#free readings


I’m doing free readings! I’m really in a flow right now, if anyone would like one.


My darling bought me a new tarot deck!

I am so blessed to have a man who not only takes interests in my passions, but encourages them as well.

The cards are just so cute! I cannot get over how adorable they are.

I am so excited to make the recipes it comes with. I thought I should share them just in case anyone else wants to give them a go :)

Feel free to shoot me a message if you want a reading!

I’m so happy my baby loves her earily birthday present! I love you so muchhh❤❤

Would anyone like a free tarot reading? I’m bored and I think it would be nice to do some readings. If you want one message me.

Free 1 Card Tarot Readings

Available Today

Send your questions to my ask box!

Tips are appreciated!

*Response time will vary.

Hello ^_^ 
I am currently conducting a research project and will be selecting about 30 charts to do a video chat reading on. Usually I would only offer a free reading to someone I know personally, but the particular aspect I want to look at requires that I’m reading a stranger. 

If you’ve always wanted to try an astrology reading but had doubts about doing so, this would be a great chance to try one out. Whether you’re a long-time believer or a skeptic, I want to hear from you!

I have a brief screening survey to see if you fit the criteria I’m looking for. If you do, I’ll send you an email (within about a week, give or take) to schedule your reading. 

To be considered, please fill out this survey. I will be selecting eligible participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

I can only do this project if I have a minimum of 30 eligible participants (preliminary results show that about 1 in 5 people meet the criteria I need), so please share or send the survey to people you think might be interested in a free reading!


Why Are You So Loveable?

Pile 1 - Butterfly

You are calm and wise, the energy inside of you rarely is out of balance. There is no need for you to become aggressive, your soft energy soothes almost everyone. You are powerful but in such a delicate way that people sometimes forgot how strong you truly are, this only adds to the admiration they feel towards you. Even in the darkest hours, you manage it to bring something positive in the life of those who suffer currently. You are like the rainbow after a heavy rain, mixing with the gorgeous sunlight.

Pile 2 - Meowing

You are enduring and you never give up. No matter how often you hit the ground, you keep raising again. Nothing can ever stop you and even if you need to rest for a long time, in the end, you return stronger than ever before. There is nothing you do not see and almost nothing you cannot find out. You are eager to learn and are excellent at reading people and situations. You are a wise leader who seems to have an endless source of energy within them. And no, you are not too rough or too harsh, some people just don´t want to see the truth.

Pile 3 - White Cat

You are so caring, so attentive, and thoughtful. Your friends and family are very thankful they have you, as you are the best caretaker and friends anyone can ask for. You´ve went through a lot, it could have hardened your heart but it did not. You still care and worry for everyone else. Just like you never lost your love for others, you never lost your beautiful child-like abilities. Even after all you went through, you are still ready to learn new things. Still you can be mature and responsible, especially considering money.

Pile 4 - Looking Upward

You might have a spiritual gift, your intuition may be very high and you always know what to say and when to say it. People cannot hide anything from you and you are very knowledgeable and mature. You do not give up, no matter what. There is an energy inside of you with which you can overcome any obstacle. You know your strengths and also your weaknesses, your intense connection with yourself allows you to create the world just as you need it. Many people look up to you for your ability to be so in harmony with yourself.

Message From Your Ancestors

Pile 1 - Lion

,,You need to fight for what you want. Justice won´t come for those who just sit around and complain instead of changing what needs to be changed. Start with yourself. You need to see the truth. We always have been fighters, even if you do not want to hear this.

We are powerful, we always have been. Raise off your throne made out of ashes and grab your sword to cut the demons out of your life. Grab the wand and create your own world. We are proud of you already but we want to be even more proud of you. You cannot disappoint us unless you refuse to change, so do not disappoint us.“

Pile 3 - Wolf

,,You need those connections. Stop isolating yourself from others, you suffered and grieved enough. We cannot support you if you cut us out if you cut spirituality out. You are the one who keeps claiming some people do not move unless you kick them in the ass but you treat yourself like you are made out of glass, enough of that.

Stop playing with the plastic crown and create one made out of silver and gold. No jewels are needed, you will be the only thing people will look at it. You are a born leader, stop fighting your fate, we do not wish you any harm.”

