng’s tall figure folds himself out of the drivers seat
  • “do you bike home alone?”
  • “it’s only three miles, it really isn’t anything to be worried about.”
  • he tilts his head toward the trunk
  • “i think your bike will fit - and you can hold the basket up front.”
  • you are a little dizzy suddenly when you’re seated beside him and sicheng is pulling out from his parking spot 
  • it has been silent since those words and you want to say something to avoid this kind of dense atmosphere so you open your mouth - but nothing comes out
  • why am i nervous? 
  • “i heard my friends visited you today, im sorry if they bothered you. some of them are -” he shakes his head a bit “a handful.”
  • “i assume you mean hendery?”
  • “that one and yangyang, sometimes ten and xiaojun get looped into it too. yukhei is too nice to say no.”
  • “kun?”
  • he slows the car a little at a red light
  • “he’s too smart to go along with the idiocy.” 
  • “he said something to me today.”
  • sicheng swallows, you catch his reflection in the car mirror
  • “he said you don’t only show up for the cherry ade….to the farmers market i mean, do you -”
  • you sit up straighter and your grip on the basket of leftover drinks tightens
  • “do you have another stall you like-”
  • “it’s you.”
  • the car starts moving again
  • “me?”
  • he seems to come out of his tight skin for a second, rolling his shoulders back but never letting go of the wheel
  • he keeps his eyes on the road till you get to your house, you have no idea how he remembers where you live, but you ask again before you get out
  • “me?”
  • finally sicheng turns to you and in the close proximity you see how the two years of age has made him more defined 
  • “there were things about this place the i missed when i left, but i -”
  • he lets go of the wheel
  • “but i was surprised when i missed you.”
  • the night sky has come out fully now, which is weird - not much time seems to has past
  • “oh, i -” it had never occurred to you if you missed him too. maybe part of you did, subconsciously, because when you saw him again at the market you had felt more whole than before.
  • “don’t worry about feeling the same-” he sighs, voice smaller than before but still deep “i just wanted to let you know because my friends will probably open their big mouth-”
  • “can you kiss me?”
  • sicheng obliges, with only a second of hesitance, and it is slightly awkward because it’s over the middle partition and all and you’re holding the basket of unsold drinks
  • but it’s nice and it tastes like summer
  • and when he pulls back you say thank you out of sheer disorientation and happiness
  • only in the morning do you realize, i left the bike in his trunk!
  • you are ok with walking the two miles and you ready yourself for it but when you leave your house parked out front is sicheng
  • your bike is out of the trunk but when you put a hand on it he offers instead to drive you to the market
  • that way you can carry more drinks and he’ll drive you home after it closes too.
  • “you don’t have to do all that.”
  • “i want to.”
  • sicheng gets into the routine of doing it for you everyday, you insist numerous times that the bike is fine, but he never seems to fully listen
  • the only repayment he ever asks for are cold glasses of the cherry ade
  • and sometimes one more of those short, sweet in-car kisses
  • one morning as you’re walking out to meet him again he asks, gently, if you can skip this one day at the market
  • “why?”
  • “i thought we could go do something together.”
  • you agree, he could have just said date - you think with a little laugh to yourself, and are surprised when sicheng drives you out and down to the lake
  • there’s a sectioned off area for an outdoors cafe and when you both order the same cherry flavored drink, you note it as a coincidence
  • when it arrives, sicheng takes the first drink
  • “your homemade one is better.”
  • “i think you’re a little biased there.”
  • you feel him outstretch his long legs under the table, his ankles on either side of yours
  • the lean a little onto you, not too much, just enough minimal contact
  • “will you ever tell me the secret ingredient for it?”
  • he asks and you put your hands down on the table so they’re also just in reach of his own
  • he seems to get the signal and puts his hands down too, pinkies brushing pinkies
  • “if i decide you deserve to know.”
  • he sits up, “what’s the criteria for being worthy?”
