#witch blog

The other day, I had this conversation with my friend:Them: Haha omg did you know that some people o

The other day, I had this conversation with my friend:

Them: Haha omg did you know that some people on Tumblr actually think they’re witches? That’s so dumb.

Me externally: Haha yeah, crazy.

Me internally, knowing its a religious belief and spiritual practice:

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This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorit

This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorite!) It’s also just super useful to help manifest what you want while visualizing your goals each month. 

If you have a side hustle or small business then you know how much effort and energy it is to grow. You’re working all hours of the night, posting on social media, coming up with a strategy and even paying for ads to help bring in new sales. With that being said it’s always a good idea to back up so much mundane work with the energy of a spell for your business. 

This is a working spell, meaning it’s never really ‘complete’. You can continue to add components to it and keep the energy active as you grow your business with the spell. It also works really well for online shops and e-commerce businesses as you don’t really need a physical location to perform the spell successfully. 

What you need

  • A small box (decorated however you want)
  • A print out of your products 
  • Cinnamon oil
  • One green candle
  • 4 coins

What you’ll do

Print out your products on one piece of paper. You can make them small if you have several products, or just print out your best sellers. Anoint your candle and coins in cinnamon oil. Light the candle and place the coins around the candle. Visualize your business growth with whatever that means to you. Either acquiring more sales, clients, or shop visits. Let the candle burn down all the way. Fold up your piece of paper and place it in the box. Place the coins and any wax remnants on top of the paper, in your box. 

Keep your box on display on your altar, or in a prominent place. Add items to it as you see fit, and light a green candle next to it anointed in cinnamon oil to repeat the spell every waxing moon. 

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Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers,

Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers, help protect and can even amplify your psychic abilities. Although everyone is drawn to different crystals for their own reasons, these are always my go-to favorites and I always highly recommend them to newbie witches.

1 - Clear Quartz The OG of crystals. This clear white stone is like the grandmother of crystals. It can replace ‘almost’ any stone in a spell and is a good all around healer, protector, cleanser. If you need to start your crystal collection, start here.

2 - Rose Quartz One of my all time favorites. Not only is this pink stone gorgeous to look at, it has amazing self love properties. I find that it helps open you up to accepting and being kinder to yourself. I always have one on my altar to remind myself that I love myself above all else.

3 - Black Tourmaline This is not the stone for everyone. If you want to try it out I recommend buying one and sitting around with it for a few days and seeing if you jive with it or not. If not, no worries replace with a Black Obsidian ideas. But if you do feel like you are bonding with your Black Tourmaline it’s perfect for keeping spirits away, bad vibes and a whole bunch of other not great stuff.

4 - Moonstone I love a good Moonstone. This beautiful iridescent stone helps me feel connected to The Goddess and all things divine feminine. I always keep one next to my altar and when I do tarot readings to help me connect to my higher self and guide my intuition.

5 - Amethyst Another OG rockstar. This purple stone is fabulous for so many things. A great protector this stone will keep you safe in any situation. It’s perfect for having around your home because it’s so pretty and it keeps the space cleansed and safe.

6 - Citrine This orange stone sometimes gets overlooked but it has great properties. Abundance, growth and energy are all in here. I keep one around to make sure things are flowing and I’m growing at the same time.

7 - Selenite This crystal usually comes in a sort of tower form. It’s a light pink but looks completely different then a Rose Quartz. It’s perfect for people who struggle with insomnia or who are restless and need guidance to find their inner peace. I always keep one in my space to instill a calmness in the room.

8 - Tigers Eye This one was one of my very first favorite stones as a kid. I could not get over the shiny orange/gold stripes mixed with brown sides. It’s still one of my favorites. It’s the perfect stone to help you focus and get rid of any fear and anxiety.

9 - Smoky Quartz A darker, richer brown tone than it’s sister clear quartz, this stone is amazing at dispelling any negativity. I actively use this crystal when cleansing my tarot or tools or just wanting to rid the space of any bad vibes.

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 I saw a TikTok the other day that said to manifest during the waxing phase and not the full moon ph

I saw a TikTok the other day that said to manifest during the waxing phase and not the full moon phase. Sometimes in witchcraft there is ALOT of conflicting information. And I’m not saying anyone is wrong, but I am saying it can be confusing for a baby witch to figure out. Here’s the thing thought. There are no rules in witchcraft. Sure there are “guidelines” but nothing really specific that says YOU HAVE TO bla bla blah. I’ve sure as shit done an spell in a pinch that was probably more of a manifesting spell during the waiting moon phase because I’m pretty much a hot mess at all times. So just to clarify here’s what I do in manifesting during moon phases.

