#enby ana


Sup bitches, I’m back to give y’all a reminder that most of the people who are like “oh I only eat 500cal a day and never binge uwu” are lying. :)

my body isn’t even

my left upper arm is 1 inch larger than my right

my right thigh is 1 inch larger than my left

I don’t know why this is, and it’s hard to come to terms with. especially when clothes don’t fit right. also??? why is it not that one side of my body is bigger than the other?? what’s up with this weird criss cross ?? hello??

gotta just remember that it’s a thing that happens sometimes. I just hope I even out at least a little bit in the end (cause im tired of my SLEEVES ONLY FITTING ONE ARM AHHH)

so hey if you’re in the same (or similar) boat as me and struggling, I hope that knowing there’s others out there helps.

…..I’m also sending good vibes your way and they can’t be stopped

>:) <3 :0

me —-> you

As someone who’s been overweight their whole life. And as someone who’s belly stuck out always, making me seem like I was as round as I was wide…

seeing my belly look flatter in the morning feels.. wrong.

I don’t know if its dysphoria (because I have limited experience with this) because my hips look wider when my stomach looks smaller. But it feels so so strange.

aaaaand then I put clothes on and suddenly everything feels fine, so maybe I just don’t like seeing my body. WOOO

Have y'all ever had a London Fog?

As in the drink, not the literal fog of london. It’s super good, here’s the low cal version I like to make:

ingredients for about 2 cups:

  • 1-2 bags of earl grey tea (black tea works well too) - 0cal
  • ½ cup of your preferred milk (I use unsweetened almond - 15cal)
  • sugar free vanilla syrup to taste - 0cal
  • driedlavender - 0cal


  1. Place your tea bag(s) and lavender into a cup. I don’t usually measure how much lavender I use, but it’s probably a little under 1 tablespoon.
  2. Pour in your boiling water and brew your tea. I like to use 2 bags of earl grey tea, and i like to brew about 1.5 cups. I usually brew my tea for about 3-5 minutes, but you can leave your tea bags in for longer or shorter to change how strong the tea is.
  3. Remove your tea bag(s) and lavender. If the lavender was lose in your cup you may want to strain it out.
  4. Add your milk, and sweeten to taste with the vanilla syrup.
  5. Enjoy!

if you don’t have a vanilla syrup, you can just use sugar (or any sweetener) and vanilla extract. Just be careful when adding the vanilla because the extract is very strong!

You can skip the lavender without ruining the drink, I know it’s not an herb that everybody has.

Ensure shakes are a godsend I SWEAR. They fill me right up and taste so damn good

Y’all please help I have some group chat invites but I’m new to tumblr and I don’t know where to find/accept them???

Aaaaahhhhhh pls help I wanna meet you guys

Me wanting to meet people who share my struggles irl? Wanting to give hugs to each and every person I meet on this website? Wanting to form real life connections with people? Heck yeah!

Needing to actually tell people a physical location that would be anywhere near me so we could actually meet? my paranoid ass says heck nO

The amount of support for a sort of “stuff I’ve learned in therapy” series was overwhelming! I’m excited to share this experience with you all and I hope it can help every one of use feel a little bit better about something <3

I’m trying to find ways of making these posts more accessible and easier for people to find, but I’m still a bit new to tumblr. So if you have any ideas please let me know! (I was thinking about tags but I wasn’t sure how to make that work )

Please stay safe everyone! Much love


Would y’all be interested in me posting some of the stuff I learn from therapy? I know a lot of us don’t have access to this kinda stuff and I’m a big advocate for talk therapy in certain situations. It’s helped me learn about myself and it’s made life easier to get through.

I just started up therapy again and my therapist is really damn good. I had my second session today and had THREE “Aw shit that’s why my brain does the thing” moments. It’s been v nice.

If you think that’s be something you’d want to show up on your dash like, once a week then interact or drop a like on this post❤️

Bit of a vent

My partner is smaller than me in every way. He is shorter, and lighter. And I’m constantly jealous.

He has never managed to get above “underweight”. I have never been below “overweight”

When he gets depressed he loses his appetite. When I get depressed I binge eat like there’s no tomorrow.

His ADHD causes him to forget to eat, but mine doesn’t ever let me forget.

I’m the biggest person he’s ever been with. I’m the only one who’s been taller, and heavier.

He can just eat whatever he wants. He can just forget to go the day without food and get dizzy the following night. I hate him for it.

He’s the love of my life, I don’t know where I’d be without him. We’ve been together for 4 years. But sometimes I can’t help but be jealous of all that he is, and I wish he could know what it’s like to not stand the site of us both standing in front of the same mirror

Yesterday was a horrible binge day, but today I feel fine?

I’m confident and ready to stay on track with my diet. I was sent a bunch of food from my family (including my favorite chocolates) but I decided to keep them and use it to practice portion control???

I’m looking at myself like damn who are they??? Where did this control come from???

Not to flex on you guys but I genuinely don’t taste the difference between regular coke and diet coke. Also off brand cola slaps and helps me to not spend all my savings on pop

god … i just want to be able to relate to that trend where people show their thigh next to a monster can. I wouldn’t recreate or post it, just for me, i want to be able to make that comparison.

I haven’t been very active on here and I haven’t been restricting for a while until finally this week. Idk, Sunday is my birthday and school has made me feel out of control and something finally just kicked in again to make me relapse. I wasn’t really recovered, I didn’t choose too, I basically just gave up for a month or so. The self loathing was still there and seeing myself gain made me feel so guilty. Heavier doesn’t mean recovered and I definitely am not. I wanted to spiral again the whole time and finally I’m letting myself.