  • you look away - out onto the lake 
  • “telling you would be cheating.”
  • “well, i have all summer to figure it out then.”
  • the rest of the date, as you are sure that’s what it is, goes so comfortably that it almost is like sicheng had never been gone for those two years
  • it’s as if you’ve seen him everyday and he’s held your hand everyday and he’s admired you when he thought you couldn’t notice…….everyday
  • when it finally is time to walk back to the car for the drive home
  • he stops and says with an almost delicacy about it, that you two should have a first - real - kiss
  • he keeps his hands to himself when he says this and you can tell he’s trying to be careful with you
  • you don’t like that, and so you take his larger wrists and drag him toward you until you place them where you want them - on your hips
  • you look up at him and his pupils seem just a bit blown out
  • “you said a real kiss right?”
  • you lean in first, which catches sicheng by surprise, he makes another sound of it when you tug his lower lip between your teeth
  • his fingers curl a little into the fabric of your shorts and you mutter before you break apart that you are not a glass bottle of cherry ade, he doesn’t have to handle with too much care
  • from then on it is a flurry, the rest of the summer still has you working the farmers market but you spend too many ‘breaks’ in between kissing with sicheng pressing your back up against a hidden wall or a tree
  • when some of the farmers or other stall owners catch you, they rush away and giggle when you pass by during closing
  • one of the local florist stalls corners sicheng before he makes his way over to you and insists he give you this bouquet
  • you set it up beside your cooler and sicheng takes a long drink before he joins you behind the table
  • he watches you play with his fingers while you wait for customers and although he tries to poise himself
  • in five minutes time he asks if you can take another break
  • with his lips on yours you get that aftertaste of cherries - and you love it
  • on the night you have you first complete sell out, all bottles gone, you say you and sicheng should celebrate
  • he assumes you mean go out to dinner or something but you tell him to drive you home now
  • and when he parks you take his hand in yours and lead him inside
  • the middle of the summer is the hottest and the stickiest and you leave the window open regardless of what the neighbors might hear because of it
  • sicheng, though you warned him to not be all too careful, is so considerate the whole time you are the one who has to pull your own shirt off first and everything else with it
  • in front of wide, flustered, and slowly darkening gaze of him
  • when you wake him up the next morning, he’s groggy and gives you a little sound of protest - you sit in your bed eating cherries and then tell sicheng you can tie the knot with your tongue
  • he watches you do it and before you can finish, he pulls you back down ontop of him
  • the summer’s sweetness of sicheng and your cherry ade continues until you start to realize the nights are getting longer and cooler
  • and the questions dawns on you
  • is sicheng here for good? or is he going to leave again, for another year, or two, or three?
  • you feel weird about asking him, because if he wants to go then you don’t want him to rethink it at the expensive of you
  • so you don’t - not until it’s the last day of the farmers market and you are standing beside him with his hand on your waist and you go
  • “are you ready to hear the secret ingredient?”
  • “oh - i finally deserve to know?”
  • he nuzzles a kiss against your ear
  • “i want you to know it before you…….if you leave, i want you to know it if you leave because i might not be able to tell you-”
  • his hand drops and you realize this is your fear coming to fruition 
  • “im not leaving.”
  • you turn, so fast you almost knock the cooler over but sicheng catches it before the glass bottles can go tumbling to the ground
  • “you’re not?”
  • “no. i don’t have any reason too because there’s something here i want to stay for now.”
  • he props the cooler back up and catches you still looking at him, he smiles softly
  • “unless you want me to go?”
  • “no!” you throw your hands around his neck and pull him down into a kiss that he has to stop because you are still in public
  • “then i wont go, i didnt plan on it and im not going to change my mind. i promise.”
  • he adds and you nod, an assurance coating the the doubt and terror that had built a home within you
  • “oh- the secret ingredient is-”
  • you lean up to whisper in his ear and he stifles a chuckle and a unsatisfied, ‘really?’ 
