#green witch


✨Not all Witches are Wiccan✨

(op in pic)

OP: Witchtips on insta! Helpful notes for Samhain!

I know you all follow me for my “witchy memes” and content… but maybe you can help my dream come true too..

First off, I want to thank all 6k+ of you for following me and making Tumblr the incredible place that it is. You all mean a lot to me and you help me feel important in this community.

A few months ago, I started reading Tarot Cards online, and I realized it was my passion. I realized I want to do this for the rest of my life. I’m working so hard every day to make this business thrive because this truly makes me happy and gives me a bigger purpose in life.

Due to Covid, I lost the jobs I had and i’m trying my best to do everything I can in the situation i’m in. That’s why doing these readings, and getting the publicity I need, is more important to me than just my dream. It’s my livelihood.

My readings are a pay what you can, because I want everyone who needs a reading to be able to afford one. If you’d like a reading, I would be ecstatic to work with you.

My followers republish and like my content hundreds of times a day, If you could take the time to like this, and maybe republish it too, it would mean so much to me.


Wow guys, thank you so much for being here. I can’t believe i’ve hit 5,000 followers. I appreciate you all so much. I never thought my little witch blog would do so well. Tumblr has always been a place for me to escape the norms of regular social media and dive into the content I truly enjoy.

I’m truly grateful for all of you. And I’m glad the content I post makes some of your days better. Spreading love, kindness, and witchy vibes, is what this blog is all about

My instagram is @kernaka if you guys want to see more content there!

Friendly reminder that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. You’re not a bad witch for having sad days. You’re deities won’t be mad at you for feeling down about yourself. The Universe is not going to unleash wrath upon you for feeling broken. We may be witches but we are still human. No matter how much meditation and shadow work we do we will alwayshave a bad mental health day. And that’s okay.

Drink some water, take your meds if you need to, and remember that there are better days coming

Tarot Card Readings

Hey everyone!

I hate to self promote, but I’m doing my best to get my business to thrive, and any support means the world to me

I’ve been a Tarot Card reader for a few years now and finally decided to work on my own business. I’ve been doing readings online as a “pay what you can” so that anyone who wants a reading, can afford one during this time. Sadly, due to the pandemic, I lost my 3 jobs, and doing these readings are my only source of income right now, and every penny means the world to me.

If you’d like a reading, please feel free to message me! If not, then just a share would be deeply appreciated!

Instagram:@kernakaFacebook: Emily reads Tarot Cards

Rip Bridget Bishop. June 10th 1692

The first, of many, to be tried and excecuted for Witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials.

We honor you every day, gone but never forgotten.

Witchy reminder :: Your twin flame is your higher self - it has nothing to do with anything outside

Witchy reminder :: Your twin flame is your higher self - it has nothing to do with anything outside of you - but rather all that is inside of you. Coexist with yourself, your dark and light, merge and Marry yourself, your science and spirituality, your sun and moon… your yin and yang.




Instagram :: @rosemarymilkwitch

$22 Twin Flame Tarot Readings. There are major shifts happening for all twin flames!!

Post link

 Add white, pink, and red rose petals, honeysuckle blossoms and rose water to bath filled with water. Substitute hydrosols with fresh flowers if necessary. (optional esstial oils to add: lavender, rosemary, chamomile, and jasmine)

Place a rose quartz large enough to not go down the drain in the bath too.

Soak in the scented bath.

Find yourself in the stillness, calmness, quiet & peacful place in your bath amongst the loving frangrace of rose petals, flowers, rose water and essential oils. Place your focus now on the person who broke your heart or the memory that broke your heart… if you begin to cry, allow the tears to flow down your cheek and into the bath water. Say the persons name out loud and command that all the power and sweetness you gave to this person be given back to you. 

Example : Gregorio, you broke my heart, and now I command the universe to give back to me, all the power, sweetness and love I ever gave to you. Gregorio, I gave you my heart becuase I found you worthy, I now command the universe to give me back my heart because I have realized the only person worthy of holding and protecting my heart is ME. I love me. I love me so much. I forgive myself for allowing for someone outside of me to take my power and break my heart. My power, my sweetness, my love, my heart is flowing back to me now.

After you have cried, yelled, said your affrimations, played with your roses, and anything else you felt called to do in your bath, take the rose quartz and place it on your heart… allow for all the emotions and tears that filled the bathwater to now drain out… as it drains out chant the words “I RELEASE YOU NOW WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” 

Following the bath, carry the rose quartz with you. Sleep with it under your pillow until you don’t need it any more.

I’ve tried journaling so many times & I often fall off or am not consistent. This daily prompt has been the only one to work for me consistently so far. I found out about the fears & resentments list from a channel on YouTube called Crappy Childhood Fairy. It’s not only good for releasing “normal” day-to-day fears, but have helped me so much in healing my trauma that has been at work on a subconscious level.

Because a lot of the time (every day) Im healing a different aspect of my trauma, I felt it was needed to add in a list of things that Im proud of myself for & a gratitude list. It reminds me that I am further in my healing than I give myself props for & helps ground me in the present.

Another personal touch that helps me is listening to meditation music, rain sounds, or just about any relaxing music that will help me as I write and process ♥️

Another #selfhelp hack especially for those that have trouble organizing their thoughts ( like me) or have planners leftover from school.

How I make the prompt work for me is writing the fears/resentments [Step 1] on either a separate notebook or way in the back of the planner where the “notes” section is.

For [Step 2 ] Things I’m proud of myself for/Gratitude list- I use the boxes that are in the daily notes behind the calendar

For [step 3] “ I am” statements

I actually wait until Sunday to do. In the “ weekly to do” section I write a gratitude list based on the entire week & the in the empty box next to it I write my “ I am” statements to set the tone & energy of the upcoming week. *even if your handwriting is too big to fit info these tiny boxes, this layout is a great way to organize your thoughts*

Get creative!