Pile 4 - Owl

,,You are wise, you grew from your mistakes and you need to know we are with you, always. We protect and love you, we will guide you if you want us to. There are unspoken rules and unseen ties you will still need to experience. You are still young, we can support you.

The masculine energy wants to break free. Please fight for the causes you deem important, do not let others influence you. Make your mistakes, you will learn out of them, stop being afraid of failure, we only became so enlightened by falling several times.“

Pile 5 - Crow

,,You are what we wanted to be. Calm, full of serenity and feminine energy. There is a balance inside of you we sought for generations. You are our best "creation” , our bloodline ends with you and starts a new way, a better way.

Your deep emotions are valid and you shall feel them the way you feel better. Please forgive our other children, they still do not see that your path is the right one. Please keep guiding the rest of our family tree, you are our lucky star.“

Send Me PAC Ideas!

Hello, lovelies!

I just prepared a bunch of PACs for the future and to be honest I am kind of out of idea right now.

So if you have any PAC Ideas, please sent them to me, no matter if through a comment on this post, through an Ask or through my DMS!

400+ Followers Special - Open!


Finally, after over a whole fucking MONTH my blisters and co are starting to heal so I can finally do Divination again without dying of pain by just touching the cards.

Blessed be any gods and goddesses.


As you can see above I have reached the 400+ Follower mark! So this calls for a new little special!

Now, I want to keep this little game interesting, for both sides. So I am not going to ask you for your natal chart placements or simply let you ask your question, where is the fun in that?

I want you to give me something and I will give you something in return, seems fair, eh?

Send me a gif, send me a drawing, a sketch, a mood board, or a quote… anything like that you think has the same vibes as I do! So yes, those pictures are me, that´s how I look like if you´ve been curious :D

  • Send me them through my DMS along with your question you want me to answer!
  • One question for each person!
  • I will not answer questions considering death, health, or anything which has to do with betraying another person!
  • Have patience!
  • You must be my follower as I want to give them something back!

If you want an exchange reading instead

Past // Present // Future

Pile 1 - Water

Your past was rich and overflowing. You might not have seen it back then but now you do. You had so many opportunities, just so close to you, flying all around you while you were sitting on a soft bed made out of support and love.

Now you feel less comfortable. You feel as though you have to sleep on hard ground, always on the run, always trying to find the right path as you need to steal to survive. You lie often, mostly to others but also to yourself.

The future is calm. You will have learned from your mistakes. The times of stress and constant worries are over and you will feel like in the past again. The flowerbed you once laid onto will be recreated and your life will be full of serenity.

Pile 2 - Angel

You´ve found love in the past. Either you discovered self-love not too long ago or this could also speak about a romantic partner. I also see the possibility that a select few of you have gotten pregnant in the past or even already given birth.

Currently, you feel vulnerable, helpless, weak. Like troubles and worries are looming over you, you might have a lot of problems with sleep lately. During the day it´s alright but once it becomes dark outside your problems intensify.

I am not going the lie, the future won´t be easy but it will be worth it! You will have the support of your loved ones and you are overall a very strong person. All troubles will be easily cut through and you will have plenty of time to recover.

Pile 3 - Leaf

In the past you felt loved, supported. You thought you found the one and only, the right person for the rest of your life. Your memories together are still very present in your mind even now.

But I do not see a happy ending. I see you suffered from heartbreak, a break-up…or this will still happen. It influenced your life a lot, mostly in a negative way as you spent so much effort in the relationship you completely forgot to take care of yourself.

I see you recovering soon enough though. You will focus your future more on yourself and your own well-being than only on others. This does not mean you will always be alone but you certainly will become stronger and also show more confidence.

Pile 4 - Forest

I see a group full of loving people, friends, family, maybe both. As they surround and hug you as your past has been protected and guided. You always felt welcome and always felt the warm hug of other people. You can be certain those people will be with you for a very long time.

Currently, you are going through a phase of recovery, you plant the seeds you will soon be able to harvest. The divine feminine and all it stands for is something you identify currently the most with and should work with.

Your future is balanced and stable, just as your past and presence. You might consider traveling in the future and a bigger decision awaits you but all paths lead to glory.

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☄️ Exchange Readings - Open ☄️

I will give you a Free Tarot Reading if you offer something similar in exchange.