The Waxing Moon is all about growth and making more. What more? Well that depends on you. Money, jobs, business growth, however you want to translate that into you me life. These spells are best done during the waxing moon phase. 

The Full Moon is the most potent so sometimes I do spells during that time even though they kinda fall under the “waxing moon phase” ones because I want that hyped up energy that I get from the full moon. I also do a lot of recharging during the full moon and reconnecting bc stress. 

‍♀️ So in the end the best moon phases to manifest to are The Waxing Moon bc of its powerful growth energy and The Full Moon bc she’s just a boss all around.

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 MY LAZY WITCH CONFESSIONS Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon ritua


Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon rituals, spells, and loads of inner work to create a better manifested life takes an endless amount of time. And sometimes life is messy, gets in the way, or damnit you just need to take a break from all of it. So sometimes I’m a lazy witch. (shrugs) Not that I can’t be bothered with proper ingredients of a spell, but just because sometimes it is so complicated I just need to move on. 

(Quick note, no-lazy witchcraft is not really a thing, mostly this post is just for fun.)

1 I don’t always charge my crystals 

In my defense my crystal collection has grown over the years and I don’t like to drag them all outside and let the full moon do it’s thing. I have done it. And yes I did get weird looks from my neighbors who were all watching me drag tons of Pyrex dishes outside with crystals on them. 

2 Full moon rituals are a maybe

I love a full moon ritual bath. It’s cleansing and relaxing and I can decompress from the past month while preparing myself for the month ahead. Does that always happen? No. Usually if it doesn’t it’s because something got in the way like massive loads of laundry or some other mom-type crises that can’t be avoided. (Where are my other witchy moms at?)

3 Tarot readings on the fly

I LOVE getting out all the things to do a tarot reading. Candles, crystals, Hand Of Glory (kidding!) but for real getting prepped, it makes a big difference in how my connection is and ultimately how my reading goes. No matter how much I love this, most of the time my readings are done on the fly at my desk when I’m getting pissed off at someone. 

4 I don’t have a Book Of Shadows or Spellbook

I used to keep a better record, used to being the commemorative word here. After some time IDK what happened by my leather bound journals became Dollar Tree notebooks and then nothing at all. I should write everything down before I die, I know this but will I, IDK. 

5 Sabbath celebrations are a nope

I used to do these too but with Halloween and Christmas celebrations with the fam I don’t have any time to add an additional Sabbath so I flicked it off the calendar and never looked back. (Sorry ancestors) 

6 My witchy at home aesthetic pajamas

I’m completely jealous of the witches who have their look down with the black robes and completely decorated spaces to celebrate and work their magic in. I’m in the kitchen next to stacks of papers and a doggie chew toy.

7 Substitutions are a hit or miss

Spell substitutions, we all do it, the question is do they work? Sometimes they do, and sometimes the spell goes wonky. I’m just as guilty of subbing out things as the next witch but I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do!

8 Kitchen witch means making Uncrustables 

Cooking is the bane of my existence. I used to love it. But after making dinner for 4 millionth time in a row I can never make a meal again. So if I have to have an edible item in my spell you best believe it’s a frozen waffle or something on that same line. 

9 Cleansing before spells is just wiping Cheeto dust off my fingers

It just takes too long. There I said it. I try to meditate to make sure my mind is clear, and I swear I used to have this ‘witchy soap’ I would make for pre-ritual washing but I haven’t come across that recipe in years so here we are.

10 My ‘circles’ are all imaginary 

I’ve seen all the fancy circles laid out with crystals, flowers and candles and I LOVE them. But am I doing them at home? Nope. Mostly I’m just imagining a fiery white light around me because that’s all the time I’ve got. 

Do you have a funny or lazy witch tip you want to share? Comment below and let me know your go-to witchy time saver!

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HOW TO MAKE A CLEANSING ROOM SPRAYI was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran acr


I was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran across a shop that sold room sprays. The idea is you can use these sprays to cleanse the ‘vibe’ in your room before ritual work. I picked up one for the Full Moon and one for the New Moon and I freaking LOVE them. Especially if I’m in a hurry and don’t want to light a whole charcoal block to cleanse with loose incense or any incense in general I just use these witchy sprays.

Both sprays are come in dark glass bottles and filled with incense, distilled water, crystals and blessed by the full moon. I use them so often now that I wanted to try my hand at making my own room spray.

