

I haven’t written here in a while. It’s mostly because I’ve just had nothing interesting to write about, and also cause I’ve been busy with schoolwork and the like. Second semester has been hell on my brain, let me tell you.

So, what have i been up to lately then? Well, I got more friendly with specific people at work. Recently I had my first bush party…well it wasn’t really a bush party, more like a small get together. We all brought our respective bottles of alcohol and got pleasantly drunk in a forest near our workplace. It felt real nice just hanging out with the guys, discussing silly things, talking gossip and getting tipsy. Highlight of the night was heading to the workplace before closing and talking with the cashiers. One of my friends says interesting things when he’s drunk.

Oh also there’s a girl at work I like, but I won’t talk about that right now because fuck writing about relationships right now.

BUTTERFLY KNIFE. Bought one of those recently. Not a real one, just a trainer because here in Canada we’re not allowed to have sharp objects that are quickly deploy-able. It’s still fun to practice on it regardless, especially because I have no intentions of stabbing anyone in the near future. So far I’ve learned how to do the Quick Open technique and the Zen Rollover. Very simple stuff, but I feel proud that I do those at least.

uhhh….what else has happened lately? Fuck I dunno. Guess it’s worth mentioning that my friends and I have plans to travel around Europe once we all graduate. Must say I’m excited for that, especially because it’ll satiate my desire to travel. Hungary, France, Germany…so much places I’d love to go and we’re making it happen. Hype!

I suppose that’s it for now. I’m still wide awake because insomnia and all, but that’s nothing I’m not used to. Here’s to another night of time well wasted!

I’m hungry.

You know, in all the recent events that took place the past few months, I kind of forgot what it was like to just have nothing going on at the moment. Now that I’m off the roller coaster of events, I’ve found myself reacquainted with the very quiet lifestyle I used to have.

This bothers me.

But no, don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not some crazy man who actively seeks out trouble and situations to keep life interesting. It’s not like that. What bothers me about the quiet parts of my life is that I cycle through a daily routine, completing one mundane task after another and not feeling excited for anything. I’m the kind of person who loves it when there’s something to be excited for. It can be anything, from a new found love, to a simple get together with friends.

To me, having something to be excited for makes getting out of the bed in the morning much easier. I’m sure you’re all well aware of how hard it is to drag yourself out of bed when, for example, the only thing you have to look forward to is going to school, then going to work, then coming back home to do more work for school. But hey, if there’s a party you’re set to go to on Friday then you’re going to be bright and chipper when you wake up, because you have something exciting to look forward to!

At least, that’s how it is in my case.

But hey, I suppose I’ll bask in the quietness of life for now. I may not enjoy the extremely mundane parts of it, but a little bit of downtime in the life events department never hurt anyone.

Remember when I said i would try not to fill this blog with relationship crap and stuff? Yeah well uh if the pictures I re-blog and the various posts I’ve made have been any indication, I haven’t really stuck to that promise all that well.
I suppose it’s because I use this as a way of venting. My last relationship left me worse for wear, more so than I like to let on. The pain has dulled, yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone. There’s still a small bit of it left over that will never go away, and I try to hide this from everyone because I’m supposed to, right? If I don’t I look like a pathetic loser who can’t let go…and that’s life.

And speaking of past relationships, I ended up getting back in touch with my ex recently after an entire month or so of having cut her out of my life. My plan was originally to forget her forever and just never talk to her ever again but…some plans never come to fruition. I was driving home from school one day and I heard a familiar song on the radio. Immediately thought of her and couldn’t get her out of my head. Tried to ignore it but in the end I decided I’d add her back on Facebook and Skype.

After a few hours, she noticed and apparently the first thing she did was creep through my Facebook wall. I guess she was curious about what I had been up to for so long. That’s cute I guess.

I don’t really know where I’m going with this and I don’t know why I got back in contact with her. My brain tells me she doesn’t deserve to even know me as a person anymore after what she did, but at the same time I also just want to talk with her again about things like we used to.

Not sure if she really wants to talk to me though. Probably doesn’t.

Summer NightsWhen you finally get yourself in bed at 2am and then this garbage happens. Summer NightsWhen you finally get yourself in bed at 2am and then this garbage happens. 

Summer Nights

When you finally get yourself in bed at 2am and then this garbage happens. 

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Emo Dwelling.

Follow me on Instagram for more art!


#setupropiodios #insomnia

#setupropiodios #insomnia

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insomnia is so weird one minute it’s 1:30am and you’re like ‘ah i’ll just finish this episode’ then oop it’s 4am so it’s 'ah i should sleep now’ and then somehow it’s gone 7am and you never even sat in your bed


Sleepless Nights by Portuguese illustrator, Francisco Fonseca, born in 1995.

Al Pacino on the set of “Insomnia”.

Al Pacino on the set of “Insomnia”.

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more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20more on my art books instagram pageDavid Lynch: Dark Splendor Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 20

more on my art books instagram page

David Lynch: Dark Splendor 

Hatje Cantz; First Edition edition, 2010, 352 pages.

This book is about David Lynch - the artist. It includes his drawings, paintings, lithographies, photographs, digital manipulations, installations, mixed media artworks, as well as some stills from his short films and films. 

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