This either can be also a Tarot Reading, or a Psychic Reading, or a Birth Chart Reading or anything of the sorts, so just simply something of the same value.

You choose the length. I would like you to give me my reading first, so I can adapt. Since I already had exchange readings where I wrote about 3.000 words and the other barely 1.000…so this is just a precaution I like to do.

You also choose how many questions there are answered, the same amount you offer me, the same amount I will offer back.

No deadlines, please. You will have all the time in the world to answer my questions, so will I.

I will NOT answer any questions considering health, death, or anything which has to do with harming or betraying another person.

If you are interested in exchanging a reading, DM me and we can discuss anything further there!

Your Next Romantic Partner

Pile 1 - Kiss On The Cheek

  • Dark(er) skin and/or hair
  • Bright blue or green eyes
  • Curly hair, short or medium length
  • Powerful energy, always knows what they want
  • Emotional available, never lets others walk over them
  • Loves to celebrate and be at festivals
  • Impatient, might be quite stubborn and a bit childish
  • Really in tune with their emotions, might feel them deeply
  • Always seems to have luck
  • Mercury, Pluto, and Neptune seems to be important
  • Heavy water and air energy/placements

Pile 2 - Holding Hands

  • Blue hair (very specific I know, this might not suit all of course)
  • Big green eyes
  • Light(er) skin
  • Medium or short height
  • “Magical”, they impress everyone around them
  • Might be stunning through their looks but also due to their personality
  • Radiates stability and strength
  • Confident and always full of energy
  • Number 7 and 11 seems to be of importance here
  • A lot of fire and earth placements, Aries and Taurus especially

Pile 3 - Smiling At Another

  • Brown and grey, just, everywhere, hair, eyes, clothes…
  • Tall…muscular or heavyset, impressing figure
  • Might be a lot older than you
  • Very caring and loveable but can be dangerous
  • Daydreamer might have struggles in reality
  • Enduring and never giving up
  • Masculine energy, like an encouraging teacher
  • Creative and always willing to help
  • Only wants the best for nature and this planet
  • Heavy Pisces and Capricorn energy with a hint of Leo

Pile 4 - Hug From Behind

  • Small but deep blue eyes
  • Brown or blonde hair
  • Either very long or very short or even no hair (or any type of hairstyle which stands out, you might notice their hair first)
  • Tanned, might work out a lot, so muscular
  • Tall(er) than you
  • Very intense in everything they do
  • Impatient, easy to do things they may regret
  • But willing to admit their mistakes, usually very balanced
  • Very romantic and would do everything for you

What Halloween Will Bring To You

Pile 1 - Dress

Halloween will bring you a sense of connection. May it be the celebration with family, the night with friends… or maybe even connection to spirits of all kinds.

You will feel a longing for something more, something specific, it may weaken your mood a little but don´t worry, I also sense an intense amount of happiness, even if this might first kick in a few days after Halloween it certainly is related to it.

You will have a lot of fun during this day and especially during the night. Knowledge will be poured into your hands from various sources and for different themes. You will feel enlightened and you will feel mentally stimulated.

Pile 2 - Shadows

Lately, you might have felt very uncertain, I am afraid this won´t really change during Halloween. It might actually intensify. Time might be a sensitive matter to you right now, just like loss or simply the fear of loss… or maybe losing time is what bothers you this much.

The spirit knows. They want to help you. Your Integrity is an important tool for the future, for your own self, and for future relationships of all kinds.

I can see you bloom through Halloween, maybe first during the late hours but it´s happening indeed. You will feel a certain pain that encourages you to finally ditch the match you carried for so long.

Pile 3 - Ghost

Oh, you will have an intense but strong Halloween. Just like you already are. If you have a plan or an idea for Halloween you should certainly go through with it. The day will only enhance your leadership abilities.

You will be growing through this single day so much like never before and you will find faith in an unexpected happening or an unexpected change of events. You will finally feel certain considering a choice or just certain about yourself actually.

You are called to be honest and only tell and show the truth, then your Halloween Night shall be blessed, even if problems shall occur, they will be minor.

Pile 4 - Nightsky

This Halloween is asking you to work together or at least enjoy the day and night with someone else, best a whole group of people. You will be forming a union with the people and you will work together to achieve whatever you want, even if it´s “just” a fun night.

