
✨So HAPPY to finally be able to show you this magical piece, “The Oracle’s Divination&rd✨So HAPPY to finally be able to show you this magical piece, “The Oracle’s Divination&rd

✨So HAPPY to finally be able to show you this magical piece, “The Oracle’s Divination” for Labodega Gallery art show “Venus” this March!! 

If you’re in San Diego or anywhere near, don’t forget to come by! I sent my painting all the way from Indonesia btw so Im not there, unless I can teleport lol. Btw, in real life the colours are so bright and magical it even has sparkling blue effects on the paint, and ofc some glitters! Lighting can affect the colours the way you view it. Also, I have uploaded the VIDEOof this painting process on my youtube! Go check it out peeps~

WEBSITE : www.cindyantoinette.com
CONTACT : [email protected]


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Quitely (oil painting)Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful day! I just finished Quitely (oil painting)Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful day! I just finished Quitely (oil painting)Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful day! I just finished

Quitely (oil painting)
Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful day! I just finished this piece, “Quitely” and uploaded the VIDEO process of this painting to my youtube. So make sure to check it out on my youtube and give some love peeps! I share with you a bit of my spiritual journey, so I hope that maybe you’ll resonate with my messages.


WEBSITE : www.cindyantoinette.com
CONTACT : [email protected]


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Where I ResideVIDEO painting process is now up on my youtube! Do you like painting sceneries/environWhere I ResideVIDEO painting process is now up on my youtube! Do you like painting sceneries/environ

Where I Reside
VIDEO painting process is now up on my youtube! Do you like painting sceneries/environment? If so, pls do tell me about it! The scenery in this painting was heavily inspired by Iceland. It’s one of the TOP places on my travel bucket list. In the video I also share a bit about showing your hidden parts within in my personal spiritual journey. Go check it out and give some love peeps!


WEBSITE : www.cindyantoinette.com
CONTACT : [email protected]


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✨The Creationist✨A new digital piece that’s quite different from my usual art, but something t

✨The Creationist✨
A new digital piece that’s quite different from my usual art, but something that’s always been a HUGE part of myself and my entire life. I’ve always been spiritual, and so I thought that it’s time for me to create more pieces that show that side of me. Psychedelic and symbolic art has always attracted my attention, so I wanted to make one! Hope you like this <3

The circle pattern behind her is of a Sacred Geometry or sometimes also known as Metatron’s Cube. Metatron is an Archangel from the Seraphim spectrum, and this angel often focuses of sacred knowledge, working with highly sensitive children, indigos, and so on.

Also, for this particular piece I was trying on a different technique of painting. I took a photo of myself and used the actual photo to be turned into a painting. So this is kind of a photo repainting, but still more towards digital art instead of just photomanipulation or touch up 


WEBSITE : www.cindyantoinette.com
CONTACT : [email protected]


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“Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth”byBenebell Wen

“Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner”byRoger J. Horne

“The Art of Magick: The Mystery of Deep Magick & Divine Rituals”,“The Art of Mysticism: Practical Guide to Mysticism & Spiritual Meditations”, and “The Art of Occultism: The Secrets of High Occultism & Inner Exploration”byGabriyell Sarom

“DMT: The Spirit Molecule” byRick Strassman, M.D.

“Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft”and“Sigil Witchery: A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols”byLaura Tempest Zakroff

“Six Ways: Approaches & Entries for Practical Magic”and
“Weaving Fate: Hypersigils, Changing the Past & Telling True Lies”byAidan Wachter

“High Magick: A Guide to Cannabis in Ritual and Mysticism”byPhilip H. Farber

“Angel Tech: A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection”byAntero Alli

“Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth”,“Protection & Reversal Magick”, and “The Sorcerer’s Secrets”byJason Miller

“Touched by Fire”,“Two Worlds & Inbetween”, and “Walking Between the Worlds”by Phil Hine

“The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles”byStephen Pressfield

“You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life”byJen Sincero

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”byMalcolm Gladwell

“Healing your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help you Raise your Self-Esteem, Quiet your Inner Critic, and Overcome your Shame”byBeverly Engel

“Quantum Psychology”byRobert Anton Wilson

“The Essential Skills of Magick”byBenjamin Rowe

“The Psychonaut’s Field Manual”byBluefluke

“Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner’s Guide On How To Control Your Dreams With Different Techniques”byAustin Knight

“Creating the Person You Want to Be: NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming”byTom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz,andSusan Sanders

“Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche”byRobert A. Johnson

Ouija Board DIY!

This was a lot of work but I think it was worth it! Something a bit special

#ouija board    #occult    #macabre    #speed paint    #painting    #planchette    #gothic    #gothgoth    #youtuber    #magick    #spiritualism    #seance    

Card Reading

Answers for @marisk

Hi, welcome back for your second card reading. Sit or lay down, wherever you feel most comfortable, and don’t hesitate to drink lots of water, to make sure you rinse out any old beliefs and connect with the new ones.

I asked my spirit guides and angels to help bring you guidance on whether you have chosen the right path in life? To let any messages that you need to hear come through. To help you stay strong in your own power and to rely on the guidance you receive, and to trust that it is for the highest and the best.

