#take care

 NOTES TO SELF⁠I love to find positive inspiration online, in books and in podcasts. I also like to

I love to find positive inspiration online, in books and in podcasts. I also like to take notes. This has resulted in these little positive reminders that I try to follow every day as my self care practice and that help me stay positive. When I start to feel down, I usually haven’t been paying enough attention to them. I’m sharing them here because I find them so helpful and maybe some of you will find them useful as well. ⁠

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Out Now! Scenes from Imagined Films Issue #1, featuring comics by Jordan Bolton including brand new Out Now! Scenes from Imagined Films Issue #1, featuring comics by Jordan Bolton including brand new Out Now! Scenes from Imagined Films Issue #1, featuring comics by Jordan Bolton including brand new Out Now! Scenes from Imagined Films Issue #1, featuring comics by Jordan Bolton including brand new

Out Now! Scenes from Imagined Films Issue #1, featuring comics by Jordan Bolton including brand new comics!

Available on Etsy

Thank you to everyone who has ordered one!

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ben-brnes: Take Care // Drake ft Rihannaben-brnes: Take Care // Drake ft Rihanna


Take Care // Drake ft Rihanna

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1.  Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

2.  Your work is discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

3.  Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.

4.  Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

5.  The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

6.  The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

7.  Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.

8.  I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me.

9.  All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

10.  Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.

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Hi everyone! It has been a while since I’ve last posted. I had been dealing with crippling anxiety. I had to take a step back from social media and the world for a bit to take care of myself. Keep in mind that YOU always come first before others. It is not to be selfish. You have to take care of yourself first before you can lend a helping hand to anyone else. I hope all of you have been doing well, and remember to give yourself some time to heal and relax. Love you all! 


2018 Essentials

I know this is late, I’m sorry y'all. Here are some things to focus on/do in 2018.

1. Do a mini workout before you shower. 25 squats, 10 push ups, 30 sec plank, 20 leg raises, 25 lunges, etc etc. Start small, and keep it as long or as concise as you please. But set a few mins aside before your shower to get some exercise in.

2. Stretch every morning when you wake up and every night before bed. Your body and posture will thank you.

3. Do a face mask at least twice a month.

4. Take at least one selfie every day. It can be makeup free, clothes free, whatever you want. But become familiar with how you look and your best angles. Experiment with lighting, setting, wardrobe, poses, angles, etc.

5. Take a social media cleanse. Delete tumblr, twitter, ig, snapchat, etc for a week to break away from all the internet garbage and focus on yourself more.

6. Make a date night for yourself every month. Nobody else, just you. Go to a movie, get a massage, grab some lunch, go window shopping, whatever you wanna do. But have at least one day a month to spend some time with yourself.

7. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Stay hydrated, y'all.

8. Invest yourself in schoolwork. Keep that GPA high.

9. Have a planner. Write down any big events, work/school schedules, deadlines, appointments, get-togethers, etc. Keep track of where you’re going, and what/who you’re investing time into.

10. Adopt this motto: Life is too short. Life is too short to obsess over your weight, life is too short to be in love with a fuckboy, life is too short to have toxic relationships, and life is too short to not do things you love.

11. If you are religious, invest more into your faith. Set time aside every day to say a prayer, thank God (or whomever you may worship) for everything you have, and for everything that is to come, volunteer at any Church/Temple Outreach programs.

12. Make time for your loved ones. Set up a date with a friend/family member, remind them how much they mean to you from time to time, be a loyal and reliable person for them. Put effort into your relationships in 2018.

13. Educate yourself on a topic you don’t quite understand or want to learn more about. Maybe it’s how cars work, or what’s going on in the Middle East, or how our economy is structured, or how to repair an appliance at home, or how to knit. Research useful skills and information, and learn about it. If you do one topic per month, you’ll end up adopting 12 new skills/pieces of outside knowledge by the end of the year.

(No longer active on Tumblr, but have always used this account as a mini-diary so might as well post

(No longer active on Tumblr, but have always used this account as a mini-diary so might as well post this on here.)

Dear Alien,

It’s so hard to believe that you’re gone. I’ve had such a hard time processing my emotions and I know I’m not the only one. You were an amazing person and you’ve impacted so many lives. I’m thankful you were such a big part of my childhood. I remember coming home everyday after school to watch you on YLBFB and you were always able to make me laugh and brighten up my day no matter how bad it was. Thank you. We miss you. Rest in peace. 

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Something to remember, as the election approaches:

The work is never wasted.

Even if the Republicans keep control of Congress–yes, that would be terrible, yes, I would be furious and frustrated and sad and it would hurt like hell–EVEN SO: the work we have done to get here was not wasted.

I was part of the previous “biggest worldwide protest ever,” the global protests against the Iraq War in February 2003.

We lost. The war happened. Is still happening.

But some of the people who got involved then worked for Obama’s campaigns, a lot of them are part of the resistance now, and all of us learned something. The work was not wasted.

Even if we lose. There were Democratic primary debates in my hometown for the first time I can remember. Even if our terrible Republican Congresswoman gets re-elected, there’s still a broader and stronger Democratic Party organization in Mike Fucking Pence’s home state.

The election can’t be an end. It will only be an end if we win and get complacent, or if we lose and give in to hopelessness. We cannot afford either. We do the job that is in front of us. No matter what.

The work is never wasted.

The stories our world tells us are about Great Heroic Struggles With Triumphant Climaxes In Which Good Vanquishes Evil And They All Live Happily Ever After. It’s all about the one extreme emergency during which people rise to the occasion.

Problem is, that’s not how the world actually … works. That’s not how change happens. That’s not how societies are reshaped. We hear about MLK and the bus boycott and the protests, but not the DECADES OF WORK that came before, the organizing and the education and the legal challenges and the hundreds of thousands of people, from great heroes to ordinary people, who put in the grinding every-day work to make the world a better place, step by step, bit by bit. The big things–the speeches, the marches–were the tip of the iceberg. Nothing would have happened without the rest of the iceberg.

The 2018 midterms are the tip of the iceberg. They are incredibly important, yes. But without the rest of the iceberg, they mean nothing. Without ordinary people across America organizing and talking to their friends and coworkers and paying attention to politics and getting involved and volunteering (not just politically, but for all the nonprofits out there working to make the world a better, fairer, more just, more merciful place) the election is useless.

This is not a sprint. It is a relay marathon. If you can run a major leg, awesome. If you can help organize the marathon, awesome. If you can coordinate the people running, awesome. If you can hand out bottled water along the route, awesome. If you can cheer along the way, awesome. If you can remind people that the marathon is happening, awesome. It’s not about great heroes or one person doing it all or one climactic battle in which everything magically gets fixed.

It’s about ordinary people doing what they can. What you can do right now is vote. What you do on November 7 and the months and years following (no matter who wins the election) is stay involved and stay working.

Take care of yourself. Take care of others. Don’t hyperfixate and burn out. Be the tortoise, not the hare. Vote. And then keep moving on.

And that’s all for now!

Well, for ASOIAF characters anyway. I’m a little bit tired now so to avoid some stress/burnout I’m probably going to take a little hiatus, work on some other projects, or just enjoy spring. I might come back to the world of ASOIAF but it won’t be for a while.

Thank you to everyone who’s been following along on this weird ride!
