

squatting while trying to force myself to poo is not where I saw myself at 24 tbh

my friends at work are now no longer speaking to me over my notice but like they’re short staffed so like I ain’t really sure how cutting me out is going to make me want to stay when they know the reason why is my ED especially

feel like food is the only thing I’ve got control over rn and I can’t even starve myself correctly lmao

anyone else just like take mega long baths to avoid eating?? my housemate must think I’m a fucking fish

my work are so supportive in getting me help and then I’m just like lol no x

moved in with my friend and there’s something rlly satisfying about declining food when they offer it

POV: u get invited to something but it will mess with your set eating times/ fast/ weekly binge and purge x

gonna treat myself to so many clothes when I go down a size - don’t think my bank account is ready

In other news, ya bitch is finally past their first goal weight! Back in the healthy weight range and 20lbs down from where I started at my heaviest!

Only 5lbs to go before I hit my LW and I’m friggen hyped.

Yes my LW is 139lbs but shhhhh we don’t need to talk about that.

Some of you proanas: “oh my parent(s) were a big part of my disorder! Oh my parent(s) were obviously anorexic and they kinda passed it on to me”

Some of the same proanas: “so I have a kid but that won’t stop me from getting to my UGW”

I’m not saying don’t have kids. And if you do have a kid and you’re still struggling with your ED then more power to you, I’m wishing you the beat cause that sounds hard.

BUT kids are not stupid, they notice things and they learn a lot from you. You know this, and I’m sure you’ve experienced this. If you are still actively engaging in your ED behaviors around your kid(s), they are more likely to develop an ED too. So please get off the proana train so you don’t pass this disease on to your children. Because if you are still actively engaging in your ED behaviors around your kid(s), they are more likely to develop an ED too.

Stay strong my lovelies, I know you’re doing the best you can. Just wanted to put this out there

Sup bitches, I’m back to give y’all a reminder that most of the people who are like “oh I only eat 500cal a day and never binge uwu” are lying. :)

I saved up my calories to purchase dinner at my work, because I work until 1am and I’m a slut for chicken nuggets.

Ate half and now I just,, don’t want the rest??

On one hand damn this is cool and it’s never happened before cause, again, nugget slut.

On the other I’m kinda salty cause I paid for them and am tight on money LMAO

I’ve literally been going back and forth between 150 and 155 for the whole month and I’m gonna ✨lose it✨

I made my reward for hitting 145lbs a professional hair cut. And I told myself I won’t cut my own hair until then.

Guess who’s hair is getting so long that they look like a girl again

If I see ONE MORE OF YOU posting pictures of fresh sh c*ts without a TW or CW I’m going to LOSE MY SHIT.

Especially if you’re posting it under ED tags, like, dude, what the actual fuck?




Seriously, I’m so tired of seeing stuff like this. You can’t choose to just not see a picture if it’s something you’re scrolling past. I love you guys but fuck you if you do this.

Me? Actually sticking to a calorie limit I set for myself? Less likely than you’d think but it’s fucking happening rn and I’m S H O O K

Have y'all ever had a London Fog?

As in the drink, not the literal fog of london. It’s super good, here’s the low cal version I like to make:

ingredients for about 2 cups:

  • 1-2 bags of earl grey tea (black tea works well too) - 0cal
  • ½ cup of your preferred milk (I use unsweetened almond - 15cal)
  • sugar free vanilla syrup to taste - 0cal
  • driedlavender - 0cal


  1. Place your tea bag(s) and lavender into a cup. I don’t usually measure how much lavender I use, but it’s probably a little under 1 tablespoon.
  2. Pour in your boiling water and brew your tea. I like to use 2 bags of earl grey tea, and i like to brew about 1.5 cups. I usually brew my tea for about 3-5 minutes, but you can leave your tea bags in for longer or shorter to change how strong the tea is.
  3. Remove your tea bag(s) and lavender. If the lavender was lose in your cup you may want to strain it out.
  4. Add your milk, and sweeten to taste with the vanilla syrup.
  5. Enjoy!

if you don’t have a vanilla syrup, you can just use sugar (or any sweetener) and vanilla extract. Just be careful when adding the vanilla because the extract is very strong!

You can skip the lavender without ruining the drink, I know it’s not an herb that everybody has.

boże jestem okropna. mówiłam sobie, że nie zjem nic dopóki waga nie pokażę 42kg. i co? zjadłam dwie kromki chleba (157kcal), pierniczka (38kcal) i trochę podjadłam surowego ciasta do babeczek.. nie wiem ile mogło być kcal z tego ale podejrzewam, że jakieś 50. zwymiotowałam tyle ile mogłam, ale wciąż jakaś tragedia. chyba zacznę jakąś dietę, żeby nie rzucać się na jedzenie. i tak jest lepiej, bo się powstrzymałam od zjedzenia całego opakowania pierników. nie poddaję się!