This recipe is for a cleansing room spray that can be used pre any spell or ritual. It’s great for times you’re on the go and can’t light incense or are sensitive to the smoke from incense in general. Room sprays are my for sure go-to now,

What you need

One small glass spray bottle

Lavender and Sage essential oil

Moon water (bonus if it’s distilled)

One small Amethyst

What you’ll do

It’s pretty simple. You just need to place the ingredients in the spray bottle. Try decorating a sticker or label and place it on your glass bottle so you know which spray it is. If you’re curious about how to make Moon Water I’ve written about it before here. You basically leave water outside during the full moon to collect the energy and you can use the water for different things like ritual baths and to make this room spray.

Change it up by adding different crystals, essential oils and herbs to make sprays for energy, self love, or anything else you can think of. I would love to make a protection spray too.

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One of my favorite ways to spell cast is with a deck of tarot cards. It’s so simple and effective, a

One of my favorite ways to spell cast is with a deck of tarot cards. It’s so simple and effective, and you can literally use this basic spell for anything you want to draw in or release from your life. You can use any tarot deck for this spell technique, but I keep an older deck that I don’t use for readings anymore and use that. 

What you need:

You can improvise in any way, but I usually have incense burning, a few white candles out (tea lights are my fave) and whatever crystals I feel are appropriate for the issue at hand. You can always use a general white quartz if you’re unsure. 

I always include a physical portion of whatever I’m spell casting for. If it’s a job I want, I might print out my resume and have it laying on the bottom, or collect a some dirt from around the building. If the spell is about me, I might cut a lock of my hair. Just so there is something to anchor the spell to. 

I will usually add whatever other elements I might need for visualization or to set the tone. Some things I have used was ribbons for school colors, pictures, herbs that have relevant properties and things like that. 

What you’ll do:

Start out by predetermining which three tarot cards you want to use. If I am looking for a job for instance I might choose the 10 of pentacles to represent money, judgement to represent the decision of me working and a third card that closely represents the work I will be doing. 

Begin your spell by casting a circle or simply visualizing a bright white light around you, protecting you and your space. Light your candles and incense. Set out your physical items leaving space for your cards. 

Set out the first one and visualize in your minds eye the intention of your spell. Then lay out the second one and visualize you getting what you want or the decision being made in your favor. Set out your third card and visualize you in the position of where you want to be. 

Meditate on this for a few minutes, making sure you are releasing your intention out into the world and knowing that if there is any mundane work to be done that you are committed to your part. (Mundane work would be working on your resume, brushing up on any skills, and submitting for the job…basically doing your best effort to get where you want to be.)

When you feel like you have released your intention, blow out the candles (or let them burn up to you) and ignite your incense. Thank the energies and release your circle however you want to. 

Collect all the items and place them in a small bag and carry them with you. Leave your tarot cards out (if you can) and revisit that energy as many times as you want until your spell is successful. Happy casting!

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Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in

Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in your life. That thing you can’t describe but fits you perfectly once you seek it out. But I think witchcraft finds you. It puts things in place, runs books or titles across your phone, haunts you in your sleep and finally when you’ve had all you can take, you open the door. And it’s not scary, or strange, it just feels like it was right there the whole time. 

If you’ve been called to practice magic, then chances are there were signs and signals long before you realized what the heck was even going on. Maybe you’ve dreamed about things before they happened, or maybe your empathic abilities were shining bright as a kid, bringing your moods up and down. We’ve probably all had one or more of these experiences. So read on to see, were you born a witch? 

[This post is mostly just for fun… because we are really all natural witches]

You heard people talk in your head before they spoke aloud

Ever hear someone say something before they say it, just to announce the answer out loud and have them look at you like you shocked the Hell out of them? Then they swear they didn’t say it out loud. It’s because you heard it in your head first. 

You knew something was going to happen just before it happened

Maybe it was just a gut feeling, or a heightened intuition, either way you called it, and it happened. 

You got a sick or gross feeling around someone and later learned that person was trash

Everyone LOVES person X, but you always got a horrible vibe around them. Later on you hear that they did this really nasty thing, and you’re all like, I told you so. Boom. 

You had dreams about things that didn’t happen yet

Dreamed of the house before you moved in, of a visit that didn’t happen yet, or a trip in the making. You are basically a walking psychic. 

You had imaginary friends (ghosts) and talked to them as a child

You had all the friends. Only all the friends were dead. But that either didn’t bother you, OR you didn’t realize you were the only one playing dress up and tea with your dolls. 

You could step into a room, and it could really bring you down if it was depressing or lift you up if the mood was right

Hop into a room or space, and you immediately pick up the vibe, good or bad, and it can really affect your mood. Sometimes for a while too. 

