#sad life



Ich hab vor niemandem Angst, nur Angst vor mir selbst…

Decided for some stupid reason to wait and buy six of crows. Now six of crows is sold out on amazon and all that’s left is my broken heart.


“ₗₒₙₑₗᵢₙₑₛₛ dₒₑₛ ₙₒₜ cₒₘₑ fᵣₒₘ ₕₐᵥᵢₙg ₙₒ ₚₑₒₚₗₑ ₐbₒᵤₜ ₒₙₑ, bᵤₜ fᵣₒₘ bₑᵢₙg ᵤₙₐbₗₑ ₜₒ cₒₘₘᵤₙᵢcₐₜₑ ₜₕₑ ₜₕᵢₙgₛ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₑₑₘ ᵢₘₚₒᵣₜₐₙₜ ₜₒ ₒₙₑₛₑₗf, ₒᵣ fᵣₒₘ ₕₒₗdᵢₙg ᵥᵢₑwₛ ₜₕₐₜ ₒₜₕₑᵣₛ fᵢₙd ᵢₙₐdₘᵢₛₛᵢbₗₑ.”

So the past 9 or 10 months I have been struggling with a crack addiction. I got diagnosed with syncope and have been to about 5 ER visits from smoking myself to death. I got sober again about 5 or so days may 21st I woke up for the first time in a really long time and didn’t want drugs and it brought me to tears because I haven’t felt that feeling Iñ so long, I have God to thank fa following me along this journey, keeping me safe. Thank you

When you suddenly feel don’t care about anything that you usually interested of or anyone who you usually cares about, you feel so fcking tired and down that makes you want to sleep all the day and doing nothing, your sentences always prayed for your death and you laughed for something that even not funny at all then cried without any clear reason.

What will you do?

Cause I lost. And loss of it.

I wish I had a numb on my brain.

I still haven’t seen the 7th season can you believe that

god I’ll try to get to it tomorrow i feel guilty for not supporting my space babes

Udaje, że jestem szczęśliwa i kiedy już uważam, że to na stałe ten uśmiech, plany, śmiech i cudny czas ze wszystkimi to…wszystko znika jak tylko zamykam drzwi od pokoju, zaczynam płakać i już wiem, że jestem słaba i nic z tym nie zrobię.

I’m 26 now, I left “home” 11 years ago and my life changed 12 years ago. And here I am, still depressed. I have no advice for you..

I feel like I’m always trying to defend my emotions and explain how I feel. But when the end of day comes, I feel like I’m the one that needs to die.

I will eat less than you do in a day. Just to show you that you don’t care about my well being as much as I do yours. A simple are you hungry or what have you eaten today, shows just how much a person cares when you’re skin and bones.

“Sometimes, you lose people. People who promised to stay — walk away, right infront of your eyes and there’s nothing you could do about it. As much as you hold onto them, it hurts until you let go. And you lose yourself along with them. Sometimes, you lose people and they say, it’s for good. Sometimes, you lose people you wish you didn’t and sometimes, you pray they stayed. Sometimes, you know the reason but other times, it is what it is.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

عندما لا تتوافق قطع أحجية الحب معًا بعد الآن - ثق بي ، لقد بدأوا في الاتصال في مكان آخر.

“when the pieces of your love puzzle don’t fit together anymore — trust me, they’ve started to connect somewhere else.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

“I dreamt of you, last night. I met you in my dream. I remember, I held your hand and looked you in the eyes but I’m afraid — they seemed clueless and your smile wasn’t serene. Your arms had always been my home but the hug last night screamed ‘goodbye’. I can easily recall how your hand slipped through mine and later, you faded like you were never there. I promise, I saw you in my dream and it feels, you visited to say that we’re not meant to be.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— dream or a nightmare

‌“and it was my birthday. I looked at my phone — waiting to see your name popping up in my notification, hoping that you’d be the first one to wish me. Before that night, I had no idea that an event could make so much of a difference — even though you told me the next day you didn’t forget, I had realised that I wasn’t as important as I thought I was — perhaps, that’s when I had lost you for the first time. Few days later, we had gotten into a fight — all I know is that it was my mistake but all it proved to me was that your ego meant more to you than the love you said you had in you. I assumed, that was it — I had broken your heart but you wrecked my soul when I found out that you’d been lying to me and I lost you one more time. On our last call — you said you love me but your actions recited a complete different story. I had lost all hope until tonight when I picked up my phone to dial your number and my heart refused because I no longer love you — I love the person I thought you were.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— a very happy birthday
