#mentally drained


Be thankful for today and love laugh and love , for in one second your entire life could be turned inside out and be unlike you know it so much so that you will loose parts of yourself and the little things that you gave no thought to and took for granted will be what you miss the most .


Chronic pain problems •

“It’s not because I don’t care, am not interested or don’t want to spend time with you [as long to] I’m exhausted…running on empty, and it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup…I still love you. I still care.” What I Need You to Know When I Don’t Reply

Chronic pain problems •

When you do a amazing heartfelt post and it doesn’t post and then you can’t remember everything you wrote and you’re in too much pain to recreate

Chronic pain problems.

When tradies say they will be there between 8-9 pushing 10 and still not here angry 5 mins sleep in the morning is worth luquid gold especially when it’s taken me most the night to get to sleep.


Chronic pain problems •

“My body is once again failing me… I have the motivation and determination to achieve awesome things but I’m trapped in a body that will not allow me to… Many people with #chronicillness will relate to this… I just wanted to say #YouAreNotAlone.”

Chronic pain problems •

Insomnia sucks..


A quick check in

Drink some water, take a deep breath, if you’ve been wearing a binder for more than eight hours, take it off. Stretch, take any medications you need to, have some food, correct your posture, go outside if you can. You’re going to get through this.

My parents:

pay for private lessons so I can get good grades at school ✅

pay an expert to help me and prevent me from committing suicide tomorrow ❌