When a song plays you really feel the lyrics

Maybe it’s not a pop song, but when the lyrics play the notes speak directly to your soul. 

You are well liked by animals

Go to a friend’s house and her cats are all over you. Even your neighbor iguana sits on your lap. Animals know a witch when they see one. 

You were drawn to natural things as a child like being outside, playing with rocks or bugs

You liked to play outside but it was overkill. Not only that, but you walked around barefoot, collected rocks or just felt the Earth over being inside anyway.

You never really felt like you belonged

There was always this eerie feeling that you didn’t belong. Now I know we all kinda feel that way but you’re particular, like something was missing…

You lived in your imagination and made up stories and could visualize them as a kid

Imagination was your jam. You always made up wild stories with vivid imagination and could see every single detail in all its glory.

You liked to read and could see the images play in your mind like a TV show

Reading is still your favorite hobby. And you can still play out every scene from all your favorite books in your head. 

You said things about dead relatives to your family members that you have never met 

You knew Great-Grandma had dark brown eyes and wore a pink cardigan to church even though you never met her, and she died 8 years before you were born.

You talked to trees and plants

Trees seem alive to you. You can feel their spirits and sometimes like to walk up to them and give them a high five. 

You feel called to the ocean, rain or a specific element

The ocean is a special place for you. Its mystic energy pulls you in, and you can’t ever get enough. 

You have a natural aversion to helping people

You always volunteered to babysit the class pet, help your friend move, or just be an ear when someone needed a cry. 

People seem to tell you their darkest secrets for no reason

The grocery store checkout lady spills the tea on her divorce, or the lady you babysit for vents to you about a long stressful day at work. People seem to open up to you, and you don’t really know why. 

Graveyards never bothered you

Maybe it just seemed more like a natural ending to things than a big scary end all. Either way even when you were a kid, visiting the cemetery was never even a thrill. 

The moon has always been a big deal

Were you fascinated with the moon as a child? Spend nights staring at the stars? Or was astronomy your favorite subject?  

Have you had an unusual experience that happened to you before you discovered witchcraft? Drop a line below and share your experience…! 

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daily witchy self-care️

Taking care of yourself day-to-day is important- even more important than a full-blown, in-depth spiritual practice. Here are a few ways you can incorporate witchcraft into your daily self care routine.

  • witchy baths or showers: bring some (water safe!) crystals, herbs, or even corresponding soaps into your hygiene routine. correlate these items to an overarching intent. try even bringing in specific colors or scents!
  • affirmations:when you get ready in the morning, get ready for bed, prepare to sleep, or make meals, try to recite some affirmations and reaffirm your intent. this includes things like stirring soup or a drink clockwise/counterclockwise to attract/banish something, telling yourself you are perfect the way you are as you look into the mirror, and affirming your intentions for the next day before you fall asleep.
  • sigils: try putting sigils on things you use in your daily life. perhaps a glamour sigil on a makeup item you frequently use, confidence sigil on your mirror, luck sigils on the soles of your shoes, relaxation and sleep sigils under your pillow, etc.
  • mindfulness: take a moment to be present in your life. try to notice the weather outside, observe what’s happening outside your window, focus on your breathing, observe what you can with all five senses, or do any kind of mindful exercise to remain present and aware throughout the day. notice how this makes you feel.
  • journaling: write about your feelings! how mindful were you throughout the day? what did you notice? what did you do to enrich your spiritual practice that day; did you research, or focus on anything in particular?

Remember that you don’t need to do a lengthy ritual daily in order to have a daily practice. The idea that your practice must be in-depth and energy consuming every day is an ableist mindset. Not doing extensive work towards your witchy goals doesn’t make you any less of a practitioner. Your practice is valid, friend.

Love yourself and witch on!


  1. Unhappiness & emptiness. Perhaps feeling of not being good enough.
  2. A perception shift. You will suddenly feel that your perspective on things change.
  3. Seeking the answers. With this sudden perspective change you find yourself wanting to know why.
  4. Finding those answers and experiencing breakthroughs.
  5. Disillusionment and a sense of feeling lost once again. You have found your answer and you don’t know what’s next.
  6. Feeling a need to so deep inner work. Your shadow work is important and it’s understandable that some traumas should be left alone. Work at your own pace and remember it’s okay not to be ready to dive into some trauma now.
  7. Integration, expansion and joy. You’ll find how to correct old habits and make yourself a better person. You’ll grown and find a new joy for yourself.

When you get done burning some rosemary and your brother walks in and asks what the smell is
