
silenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamelesilenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamelesilenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamelesilenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamelesilenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamelesilenabeauregard:   @perseusnet​ ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians          · · · ah, how shamele


   @perseusnet ··– q u e s t # 1 4, the olympians
         · · · ah, how shameless – the way these mortals blame the gods.

insp. by @helvarmathias

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Hephaestus, Greek god of blacksmiths and craftsmenReposting an old one on request!

Hephaestus, Greek god of blacksmiths and craftsmen

Reposting an old one on request!

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“There are certain sound i cant hear because i was struck by thunder-leaf sounds,dubstep, certain truck engines and ironically thunder”


Hephaestus, when first seeing dionysus drinking: yeah alochol its cool, but have you ever had someone care about you?

Dionysus: no

Hephaestus: me neither, pass the bottle

lonely-piano-in-the-lobby:hephaestus - god of the forge


hephaestus - god of the forge

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I finished my book

took me exactly 365 to complete 2 drafts (first handwritten, the second heavily edited and typed)

It has Hephaestus in it (and a shit ton of other gods)





do you think prometheus would like us

this made me think “Hephaestus would also love us” and then I saw Hephaestus going on a forbidden journey to sunder Prometheus’s chains because without the gift of fire humans would never have learned the art of the forge. and he was already cast out of Olympus for being born with a disability, without fire in human hands he would have been so lonely, god of nothing and no one.

now they watch humans do these things together just beaming like two proud dads and occasionally calling Asclepius when shit goes sideways (“we love you, children! always wear your PPE!”)



The will of Zeus and the hand of Hephaestus

Requested by @ponypickle

Hephaestus (#8

in my olympians series)
Hephaestus, god of metal and weapon smithing, craftsmanship, and fire. I love this god because he doesn't have the overwhelming majesty, and the arrogance that comes along with it. He feels more human to me. Born with a lame leg, and described as ugly, he presents a much more humble appearance. But he shines in the ingenuity department, crafting marvelous weapons, tools, and traps with his sacred objects; his golden hammer and tongs. 

I made his hair and beard orange for his connection with fire, but his skin is a pale blue from being stuck in his palace forge cave on Olympus. ALL of the crafted items in the image are from specific myths. Care to take a guess?

1.) armor and shield (bonus points for the visitors watching) 
2.) throne
3.) woman figure
4.) winged boots and hat
5.) chariot
6.) golden net

Thanks for reading! And if you see an opportunity to share this art I would appreciate it! Xoxo

Ares: So if I run into that wall


Ares: Full strength

Ares: And I DON’T break my skull

Ares: I get three hundred bucks?

Hephaestus: Basically yeah

Ares: Seems legit

Aphrodite: HEY NO-

Aphrodite: Did it hurt?-


Aphrodite: You didn’t wait for the “when you fell from heaven” part?!

Hephaestus: Everything hurts

i just know apollo announced rachel would eventually be the new oracle and aphrodite was like “ooh wait but first a love triangle, that’s gonna spice up percy and annabeth’s relationship. maybe it’ll move faster.” and then later hephaestus was probably like “percy gonna die if we don’t help him get to safety after he blew up a mountain” and aphrodite was like “ooh send him calypso’s island, that’ll make annabeth and percy realize they’re meant to be”. And then hermes makes an offhand comment about luke asking annabeth to runaway with him and she’s like “ooh someone should mention that to percy”. i just have a feeling she was working extra hard trying to make those two realize they had feeling for each other, she was probably so frustrated that they didn’t realize that their jealousy was a part of them having feelings for the other.
