#green witch


To all the witches stuck in a home where they can’t openly practice, I feel you and I hope that you can find a safe way of staying connected to your practice during this time

Gardening rambles…

I am so so so grateful for my garden at home. I don’t know how I’d manage to stay mentally healthy without it during this lockdown period. Today I cleared all of the little paths and planted some delphiniums and geraniums. It has been in need of some major TLC and now I’m back I can get going!

Self-isolation Earth grounding and intention setting

With many of our lives in disarray and our hearts full of anxiety, I wanted to share some words that could be used alone or within a spell. Personally I spoke these while tending to my plants and setting my intentions for the following few weeks. I encourage you to adapt these words to match your will but hopefully this might help someone out!

“I place my trust in the Earth and give Her my love and reverence. As I tend to Her will through spreading kindness and peace may my roots deepen and my mind be settled. May my branches reach those in need during this difficult time and bring them much needed healing and peace. So is my will, so mote it be.”

Stay safe my fellow witches! Many blessings to you and your hearth, Runa x

I have a new fern - a Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata). Unfortunately I don’t have much luck with

I have a new fern - a Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata). Unfortunately I don’t have much luck with ferns despite best efforts (so if anyone has any tips please do share!), so I thought I should get a picture of it whilst it’s looking so well. 

Post link

You will find that there are many common varieties of flowers (or any plant for that matter,) that are poisonous, toxic, or venomous. There are a few relatively safe ways to still use them (without touch or consumption) in your craft if you so wish.

There are plants that can cause organs to stop functioning, including your lungs, kidneys, and heart. This is why it is so important to research properly, and understand how to safely handle it if desired. Do not leave these within the reach of pets or children.

Do NOT ingest these flowers or consume them in any way. This includes burning them for smoke cleansing. In fact, please don’t put anything on or in your body without research, identification, and consulting a medical professional about it first.

Consumption Alternatives:

Contained Vessels:

After properly drying these plants, you can use these plants in sealed sachets and bottle spells, or leave them hanging in a safe place to have a consistent and fluid stream of their energies. Please handle with gloves.


If you possess a pet or small child, this is probably not the suggestion for you. Many practitioners use dried foliage because it preserves better and is flammable if desired. However, having a growing and alive plant around also can attract the intentions you desire if done strategically with intent. Please handle with gloves.

Baneful Magic:

Applying the aforementioned methods I’ve laid out, you can sometimes use toxic plants in these forms to do Baneful Magic. Any positive attribute a flower can bring can also be used to revoke or withdraw it, alongside the already toxic energy. Please handle with gloves.

Toxic Flower Magical Properties:


Prosperity, honesty, contentment, dignity, prosperity, honor, gratitude, wealth, great fortune, humility, thankfulness, and blessings. Toxic.


Romance, intelligence, courage, veneration, experience, compassion, admiration, valor, reverence, love, adoration, and knowledge. Toxic.


Love, visions, cheerfulness, rebirth, innocence, divination, blissfulness, romance, transformation, beginnings, happiness, and simplicity. Toxic.

Cuckoo Flower:

Fertility, romance, persistence, sensuality, conception, love, perseverance, lust, fecundity, tenacity, endurance, and fruitfulness. Toxic.


Positivity, prosperity, fertility, love, restoration, vitality, good luck, romance, abundance, hopefulness, healing, fortune, and revitalization. Toxic.


Romance, concentration, prosperity, knowledge, composure, warding, dexterity, focus, sensuality, abundance, lustfulness, and love. Toxic.


Prosperity, defense, adoration, romance, bounty, potential, protection, abundance, affluence, luxury, opportunity, and good fortune. Toxic.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Poisonous

You will find that there are many common varieties of flowers (or any plant for that matter,) that are poisonous, toxic, or venomous. There are a few relatively safe ways to still use them (without touch or consumption) in your craft if you so wish.

There are plants that can cause organs to stop functioning, including your lungs, kidneys, and heart. This is why it is so important to research properly, and understand how to safely handle it if desired. Do not leave these within the reach of pets or children.

Do NOT ingest these flowers or consume them in any way. This includes burning them for smoke cleansing. In fact, please don’t put anything on or in your body without research, identification, and consulting a medical professional about it first.

Consumption Alternatives:

Contained Vessels:

After properly drying these plants, you can use these plants in sealed sachets and bottle spells, or leave them hanging in a safe place to have a consistent and fluid stream of their energies. Please handle with gloves.


If you possess a pet or small child, this is probably not the suggestion for you. Many practitioners use dried foliage because it preserves better and is flammable if desired. However, having a growing and alive plant around also can attract the intentions you desire if done strategically and intent. Please handle with gloves.