  • you pretend to be offended, but nod - “yes. really.”
  • “well i feel honored to know.”
  • his hand settles back on your waist and you lean into his side,
  • “you should be. you’re the only other person on earth right now who does.”
  • you remember liking the sound ever since you were young, much has changed since then, but you still like it now - that sound that seltzer makes when you drop something into it
  • you think sicheng has grown to love it too
  • standing behind you in the kitchen as you cut fresh cherries in halves and he watches
  • hands on either side of you - wedding band gleaming
  • “your hands are all dirty-” he mumbles and you take the diced cherries and plop three at a time into the glass bottles
  • the rest you feed to him over your shoulder, one for him - one for you
  • “ill wash them after im done.” 
  • he takes one of your hands and kiss them, you swat him away and tell him to go take the tray of glass bottles to the dining room
  • all your friends are there waiting patiently, all older, but all still together
  • hendery claps his hands and you hear it from the kitchen
  • he takes a bottle and goes, “isn’t this the real reason you married them sicheng - all the free cherry ade in the world.”
  • you hear a sound and kun grumbling the words, “don’t be dumb hendery.”
  • you laugh and turn the water on to wash your hands - you don’t hear it but xiaojun whispers to sicheng
  • “so - what’s the special ingredient, did they ever tell you?”
  • “i bet it’s love or something, right sicheng?”
  • ten snorts and sicheng looks through the room at you, standing in the home you’ve built together, smiling to yourself
  • “you could say it’s something like that.”

★ spy!au sicheng | tw: weapons + violence ment. 

  • yukhei keeps bouncing his leg under the poker table and sicheng thinks it really is going to drive him nuts
  • they’ve been wandering around the hotel for hours 
  • and the target hasn’t even shown their face, let alone made any sort of indication that they’d be coming down to enjoy the casino on this late summer evening
  • sicheng grits his teeth - was xiaojun’s intel wrong? 
  • the gun pressed against the side of his hip, cloaked by the long linen blazer he’s wearing, still manages to feel cold against his hot skin
  • he’s been spying on your company for years - this is the first time any news of your true identity has come to the surface in the underground world
  • if he can just get you alone, get you to admit that you are who he thinks you are
  • then he can get you to admit how your company is just a sham - just a shell to hide the business you’re actually in 
  • “i mean what if they just aren’t even here?”
  • sicheng’s eyes cut sharply into yukhei’s expression
  • he doesn’t have to even say it, but he does
  • “they are. xiaojun has never been wrong before.”
  • “ok, so what if they are here - but they’re not the evil mastermind criminal you think they- oh look at that i won!”
  • yukhei leans out to scoop the chips on the table toward him. the dealer giggles when he winks at her.
  • sicheng is getting impatient, yukhei could be right - but sicheng has never blown his cover and he has never apprehended an innocent civilian
  • he gets up, causing yukhei and the other players to startle
  • “restroom.”
  • he says and disappears, yukhei apologizing on behalf of his eccentric workbuddy.
  • sicheng splashes some water on his face and grips the side of the sink, he fishes an ear piece out of his pocket and slips it in, double-tapping it twice to connect him to his home base
  • ten’s laughter sparks through in a matter of seconds
  • “ah! hows the mission going?”
  • “put xiaojun on.”
  • ten sighs and mutters that he doesn’t like sicheng’s tone, he is his senior afterall
  • xiaojun’s voice comes in next
  • “sich-”
  • “sorry, but i dont recall asking you to give me bullshit information. sitting around and enjoying the beautiful sights of macau is fun and all that but im here to capture a criminal, not entertain yukhei’s blossoming gambling addiction.”
  • sicheng is pretty sure he can hear xiaojun cringe - but he keeps his voice low
  • “have their been any updates on their socials?”
  • xiaojun tinkers over on his side, and then confirms that you should be at the hotel. all of the gps signals from your phone are coming from the tower just down the block. 
