
I’ve loved this photo for many years! Even angels can fall in love with monsters..

I’ve loved this photo for many years! Even angels can fall in love with monsters..

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To being loved unconditionally and intentionally


“if a man often compliments your body, but never calls you pretty or beautiful, you shouldn’t trust him. and if a man only ever compliments your looks, but never calls you passionate or intelligent or exquisite, then he is not the man for you. you are more than just a pretty face or a one night stand. know your worth, baby girl.”

— know your worth, baby girl (11:59 pm)


I need more Clark and Kara bonding over their dark haired wives keeping them in check.

Clark: So Lena shut that down pretty quickly, huh?

Kara: ‘Using that power would be just as wrong,’ she said.

Clark: …she’s r-

Kara: Right, yes - I know, I know.

Clark: Happens a lot, honestly. Lois is great with those kind of moral dilemmas.

Kara: …I love humans.

Clark: Yeah, me too.

When did things change? iI was so much simpler when we were blissfully unaware of our feelings for each other.

Many people have different ways to cope with depression, anger, anxiety, fear.

My therapy is writing. Whether that be a poem or a short story. Sometimes even a jumble of words that may not make sense to anyone except me. My wish was to become an author but for some reason I can only fathom writing when I feel like I am trapped in my own mind. Here is what is on my mind.

“Why not me?”

“Why her?”

“This isn’t fair.”

I may never love someone the way I loved you. My heart may always have a weird ache when I think of you. but it has been over 365 days without you, so I think it’s best if I say goodbye.

Goodbye, my beautiful misery.

I hate you, yet I don’t want them because they’re not you.

So tell me, what high did you get off of pretending that you loved me?

You must get off on sinking your teeth into your lover until they can’t find a heart beat.


I’m writing this letter to you, so..

Hey, I’m not sure if you remember me, but I’m the girl you used to want to give your last name to.

How are you? I heard you have a new lover, she was even there while you and I were lovers. I still can’t believe you did that to me.

Anyways, I often dream about you. And trust me, it’s not like I want to. But I often wake up missing you. I really wish that’d stop.

Can you teach me how to lose feelings for somebody like you lost them for me?

I hate this pain. Have you ever felt it? I doubt you have , I feel as though your veins are numb to just about anything.

Which is why I hate to say this; but I miss you.

I miss you a whole bunch but I’m kind of getting used to this numbing pain.

P.S. do you ever think about me? I hope I stop loving you soon. & I also hate you for all this blue you filled my soul with. — your ex lover

I had to learn how to breathe

And how to smile

Without you.

Liquor tainted my veins

Leaving the memories of you very vague

Yet one night I woke up screaming your name

My throat was so tight , you were nowhere in sight

That’s when I realized that my lover lied

And my heart was slowly commiting suicide

I can now say that I am okay, but I miss you in the oddest ways

Is she everything that you thought she’d be?

Do you love her more than you loved me?

You were the cloud and I was the rain

My love was too heavy for your soul to maintain.