Baneful Magic:

Applying the aforementioned methods I’ve laid out, you can almost always use poisonous plants in these forms to do Baneful Magic. Any positive attribute a flower can bring can also be used to revoke or withdraw it, alongside the already toxic energy. Please handle with gloves.

Poisonous Flower Magical Properties:


Elegance, knowledge, abundance, beauty, majesty, intelligence, blessings, magnificence, great fortune, splendor, gracefulness, and wisdom. Poisonous.

Bleeding Heart:

Love, enthusiasm, cleansing, healing, soothing, rebirth, purification, inspiration, romance, compassion, creation, and the space betwixt boundaries. Poisonous.


Purification, community, delightfulness, hopefulness, unification, cleansing, friendship, vitality, happiness, camaraderie, and compassion.Poisonous.


Healing, vitality, happiness, blessings, mischief, fertility, cheerfulness, inspiration, adventure, sacredness, beginnings, holiness, and possible duplicity. Poisonous.


Strength, revitalization, honesty, protection, healing, fortitude, restoration, warding, power, good fortune, honor, and abundance. Poisonous.


Protection, empathy, graciousness. longevity, warding, joyfulness, defense, fortification, fortitude, happiness, devotion, positivity, and passion. Poisonous.


Intuition, protection, inspiration, vitality, insightfulness, warding, ambition, fortitude, and imagination. Poisonous.


Banishment, luck, affluence, divination, healing, success, warding, restoration, insightfulness, cleansing, forecasting, and prosperity. Poisonous.


Happiness, commitment, confidence, warding, romance, protection, delightfulness, love, vitality, cheerfulness, peacefulness, and beauty. Poisonous


Hex-breaking, gratitude, alliance, purification, communication, collaboration, thankfulness, deep-rooted cleansing, unification, and community. Poisonous.


Divination, harmony, intelligence, purification, romance, communication, pyrrhic power, abundance, courage, and knowledge. Poisonous.


Justice, divination, warding, insightfulness, remembrance, protection, psychic strength, security, forecasting, integrity, and legal matters. Poisonous.

Morning Glory:

Cheerfulness, soothing, motivation, exuberance, serenity, optimism, peacefulness, inspiration, tranquility, hope, and radiant positivity. Poisonous.


Banishment, purification, fortune, cheerfulness, warding, abundance, cleansing, protection, happiness, prosperity, and affluence. Poisonous.


Soothing, fecundity, fortune, cheerfulness, prosperity, romance, fertility, admiration, extravagance, pleasure, calming, and relaxation. Poisonous.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Toxic


Abundance, healing, motivation, protection, vitality, amplification, energizing, revitalization, inspiration, boosting, prosperity, success, and regard.


Fertility, warding, adoration, bliss, psychic ability, protection, unity, fortune, happiness, romance, fecundity, union, and compassion.

Bay Laurel:

Victory, prosperity, justice, power, psychic ability, warding, transformation, amplification, wealth, respect, protection, and divination.


Courage, warding, confidence, vitality, ambition, banishment, valour, protection, loyalty, longevity, magnificence, determination, and purification.


Abundance, amplification, confidence, speediness, romance, luck, protection, glamours, happiness, wealth, protection, and courage.


Empowerment, warding, abundance, positivity, luck, achievement, confidence, attractiveness, glamours, optimism, hope, protection, and triumph.


Fortification, restoration, desire, prophecy, defense, revitalization, curative, lust, pleasure, insight, protection, healing, sensuality, and divination. 


Luck, protection, balance, manifestation, regard, security, attraction, warding, fortune, harmony, shielding, affluence, and fortitude.


Hex-breaking, healthiness, banishment, sensuality, prosperity, purification, healing, longevity, lustfulness, attraction, and dispelling.


Banishment, romance, sensuality, cleansing, hex-breaking, attraction, love, abundance, prosperity, compassion, adoration, and expelling.


Restoration, prosperity, tranquility, longevity, cleansing, elegance, glamours, beauty, healing, abundance, luck, calming, and purification.


Protection, spirituality, fortune, alignment, generosity, affection, romance, magnificence, sensuality, warding, security, and connection.


Activation, protection, connection, hex-breaking, purification, shielding, energizing, banishment, warding, charging, and fortifying.

Star Anise:

Divination, prosperity, awareness, abundance, protection, warding, prophetic dreams, psychic power, insight, affluence, wealth, and connection.


Confidence, purification, fertility, abundance, protection, banishment, hex-breaking, cleansing, wealth, fortune, warding, and safety.

