#mental health support


“One of the hardest parts of changing for the better is that sometimes, the effects your past wrongful actions can resurface.

May you refuse to let the past deter you in your journey of becoming a better you."❤

“You’re wasting your precious light staying in the dark, darling. It doesn’t suit you.”

“But what will you do if everything falls through? Will you stay discouraged and dejected? Will you cry yourself to sleep? Or will you hope for the best,take a chance, and believe that you’ll be alright no matter what happens?”

Here’s to:

- working on your mental health

- developing your confidence

- drinking more water

- not allowing others to walk over you

- getting your fitness routine going

- incorporating healthier foods to your diet

- setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself

- working on being a better communicator

- believing in yourself

- being kind to yourself

- just taking care of you

You got this. ✨✨✨

Sometimes you really just have to let some people be in their damn feelings!

While your intentions are good, offering unwarranted solutions when someone’s feeling low AF can often times dig a deeper hole, ex: more negative thoughts, bring on anxiety/increase anxiety, feeling misunderstood, feeling incapable while also feeling pressure (ex: omg I have to try to bring myself to do XYZ to get out of this episode when I’m already struggling with X?!), etc.

What I mean by unwarranted solutions is saying things like, “I did this and it worked”, “you should try this”, “that’s tough…. BUT have you thought about”….



Okay… but how do I know whether to give my input or not?


When someone’s venting to you, ask them if they’d like your input/advice or if they prefer you to just listen.

If they want you to just listen, JUST LISTEN. Don’t feel like you need to solve a problem or provide therapy unless you’re actually their therapist!

‼️However, if this person is in harm (this also includes harming themselves) and the situation is detrimental to their well being, definitely do not take a back seat! Listen to what they’re telling you, sometimes it’s not just venting.‼️

A listening ear sometimes, especially from a friend, is more than enough. Let them be in their damn feelings! #respectfully


Oh tumblr- I’m sorry I never use you anymore. I’ve been working on self love & taking care of mental and physical health. I ride my bike to and from work now, I walk my doggo twice a day & I’m working on finding a therapist that I genuinely like. 2020 ain’t got nothing on this girl right here

When you’re tired, stressed, burned out, depressed, or just busy, figuring out how to feed yourself multiple times a day can take more energy than you have to give. Here’s a resource I’ve been leaning on lately so that feeding myself is easier.

I’ve never been a meal prepper because I don’t like eating leftovers over and over, and taping a written list of snack ideas to the pantry hasn’t worked for me in the past. When I tried a visual method by saving a folder of photos on my phone, something clicked. I’m a visual person—of course I would benefit from seeing a personal menu of food in my own kitchen! (I haven’t tried it, but I imagine a visual menu would work for kids too.) Right now, my menu has a lot of appetizer-type finger foods on it because that’s what sounds good and doesn’t take long to make or reheat. Maybe I’ll change my menu out seasonally like a restaurant…

Anyway, I hope this sparks an idea for you if deciding what food to make is a struggle. If not this method exactly, experiment and see what makes the task easier for you! I’m all for saving energy on daily, routine tasks so that I can spend it where it’s really important.