Dear Angels, do you have a message for this loving soul?

First came Silence and then came Sun.

Silence is a source of great strength. It is a reminder to not waste your words on people who deserve your silence. They want you to know that: “Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

Know that the intention with this message not necessarily is for you to keep your words hidden away, but rather for you to find acceptance and peace in not relying upon the support of others, but finding strength in your own support towards your self and the dreams you have.

Sun is a source of light and warmth, but mostly life. There is a sun within every person. You are invited to cherish every sunset and turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.

In this message I see that if you trust the universe and face the sun, you will see that the path you are on is right for you and all the old feelings, the shadows, are behind you.

I am being called to tell you that everything in this world is FOR YOU, and I want you to remember this. If you feel like the universe is against you, sit down, relax and take a deep breath. You can sit for 10 seconds or 10 minutes, time has nothing to say. Imagine this waterfall over your head, but instead of water it is bright white light pouring over you and filling you up all the way down to your feet, and just keep chanting the words: “I have trust, I have faith, it is for me.”

I asked the Spirit Animal Oracles for any advice they would have for you. Again the Wombat Spirit was here for you.

The Wombat Spirit reminds you that to truly be at home in the world, you need to find comfort in your own skin. Home sweet home is always available if you recognize that wellbeing is the truth of life. Right now you are in a beautiful place where you can hang up the coat of your identity and settle in to a true sense of home and wellbeing, understanding that all is well. Everything you do from this place rings true in harmony with the Spirit.

Could it be that you are not feeling comfortable in your own skin, thinking that the only way you can be with others is to hide under the protection of a mask or identity you created to protect yourself from getting hurt?

The Wombat Spirit arrives to nudge you to drop the false masks because it is not others who will hurt you now. It is you who are hurting yourself when you aren’t being authentic.

I really feel like this will resonate very well with you, please correct me if I’m wrong. But you have been hurting yourself more by doing something that was not meant for you. It did not come from a place of love and passion, but you have begun to feel the freedom to be yourself by changing your profession. Now you can begin to truly feel at home in your life, with your family and tribe. Acceptance is the key that will unlock your true home inside of you. With deep honesty and love of life, you can accept all your experience with judgement and be free from the stress of old habits and beliefs.

At last I asked the Starseed Oracles if they had any message for you to help you fully become free and trust the universe?

Star Family appears to tell you that you are part of a team of souls, and to call in support. At some stage, we were each a part of a soul cluster - a gathering of souls who broke away from one other to experience themselves individually. Those who are part of your soul cluster are part of your star family. You haven’t just experienced lifetimes together, but your souls were once actually one.

The Star Family appears because it is likely that you have met someone who is part of your star family, or you are about to. You know that someone is part of your star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet. Instantly, they will feel familiar and comfortable. When you are with them you feel more yourself than with anyone else and time both passes quickly and stretches when being with them. The Star Family invites you to think about the people in your life.

You are being called to ask yourself: “Who do you think is from the same star family as you? Who do you feel is part of your star family? How can you call upon them for support?”

I hope this gave you some guidance on the path you’re currently on in your life. It seems to me that you have been on a crossroad, standing with one leg on each side. Either you could choose the easy way, the one you are kinda scared of, but it feels safe and sound at the same time, or you could choose the hard way, the one you are comfortable with, but the one where you will constantly stumble and struggle to stay on. “Why wouldn’t you choose the easy way? Why keep fighting a battle you are destined to lose, or loosing yourself in the win?”

I want you to rinse out all the beliefs that you have of always having to work harder, to never choose easy over difficult, and to keep climbing higher up the ladder. Instead I will install new codes and beliefs in you that says: “It is more than okay to work just enough to get by, to choose the easy way, and to stay where you are on the ladder or even jump off the ladder and create your own path in life.”

Love, Astrologyatlas

ad-astrum: Obsessed with these intention candles and smoke wands from Sacred Smoke Herbals! They alsad-astrum: Obsessed with these intention candles and smoke wands from Sacred Smoke Herbals! They alsad-astrum: Obsessed with these intention candles and smoke wands from Sacred Smoke Herbals! They alsad-astrum: Obsessed with these intention candles and smoke wands from Sacred Smoke Herbals! They als


Obsessed with these intention candles and smoke wands from Sacred Smoke Herbals! They also sell a bunch of loose herbs, prerolls, and altar tools/accessories :-)

I am partnered with them to offer 15% off every order, but I am genuinely and consistently impressed with the quality of their items. I’d definitely encourage you to check them out! 


Use the above referral link or my code, ADELAIDE15 to get 15% off your order. Even if you decide not to use it, I still encourage you all to check them out!

Links to the items in the images are as follows:





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this is a powerful ritual that focuses on everything that goes into self-love and self-acceptance; overcoming guilt, ridding yourself of harmful habits and thoughts, seeing your own beauty, having confidence and courage, and harnessing your inner magick. best done on a fullorwaxingmoon.