⋆☆⋆ Shower Steamers ⋆☆⋆Don’t have a bath and still want to relax? Want the spa-like experience witho

⋆☆⋆ Shower Steamers ⋆☆⋆

Don’t have a bath and still want to relax? Want the spa-like experience without the high costs? Want a lovely way to pamper yourself? Then go ahead and try out this DIY bath steamer recipe.

Ingredients & Necessary Items:
❅ Silicone Mold
❅ Glass Bowl
❅ Whisk
❅ Measuring Utensils
❅ Face Mask
❅ Baking Soda (8oz or 1cup)
❅ Citric Acid (8oz or 1 cup)
❅ Polysorbate 80 (Can also use Sorbitan Oleate)(2.5oz or 1/3 cup)
❅ Essential Oils of Your Choosing (Minimum of 10 drops per scent, adjusted to your smell preference.)
❅ A Colorant of Choice (Plant Power, Flower Dye, etc)
❅ Dried Herbs and/or Flowers (Optional)
❅ Nitrile Gloves

Prep Work:
❅ Grab your gloves and mask. It’s not the best to inhale the dry ingredients so a well ventilated space (at least a window open) is needed. Gloves are necessary because direct contact with the dry ingredients can cause dryness in skin or irritate it.

Initial Instructions:
❅ Mix your dry ingredients together (Baking Soda & Citric Acid) into a class bowl. I recommend sifting the Baking Soda into the Citric Acid as it will combine better. Stir with a whisk to further combine. Add in half of the herbs and/or flowers you think you’ll want.
❅ If you choose to have colored steamers, stir in the Flower or Plant Powder. If you don’t add in a colorant, they’ll be white and can still be really pretty.
❅ Mix the wet ingredients together (Polysorbate 80/Sorbitant Oleate and Essential Oils) until the Essential Oils blend evenly with  Polysorbate 80/Sorbitant Oleate. There should be little to no streaking of the Oils in the mixture.
❅Add the wet ingredients into the dry material little by little while mixing with a whisk. Once initially combined, begin to mix with your gloved hands, kneading until the liquids are nicely distributed. This mixture should have the consistency of wet sand– just moist enough to hold its shape when pressed together.
❅ Adjust mixture as needed

Silicone Mold Usage:
❅ Add in herbs and/or flowers to mold before you add in mixture. Go lightly and be sure to avoid the edges of the mold.
❅ Fill the mold(s) with the mixture and press the mixture into the mold with your fingertips, paying attention to any edges in the mold. Fill and compress bit by bit until mold is completely full. Then take the bottom of something flat and hard (like a measuring cup) to further flatten and compress.
❅ Let dry overnight for a 24 hour period. Room temperature is OK and the mold can remain uncovered. Do not leave in a moist/humid area.
❅ Gently demold, tapping the mold to check if it sounds and feels solid. If so, continue with the demolding process. Very gently loosen the steamer from the mold by carefully pulling away the silicone while using your thumbs to gently push out the steamer.

❅ Feel free to check out this post of mine for essential oil combinations to use. There’s more essential oils for those associations than I have in that post so if you have questions or want more options, feel free to ask.
❅ All ingredients can be found locally in grocery stores, in specialty shops or even online.

Post link
Tarot Cards & Their Simple Meanings (Yes, No, or Undecided):The Major Arcana0 The Fool - Yes1 Th

Tarot Cards & Their Simple Meanings (Yes, No, or Undecided):

The Major Arcana
0 The Fool - Yes
1 The Magician - Yes
2 The High Priestess - Undecided
3 The Empress - Yes
4 The Emperor - No
5 The Hierophant - Undecided
6 The Lovers - Yes
7 The Chariot - Yes
8 Strength - Yes
9 The Hermit - Undecided
10 Wheel of Fortune - Yes
11 Justice - Yes
12 The Hanged Man - Undecided
13 Death - No
14 Temperance - Undecided
15 The Devil - No
16 The Tower - No
17 The Star - Yes
18 The Moon - No
19 The Sun - Yes
20 Judgement - Yes
21 The World - Yes

Ace of Swords - Yes
Two of Swords - Undecided
Three of Swords - No
Four of Swords - Undecided
Five of Swords - No
Six of Swords - Yes
Seven of Swords - No
Eight of Swords - No
Nine of Swords - No
Ten of Swords - No
Page of Swords - Yes
Knight of Swords - Yes
Queen of Swords - No
King of Swords - Undecided

Ace of Pentacles - Yes
Two of Pentacles - Undecided
Three of Pentacles - Yes
Four of Pentacles - No
Five of Pentacles - No
Six of Pentacles - Yes
Seven of Pentacles - Undecided
Eight of Pentacles - Yes
Nine of Pentacles - Yes
Ten of Pentacles - Yes
Page of Pentacles - Yes
Knight of Pentacles - Yes
Queen of Pentacles - Yes
King of Pentacles - Yes