I see you starting to shine. Especially when you usually are introverted or unsure about an indentation from friends, you should make sure not to miss this.

The attention will be on you but you will enjoy it. I sense a lot of masculine energy and actually some desire too… if you plan to spend the night with a crush or your partner it might get steamy but of course only if you both want to. So maybe you should pack in some condoms if this is something you could imagine happening, stay safe!

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Message From Your Future Self

Pile 1 - Black Hair

,,I know you fear rejection. I know you fear that nothing will ever be as you wish it to be but you shall not worry. You are supported, you will be supported even in the future.

Nothing is as it may seem at the first glance, do not forget this. There is a higher power always watching over you. As long as you make sure to only take as much as you give everything will be fine.“

Pile 2 - Brown Hair

,,You are overthinking my dear. It won´t help you discover the right way, there will be a change of path you cannot predict right now. Luck is on your side, don´t forget this.

You soon will feel like you´ve been blessed and the things you´ve desired to create will no longer be just a mere daydream but reality soon enough.”

Pile 3 - Blonde Hair

,,You need to find order in your daily doing, you cannot keep switching between daydream and reality and yet do nothing in either world. Now it´s time for acting.

You can relax later, you will be able to do so, don´t worry but for now, you need to do what you always wanted to do. Let your loved ones support and guide you.“

Pile 4 - Red Hair

,,I know what you truly seek is knowledge, you want to know everything but that is not how the world works. You need to take your time, you need to take deep breaths.

You will be going through a rebirth soon enough and you will change so much it will feel like you´re living a new life. Follow your hopes and dreams.”

If You See Any Of Those Signs Repeatedly You Are On The Right Path!

Pile 1 - Candle

  • Rings
  • Ruby
  • Clocks
  • Owls
  • Deers
  • Mountains
  • Wells
  • Birds
  • Masks
  • Stars
  • Moon

Pile 2 - Path

  • Children
  • Colorful
  • Castle
  • Snakes
  • Apple
  • Bible references
  • Books
  • Locks
  • Your “type”

Pile 3 - Hand

  • Bread
  • Mice
  • Dice
  • Birds nest
  • Birdcage
  • Key
  • Star
  • Scythe
  • Rhymes
  • Tea

Pile 4 - Hallway

  • Letter
  • Feather
  • Clover
  • Dandelion
  • Horse
  • Moon phases
  • Magnifying glass
  • Whip
  • Rainbow
  • Horse

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Advice For Everyone - Mostly For Beginners

  • It´s alright to doubt yourself, natural and good even. Someone who is always 100% convinced of themselves and what they believe in… well let´s be honest, either they are faking it or they are so absorbed in themselves, which isn´t good either.

  • There is no right or wrong way to be a witch, a tarot reader, or whatever you aspire to be. Honestly, everyone who says that certain things have strict rules that you absolutely have to follow don´t really do themselves nor others anything good.

  • It´s always good and important to get information out of many different sources. There is no set path in stone for you to go, unless, of course, you exactly want to follow the example of this person or this certain type of witchcraft. Otherwise, though it´s completely alright to go your own path which might be a mixture out of many different practices you´ve encountered so far.

  • You don´t have to excel in everything. For example, if you call yourself a witch, you don´t need to be perfect in everything which being a witch can entail but doesn´t have to. Maybe you are great at sensing energies but cannot perform a spell at all - No worries, you are still a witch. The same goes for anything else. Maybe you refer to yourself as a clairvoyant and are good at laying tarot but cannot use a pendulum - Still you are a clairvoyant. No one you will ever meet will be able to do anything, so don´t worry about it.

  • Do you ever worry if witchcraft or what else you believe in might not be real after all and just pure coincidence? In the end, it shouldn´t be important if it´s real or true in whatever way, as long as it makes you happy nothing of that matters. As long as whatever you do and believe in doesn´t hurt others you should never stop doing it.