❀  three candles: one white, one pink, one red

❀ yarrow (rekindling love, confidence, psychic opening)

❀ cloves (courage and self confidence)

❀ lavender (inner peace, tranquility, self love)

❀  a pen

 abowlmade of glass, wood or clay

❀  a mirror on a stand, or one that can lean on furniture

before you begin your ritual, take some time for self-care that makes you feel good about yourself, your face and your body. put on some music you like, gently brush your hair, do your makeup (or gently wash your face and moisturize it, if you don’t wear makeup), wear comfortable clean clothes you feel cute and/or cozy in. if you want, anoint yourself with a fragrance or essential oil that makes you feel desirable, intoxicating, or alluring.

rest comfortably on the floor (with a pillow underneath you). ensure the mirror is in front of you and that you can see yourself in it. arrange the three candles so that the white and red candles are to either side of the mirror, and the pink candle is right in front, between you and your reflection. 

light the white candle, whispering, “may you cleanse my mind and heart of self-negativity and sorrow.” light the red candle, whispering, “may your flame spark newfound self-passion.” light the pink candle, whispering, “may you inspire tender self-admiration and respect.”

look at yourself in the mirror. take a moment to really inspect your face and pinpoint the things you like about it; its smoothness, its hues, its shapes. after a moment of this, cup your hands together and hold them above the flames of the candles in the order you lit them, letting your hands grow warm. gently run your warmed hands over your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and slowly gliding them down your neck.

re-warm your hands with each candle, and gently press them on the places on your body you tend to dislike. show yourself care and love with hands warmed by magick. 

place the bowl in front of you, close to the pink candle. take the yarrow in your hands, whispering “may you grant me the power to love myself,” and place it in the bowl. take the cloves, whispering “may you bring me confidence and courage to overcome my harmful thoughts”, setting them in the bowl. 

finally, take the bay leaf and pen and write out a wish that addresses something specific regarding self-love that you want to manifest; for example, “body acceptance”, “seeing inner beauty on the outside”, “emotional healing”, or some such thing. place it in the bowl.

let a little wax from each candle drip onto the herbs in your bowl, and leave the mirror and bowl where they are for three days and three nights. each morning and evening during this time, look into the mirror for a moment and think a kind thought about yourself. on the third night, dispose of the herbs and put the mirror away.

witch’s banishing salt bowl

salt bowls, with some herb magick thrown in, are a potent method of ridding bad energy, harmful spirits or emotional hauntings from the home. 

☾ the bowl

salt can damage porous materials like wood, so using a bowl made of glass, ceramic or metal is best. glass helps clarify and amplify magickal intention. ceramic embodies earth energy— robust, strong, and unwavering. metal of any type helps project magick to fill a space.

☾ the salt

regular table salt is a classic cleanser and protecter. other specialty salts can have additional magickal impact: sea salt, associated with the water element, relieves residual negative emotions, like sadness and anger. himalayan pink salt is associated with astral travel and can help dispel curses and hauntings. if you need some serious no-nonsense banishing, add powdered charcoal to any salt.

☾ banishing / cleansing herbs

basil, black peppercorns, cloves, cumin, fern, garlic, lemongrass, mullein, pine, st. john’s wort, thyme, yarrow

set your salt bowl in the center of your home for a day or two, until you feel that there is a discernible improvement of the home’s energy. repeat as needed.

here is a little ritual you can do to bring warmth, joy and harmony to a home to make it feel cozier and more welcoming. best done during a full moon, but you can do it any time. you will need:

☾ a small bowl of ceramic, wood or glass

☾ a clove of garlic(bringing warmth + togetherness to a home)

☾ a sprinkle of lavender flowers (tranquility and calm)

☾ a sprig of pine(home blessing, cleansing, grounding)

☾ a brown candle (home and hearth magick)

sit in the main area of your home. light your brown candle; sit comfortably on the floor or couch and meditate on the candle for a while. warm your hands with its flame.

set the offering bowl in front of the candle. take the garlic clove in your hands and visualize the way you want your home to feel: warm, lived-in and welcoming. warm the clove over the candle-flame briefly and set it in the bowl.

take your lavender flowers in your hands. close your eyes, take a deep breath and inhale the scent of them. let it calm you, as it will calm the energy of your home. place the flowers atop the garlic.

lastly, take the sprig of pine. use it like a wand; point it toward all four corners of the room you’re in. place it against your heart, and set it in the bowl.

whisper to the bowl: “may your magick bless this home with kindness and warmth.” blow out the candle; place the bowl on a windowsill, mantle, or coffee table for three nights. on the third night, sprinkle its contents outside your front door.

hello wonderful witches,

i’ve made one post before about the financial complications i’m facing as a result of a large, grapefruit sized ovarian cyst that needs to be removed. my surgery is scheduled for april 16th, after which i will need to take 2 weeks off of work for recovery. neither one of my jobs offers paid sick time due to a legal loophole, so i am left with no supplemental income during my recovery.

i recently updated my shop with new items i’ve been working on, including grimoires, herbal booklets, and herbal ritual blends for as little as $3. every single item in my shop is under $10. if you are able to help in any way, i would appreciate it so much.

here is the link to my etsy shop!