Ace of Wands - Yes
Two of Wands - Undecided
Three of Wands - Yes
Four of Wands - Yes
Five of Wands - No
Six of Wands - Yes
Seven of Wands - Undecided
Eight of Wands - Yes
Nine of Wands - Undecided
Ten of Wands - No
Page of Wands - Yes
Knight of Wands - Yes
Queen of Wands - Yes
King of Wands - Yes

Ace of Cups - Yes
Two of Cups - Yes
Three of Cups - Yes
Four of Cups - No
Five of Cups - No
Six of Cups - Yes
Seven of Cups - Undecided
Eight of Cups - No
Nine of Cups - Yes
Ten of Cups - Yes
Page of Cups - Yes
Knight of Cups - Yes
Queen of Cups - Yes
King of Cups - Yes

Post link


Let’s talk about grounding

To be grounded and centered is necessary to be mindful in your daily activities. It is also crucial, as we know, after a spiritual practice or after magick working. And in an overall view, to be grounded is good for you, as you can be a better version of yourself. So let’s tap in. Here are some grounding techniques which works for me:

The basic grounding technique is mindful deep breading.

Wherever you are, preferably in a quiet place, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Feel the fresh air filling your abdomen, your lungs, and your throat, then exhale slowly. Repeat until you feel connected.

If you’d like to deepen the effect, add a visualization.

Sit or lay down comfortably, eyes closed, and imagine that you are on the ground. Feel the soil beneath you, and imagine a flow of energy coming down your body and connects with Earth’s depths. The element you’ll be working with is obviously earth, so you may imagine yourself as a tree, deepening its roots into the ground.

Another option is using crystals.

Basically, any black, brown, or red crystal will do the work, as they refer to our first, root chakra which connects us to the physical plane of being. Personally, I prefer tiger’s eye, black onyx, and red jasper in my practice. As you meditate, place the crystal of your choice in your left hand (the ‘energy receptive’ hand), take deep breaths, and sense the crystal’s energy, let it ground you.

Note – make sure you’ve cleansed the crystal before use.

Foods and herbs for grounding:

Grains and their products.

Vegetables and berries.

Basil, oregano, thyme, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and rosemary.


Grounding herbal tea recipe:

1 cup of boiled water

1 cinnamon stick

3-4 slices of ginger

1 lemon slice

1-2 tsp. of honey

Mix the ingredients (except the honey) and leave it under a cover for 5 min. (so the essential oils won’t evaporate). Add the honey and enjoy your tea.

Stay centered and blessed be! ✨✨


Practical Things I Think Witches Should Research

  • Cultural Appropriation
  • Closed paths and practices
  • Cult warning signs
  • Spiritual Discernment
  • Herb interactions (i.e. how they interact with your medications, if they are poisonous, if you are allergic, can you ingest them, etc.)
  • Fire safety (for candles, smoke cleansing, incense, etc.)
  • Crystal Care (learn if your crystals will dissolve in water, if they can be in the sun, if they can be in the cold, etc.)
  • Pet Care (make sure herbs don’t have poor interactions with your pets, make sure you know what to keep away from them, etc.)



This morning I crafted up some protection oil. This can be used for anointing candles, spaces, yourself and anything you want to protect. Let’s look at the recipe

✧ Sunflower Oil

You can basically use any carrier oil. I use sunflower oil because it’s inexpensive and carries sun properties of healing and happiness

✧ Pink Himalayan Salt

Salt has great protection properties and pink salt is great for enhancing spellwork and it’s powers. A little boost for everything else in the oil

Sub: any salt you associate with protection (normal salt works too)

✧ Rosemary

A great catchall but I infused the intention of protection into this rosemary for the oil

Sub: Any herb you associate with protection. Sage and juniper are others

✧ Lavender

It smells nice…and also! It’s good for inducing a sense of calm protection. When protected with this oil, I want to feel calm and safe

Sub: Any herb associated with calming. Like chamomile! (Tea bags anyone?)

How do I put it together?

☾ Gather your herbs. To start the intention train, make sure you know why you’re grabbing each ingredient. Think about it. This begins infusing your ingredients with intention

☾ Place the ingredients into a mortar and pestle, thinking about the intention of each. This can include a keyword (protection, calm) and also thinking about the feeling (how does it feel to be protected and safe?)

☾ Grind the ingredients up into powder while thinking of intention. You can infuse while grinding clockwise to bring protection

☾ Add a bit of powder to little glass jars or whatever container you would like to use for your anointing oils

☾ Fill the rest with oil. Leave air room to shake it up

☾ Enjoy! (Shake before every use! The powder will sink to the bottom)
