

AHS Hotel

Nie mamy pieniędzy, nie znamy się na modzie. nie kręcą nas sterydy i ludzie silni w mordzie

What if… back then… I had stopped you?

Y me preguntó cuando fue que me quedé solo conmigo… Me preguntó cuando fue que me aparte y me quedé solo con mi mundo

Y al final yo no era tan importante como tanto me lo decia

Aunque estés dolido nunca te des por vencido :’)

I’m guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I’m done, I’m done.

Some years ago I was a straight A student, I was motivated and successful in everything I was doing, now I’m accumulating B’s, I barely get out of my house and I stress over everything so much I end up failing or not doing it at all lmao wft went wrong

But what if I never get over you? What if I continue to wake up every day of my fucking life and want you so badly that my bones shake so much that they feel like they’re going to break? What if I keep waiting for a call or a text or a sign from God that never comes? What if you were the one, but I wasn’t?
