

It’s weird to think that in this very moment someone is lying alone in their deathbed, balancing between life and death or reuniting with an old lover, tightly wrapped in a warm embrace or writing a suicide note, pondering different ways to say goodbye, right in this moment someone’s heart is fluttering from a first kiss and someone’s is breaking from a goodbye.

~ colorfulbiscuithandsdiplomat

“Roses are red, violets are blue,

sugar is sweet and perhaps so are you.

But the roses have wilted, the violets are dead,

the sugar bowl’s empty, your wrists are stained red.

The sun isn’t shining, the sky isn’t clear;

there’s no silver lining cause you’re no longer here.

Rain keeps on pouring, there’s no end in sight.

you’re laying there frozen, so far from the light.

Your beauty’s unreal, your smile the sun,

but time can’t be turned, nor actions undone.

The words that you wrote that only I read;

“I love you so much; please don’t cry when I’m dead.”

A bond that we formed, a love that ran deep,

a pain that we shared; a friend I could keep.

I wanted to hold you, wipe the tears from your eyes,

been there the moment you said your goodbyes.

I want to forget, but most times I don’t.

I want to let go, but I know that I won’t.

Tears on my face, memories burned in my head;

The roses are wilted, the violets are dead.

~ 4 am thoughts, Unknown

“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones, because regret is stronger than gratitude.”

~ Anne Frank’s Diary

“You’re gonna miss me

and when you do,

you’ll realize that you

only have yourself to blame

& I hope that blame hurts you

like the pain of you


hurt me.”

~ m.v

Du stehst vor mir und sagst zu mir „ich liebe dich.“

Ich blicke schweigend zu Boden und fühle in mich hinein.

Mein Herz schlägt in einem regelmäßigen Pochen, nicht lauter oder stärker als sonst.

Mein Bauch schmerzt, er verlangt nach Essen. Doch Schmetterlinge spüre ich nicht.

Meine Haut ist etwas feucht von der Hitze die uns umgibt, aber sie kribbelt nicht und kein Schauer läuft über meinen Rücken.

Ich berühre deine Hand mit meiner, doch Funken oder Stromschläge springen keine.

Liebe ich dich nicht oder ist nur mein Körper taub?

Ich blicke zu dir auf und sage „es tut mir leid“.

Ich war so verletzlich.
Und dann wurde ich verletzt.


“Yes, I’ve changed. Pain does that to people.”


I hate being needy!! Soo depressing!!

Espero que en tu puta vida vuelvas a sentirte tranquilo sabiendo que rompiste en mil pedazos a la que solías llamar “amor de tu vida”.

I’ve been considering it so much lately, but I’m also so afraid of death. I don’t

I’ve been considering it so much lately, but I’m also so afraid of death. I don’t know what to do anymore.

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