(photo of cards at bottom. click for clearer image)


seven of swords, nine of cups

you could be running away from your true feelings about a situation. maybe you should be avoiding something, but you’re blinded to the warning signs and red flags. there is likely deceptive, dishonest energy surrounding you and putting you off. for some, you may feel you are undeserving off the blessings you have and are subconsciously hiding away your joy and light.


three of wands, the empress

something has happened in your life to convince you that you don’t deserve to, or are unable to dream big and have faith in those goals. you’re powerful - when you put your mind to it and can envision it, you can create it in your own life. you just need to believe in yourself so you can be truely aligned with your desires. doubts and fears (sometimes even waiting) can weigh us down and prevent us from manifesting to our true potential.


eight of cups, three of pentacles

what you’re hiding from yourself are the inner parts of yourself, or more accurately you’re preventing yourself from uncovering your higher self’s wisdom and knowledge. no matter what has caused your fears, you do not want to spend time away from others to look into yourself and reflect on what you already know deep down. maybe if you’re scared of feeling alone, you need to work on yourself while still having the support, reassurance and care from friends or family.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

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love to all


how can I bring happiness back into my life?

-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

->photo below [click for clearer image]

PILE ONE (left)

ace of swords, three of cups

  • spend time with people who are important to you, whether that means quality time with friends, or going to parties and socialising. either way, you should be around those who support and care for you. you may also find joy and peace in creating and sharing your ideas, as well as gaining new understandings and perspectives on what is happening around you.

PILE TWO (middle)

ten of cups, the tower

  • a lot of your happiness lies with your relationships, friendships and family. when your connections are strong and you feel supported you are always vibrating at the highest frequency you can be. sometimes the universe takes us out of situations because we wouldn’t have removed ourselves from it. however there may need to be some kind of change -maybe even in a seemingly negative way- in order to put on the right path in the right direction.

PILE THREE (right)

the sun, the moon

  • this is a sign that you need to focus on where you want to succeed and find joy instead of on any negatives. there may also be some things you are unclear about or don’t have a full understanding of yet. the thing you don’t know might even be what makes you happy - you could be feeling really unsure because there are things that are yet to be uncovered.

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love to all

what can you do to help advance your career?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

PILE ONE (left)

the high priestess

there is some uncertain, mysterious or unknown energy surrounding you, but there is also an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding at this time. the world isn’t always as it seems, however the veil between physical and spiritual realms is thin right now. you may have a greater sense of awareness about hidden or secretive information in your life. you also may be developing your intuition and psychic abilities. this card tells us that the answers we seek are already within ourselves. there is so much wisdom in your inner voice and it already knows how you can progress forward - listen to it and things will become clear.

PILE TWO (middle)

seven of swords

this card can suggest moving in a certain direction despite what others think or want. there may be something your gut is telling you to do, for some it’s avoiding or running away from a certain task or situation, for others it’s trying to do something unnoticed or under the radar. you may be wanting to take some risks, or even to just protect yourself. whatever your gut is telling you is necessary for the development in your career, it’s probably the right way to go. even you feel some kind of guilt - if you’re thinking logically and intuitively, then trust yourself and take the action.

PILE THREE (right)

two of pentacles

you may need to find balance in areas of your life that are chaotic and overwhelming. you’re likely feeling the burden or pressure of having a lot of responsibilities and tasks. but you also have the potential to be successful and juggling these priories. you can manage and adapt well to stressful situations if you put your mind to it. you have the ability to handle any issue that is coming your way. also remember to find joy, despite the chaotic energy around you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated <3

affordable personal readings.

love to all

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(picture at the bottom. click for clearer view)

PILE ONE - left

knight of swords

  • you’re likely to meet a person who is highly driven, ambitious and action oriented. once they have their mind set, they won’t change it, and have the motivation to keep going until they succeed despite any challenges in their way. there will be a mental and intellectual connection between you and this person, as well as a romantic one, and things are likely to move quite quickly.

PILE TWO - middle

the high priestess

  • your person may have a very mysterious exterior that will intrigue you. they are very in touch which their intuition, almost psychically. there is likely to be a very rare and intense connection between the two of you, and it will be an opportunity for you to both grow spiritually, access inner knowledge from your soul and gain new perspectives.

PILE THREE - right

king of pentacles

  • you’re likely to meet a highly successful person in the future. their world is full of abundance and wealth. they may have a lot of value on materialistic items, but are also ambitious, determined and can manifest all of their goals. when they go after something they want, they nearly always get it. they will be loyal, and bring a lot of stability to your life.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal readings shop.

love to all

what can i do to manifest my soulmate?


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. this is a general, and not in-person reading. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my own interpretation based off my intuition and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for everyone. Always trust yourself first.