  • “well they’re not here - are you telling me they flew over here for a vacation just to stay holed up in their ro-”
  • “sicheng, they just posted a photo on instagram. the targets sitting at your poker table.”
  • as quickly as he leaves, sicheng reemerges at the table. 
  • he’s happy to see that yukhei still looks perfectly composed, jolly and entertaining 
  • but as soon as sicheng sits back down, he feels a tap on his knee
  • it’s them
  • yukhei’s tap means, sicheng taps back
  • good. let’s proceed with the plan.
  • sicheng is only a bit surprised, internally of course, that you look so much like your photos
  • either you’re flaunting your identity or you’ve made the biggest oversight of your life
  • buying an international phone, with an international sms chip, should be pretty hard to trace. but macau is part of sicheng’s turf. as soon as you bought it - your information popped up on xiaojun’s servers
  • and now
  • here you were 
  • the dealer serves the cards, sicheng gets a flop of a hand
  • across the table, it looks like his target is giddy with their cards. 
  • yukhei picks up on it as well and leans over to whisper something into the targets ear
  • the target bursts into laughter again. good, yukhei will sweet talk his way in and sicheng will clean up with an invitation to join them for dinner later
  • “sir?”
  • the dealer’s voice pulls sicheng out of his mind and back to reality 
  • he pushes a small stack of chips into the middle 
  • “ah - looks like my buddy isn’t gonna win this one, huh?”
  • yukhei says to the target and they both giggle at sicheng. 
  • sicheng gives a shy, rehearsed smile 
  • he knows his handsome and quiet persona paired with yukhei’s equally as handsome and loud persona is a sure catch in these things
  • if you don’t like yukhei, you’ll like him. 
  • if you don’t like him, you’ll like yukhei.
  • the game goes on and everything goes to plan - sicheng is itching to get you alone - but his job is all about waiting
  • finally, the game ends - some rich old man on the other side of the table ends up with a boatload of everyone’s money
  • yukhei gets up and sicheng follows, buttoning his blazer
  • “would you like to join us for drinks, we’re going to head over to the bar”
  • yukhei asks first and sicheng bows his head slightly - polite, playing the gentlemen 
  • he hears the target confirm and sicheng starts counting down the seconds in his head
  • there’s an alley between the casino and the poolhouse, it’s used for the staff - but sicheng knows the hotel’s owner, kun and has arranged that it be off limits for tonight
  • he will get all the information he needs there
  • just as he’s about to follow after yukhei, whose hand is already lightly on the targets waist
  • the dealer places something down on the table and out of the corner of his eye - sicheng freezes
  • it’s the ace of spades, but there is something written on it
  • he shouldn’t be bothered by it, but his curiosity nips him to look
  • ‘and here i thought you’d actually catch me, dong sicheng.’
  • something in sicheng’s blood goes cold
  • he looks up and the dealer is gone
  • quickly, he sees a flash of the distinct red uniform that they wear weave away from him in the crowd
  • without notice, he takes off after it - and yukhei turns in confusion, calling out his name
  • the phone in sicheng’s back pocket is buzzing, he fumbles to get the ear piece back on and he hears xiaojun’s voice - staticy and unstable
  • “sicheng! we were looking at the wrong person - the actual- the- “
  • “xiaojun, i cant hear you!”
  • “the phone was planted! the - the phone-”
  • “xiaojun, get to it!”
  • “the dealer!”
