#prose poem


Sweet boy,

You’re worth it all.

You’re worth the longing for your touch,

And the craving for your embrace.

I wish to feel your lips on mine again,

But I know I have to wait.

So I will wait for you.


Coeur Silence Radio

et de son absence

qui se remplissait si bien

la pièce de vide, mon coeur de rien,

que lorsque de nouvelles choses apparurent

je n'eu plus de place pour les disposer.

ce vide occupait une place, il est vrai

pour qu'un jour peut être, réapparaisse

tout ce qui m'avait manqué jusqu'ici.

jour après jour, qui se ternit…

lors de mes songes , il m'arrive de penser

Oh mais est-t-il vrai

que lors de ces baisers

j'eus l'envie irréfutable

d'être là de façon immanquable ?

de le chérir et l'aimer

autant de toute mon âme

et d'enlever les souvenirs infâmes

de le soutenir éperdument

pour qu'enfin aucun tourment

ne hante notre amour si intense

qui il est vrai autrefois

était de sa beauté rare

un rêve éveillé pour moi

- menthaleau

Sometimes heartbreak isn’t experienced just from losing a lover; sometimes it’s at 3 in the morning and you miss your best friend that you don’t talk to anymore, sometimes it’s when you see a picture of a place you used to live in but you’re very far from it now, sometimes it’s from the stories and poems you read and hear about or when you miss the taste of a home-cooked meal. The human heart is so strong yet so fragile because although it is made of muscle we see and hear and listen and feel and love a bit too much about everything.

People talk about trying new things out all the time and there’s nothing wrong with that; but what about going back to our old stuff? The comfort shows we watch when we’re tired and drained, that specific song we listen to when we’re sad; a book that’s been reread so many times it cover is battered and the spine broken. Sometimes when we go back to the old things we notice what we didn’t before; a background vocal in a song; a quote that hits differently now. Sometimes going back to what we love isn’t so bad.

It’s harder to take the easier path. When you’re living in a society that encourages grind culture. it’s harder for people to choose the easier path because we’re afraid of how society will view us as ‘weak’. But just because you took the easy way out doesn’t mean that you’re giving up; sometimes taking the easy way out means being kind to yourself and putting yourself first, it means patience to gain the strength to do what you want.

Hey guys I’m going to be moving my content primarily to YouTube since the changes for creators on Tumblr. I don’t really care for what is happening to the platform too much. I do hope you consider following me on this journey still. Thank you all so much.

“acceptance is more than just applauding the parts of yourself that you find beautiful and endearing, it’s about acknowledging the ugly parts that exist to you too. it’s about finding peace in who you are regardless of your flaws and the mistakes you’ve made.”

— iambrillyant

“accepting myself fully. even the undesirable parts and corners of myself i don’t like to visit. accepting the parts of myself still learning, the ones that play small out of trauma or conditioning. accepting myself, good and bad, high and low, unconditionally.”

— iambrillyant

“a lack of boundaries invites in a lack of respect. a lack of boundaries welcomes in a lack of honesty with yourself. a lack of boundaries accepts where they decide to view you instead where of you actually view yourself.”

— iambrillyant