PILE ONE - left

nine of pentacles

stay focused on your goals and getting to a place that you have worked hard to achieve and can be proud of, whether that’s relating to self-improvement or career and education. you will be at the highest and best vibration to attract your soulmate when you are feeling secure and self-sufficient. you have the ability to be confident and fully content with yourself, where you are and what you are doing.

PILE TWO - middle

ten of pentacles

this may be a sign that you don’t need to do anything, but more likely is suggesting that once you accomplish whatever big project you have been working on and finally reach a place of success - possibly wealth - then you may find your soulmate. this card is about family, stability, abundance, and having everything you need - especially materially/physically - so that may be what you should work towards if you want to attract love.

PILE THREE - right

three of cups

for some, you may find your soulmate is someone you are already friends with. for others, spending time with people you care about and connect with may be the way to go. there is lots of social, happy, compassionate energy surrounding this card. take the time to celebrate even the little successes and share the positivity with the people around you - it may put you in alignment with the right person for you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal tarot readings shop.

love to all

PILE 1 (left)

two of pentacles

  • you may be feeling overwhelmed from having a lot of tasks or responsibilities and it’s draining your energy as well as taking up a lot of your time. focus on balancing the different areas of your life and managing them in a way that creates more flow, and less stress and chaos.

PILE 2 (middle)

the tower

  • some kind of significant disruption or change is needed in your life in order for you to reach a place where you are able to raise your vibration to its true potential. change may feel uncomfortable or scary, but sometimes when we are at standstill, the universe shakes everything up so we can get back on track.

PILE 3 (right)

four of pentacles

  • be protective of your energy - don’t allow anyone or anything to bring you down to their lower vibration. hold on to things that are important to you, and the will to go after your desires. you will be successful and rise to a higher frequency. however for some, you may already be holding onto to what you have so tightly that you are blocking yourself from gaining any new positive energy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like or reblog if anything resonated <3

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love to all

PILE 1 (left)

page of wands

you may come across as a very fun, energetic, extroverted person. you see the positive side of people and situations, and a lot of the time you can be quite fearless. when you have a passion or desire and the determination, you manifest it into your reality.

PILE 2 (middle)

five of pentacles

you may have really loyal friendships or connections to your family that support you and make you stronger. even when you are struggling, experiencing loss or hard times, you always manage to keep standing and moving forward.

PILE 3 (right)

page of cups

you’re likely a very kind, gentle and sensitive person. you may even be creative and artistic, or very spiritual and intuitive. you’re a dreamer who sees things in beautiful ways and are admired by others.

if anything resonated, please like and reblog.

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all


for fire signs ♈️♐️♌️

-> where to focus your energy.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♈️ARIES - page of cups

  • this is a sign to believe anything is possible. stay in touch with your inner child, dream big, and allow your emotions to show. your creativity might be flowing at this time, and you have the ability to express it. there may even be unexpected but pleasant surprises coming your way.

♐️SAGITTARIUS - eight of cups

  • if there is anything you want to walk away from, or that is causing you to feel lonely or withdrawn - this may be the time to let go of it, or take a break so you focus on seeking the truth about what you want and how you feel. sometimes taking a step back from something can lead to a new perspective, understanding and growth

♌️LEO - ten of pentacles

  • take time to enjoy and focus on the present. you have almost, or already reached a point of completion and accomplishment. you have everything you need - especially materially. there is also energies of family and home.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog to let me know it resonated <3

affordablepersonal readings.

love to you


for air signs ♎️♒️♊️

-> where to focus your energy

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♎️LIBRA - nine of pentacles

  • acknowledge your successes and focus your energy on finding satisfaction and fulfilment in your achievements. it also sends the message that you have the ability to be independent and feel secure.

♒️AQUARIUS - page of wands, three of wands

  • remember to look forward and be excited about the possibilities for success or adventure that are coming your way. stay optimistic and allow yourself to feel free. this is a time to turn plans into actions, and be open to the opportunities ahead of you.

♊️GEMINI - nine of swords

  • there may be something that is causing you anxiety or overthinking - possibly even “keeping you up at night” - however there is an opportunity to realise that things may not be as bad as they appear, and the worst may be in your head. if you can replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will be more likely to manifest positive outcomes.

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personal reading shop.

love to you