  • sicheng rips the ear piece out, he dodges waiters with platters of drinks and drunk casino patrons as he follows your figure through them
  • at some point he think he loses sight of you, skirting to a stop near the doors to the kitchen when he hears someone shout from inside
  • he pushes through - and there you are, standing over a pile of desserts and a flabbergasted looking chef
  • you look over your shoulder and grin at sicheng, dashing off without another hesitation
  • sicheng follows, he hurries to grab the gun in his waistband, but stops as he realizes there are way too many eyes on him
  • he’s a spy, not a cop, if these people see a gun they’ll freak out
  • instead he jumps over the mess you’ve made - still chasing you
  • he’s surprised you’re faster than him, and it’s only when he turns the corner and into that little alley he’d set up earlier
  • that he catches you
  • but it’s too late - you’re standing there with our own gun drawn
  • behind you, where there should be another opening and sicheng was hoping he could call yukhei for back up - is a giant dumpster 
  • not even yukhei could scale it and sicheng puts his hands up as you motion with your free hand for him to back up
  • “did you know i was onto you?”
  • “of course.”
  • “how?”
  • “you shouldnt be so sure of yourself sicheng, you know.”
  • he swallows and in the dim light, he sees a slither of your face
  • he hadn’t paid any attention to you at the table - which he can’t forgive himself for - he usually indulges every detail
  • but now he can see that you’re suspicious
  • for one, you don’t even have a name tag on 
  • and you’re far too beautiful to be working tables at this casino - but that observation he files away for himself
  • “what are you talking about?”
  • “you think your friends won’t sell you out?”
  • the faces of yukhei, xiaojun, and ten flash through his mind. there’s also yangyang - a spy in training stationed on a mission abroad, and hendery - who knows about sicheng’s job only by an accidental meeting a couple of years back.
  • “none of my friends would sell me out.”
  • “oh im not talking about that sweet boy yukhei……..”
  • “then wh-”
  • kun? the owner of the hotel? 
  • sicheng’s eyes narrow - “what did you do to him?”
  • you pull back the gun, but not enough that sicheng feels safe enough to approach you
  • instead you start the slow walk closer, the more you inch forward the more of your face becomes clear to him
  • sicheng really doesn’t get it now, how could he have been so blind - you put a hand out to touch his cheek 
  • and as if you can read his mind, you answer his doubts
  • “it’s because you were way too focused on a stranger when you should have been looking at me.”
  • you give a tilt of your head and pout
  • “you’ve spent all this time chasing me, i thought you would finally sweep me off my feet this time.”
  • sicheng twitches, he hadn’t realized at the table, but you have a sweet smell wafting from you
  • he wonders if his brain is just malfunctioning due to all the mistakes he’s made or if you somehow managed to put it on in the time span of the chase
  • either way, it’s engulfing him - he thinks he won’t forget your face or this scent for a long time
  • he feels your other hand trace down the side of his blazer and pull his weapon masterfully from beneath
  • with both guns in your hands, he has to walk on eggshells now
  • “well, it looks like you’ll have to keep chasing.”
  • you step back and unbutton the vest of the uniform - sicheng’s eyes look away and he hears you slip the guns into what he assumes are holsters within the pockets
  • you suddenly lean forward, taking him by the chin and turning his attention back on you
  • “promise you won’t give up?”
  • you’re mocking him and it makes sicheng’s skin crawl
  • but at the same time, something in him is twisting around and reacting to the way your eyes, as cold and as cruel as they look, are reflecting under the shine of the moon
  • what a stupid romantic thought, sicheng tries to tell himself, but he can’t help it
  • “never”
  • he means to spit it back, to challenge you like you’re challenging him
  • but somehow it doesn’t sound that way and when you stand on the tips of your toes to kiss right beside his lip
  • you whisper
  • “good, i hope you really do get me next time.”
  • before disappearing and leaving sicheng alone - confused and pissed
  • when he finds yukhei again, his friend just blinks at him and asks
  • “what’s the stain on the side of your mouth it looks like -”
  • sicheng rubs it off with his sleeve 
  • “nothing. let’s get back to the base. im not letting this one get away.”

Look at him, he’s such a baby. Lil happy sun


spot the difference (you can’t)

KUNWIN 2016-2019


180928 NCT Twitter Update

오늘 우리 봉사활동 했어요❤️

(Trans.) We did some volunteer work today❤️
