

Authenticity, living life being true to who you truly want to be. 

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let out true selves be seen.” Brene Brown

“Authenticity starts in the heart.” 

Brian D’Angelo

“Authenticity over everything.” 


“If you’re your authentic self, you have no competition.” 


“Don’t trade your authenticity for approval.” 


“Honesty and authenticity are a big deal for me.” 

Scarlett Thomas

“Authenticity: The courage to be yourself.” 


“Be fearlessly authentic.” 


“Authenticity is magnetic.” 


“Authenticity is more important.” 


“Less perfection. More authenticity.” 


“Don’t talk about it, be about it.” 


“Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.” 

Coco Chanel

“Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity.” 

Janet Louise Stephenson

“I’ve always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be.” 

Dita Von Teese

“Authenticity is your most precious commodity as a leader.” 

Marcus Buckingham

“You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are.” 

Amy Poehler

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” 

Friedrich Nietzsche

“To become conscious and aware, we must become authentic. Authenticity is the highest form of being.” 

Teal Swan

“We are constantly invited to be who we are.” 

Henry David Thoreau

“Living from a place of authenticity is difficult because those living in distortion see you as a threat to their delusion and some are so attached to that delusion that they will behave in erratic ways to defend their ego’s projection of wounding.” 

Suzanne Wagner

“Aspire to be authentic.” 

Yann Martel

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” 

E.E. Cummings

“When you are authentic, you create a certain energy, people want to be around you because you are unique.” 

Andie MacDowell

“Accept no one’s definition of your life, define yourself.” 


“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.” 

Eckhart Tolle

“To become authentic we require a thirst for freedom.” 

Don Mateo Sol

“I choose to be authentic in everything I do.” 

India Arie

“Have the courage to be who you want to be, in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.” 


“Authenticity is about being true to who you are.” 

Michael Jordan

“As I began to love myself. I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living my own truth. Today I know this is authenticity.” 

Charlie Chaplin

“Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.” 

William James

“Uncover your true self.” 


” Authenticity is more than speaking; Authenticity is also about doing. Every decision we make says something about who we are.” 

Simon Sinek

“When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the same. Walk in your truth.”


“Stay true to your brand and true to your voice and audiences will respond to that authenticity with enthusiasm and passion.” 

Kevin Spacey

“The quality of your life is directly related to the authenticity of the dreams you choose to follow.” 


“Authenticity is at the heart of success.” 


“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” 

Oscar Wilde

“Being sincere and true to yourself defines your authenticity.” 

Arsenio V Manalo Jr

“Own who you are.” 


“I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I’ve become. If I had, I’d have done it a lot earlier.” 

Oprah Winfrey

“We have to dare to be ourselves.” 

May Sarton

via 43 Inspirational Quotes On Being Authentic To Yourself By Asad Meah




forget baby fever, the perceived need to grab any piece of free furniture you see in your 20s is unreal

Please, 20+ year olds, follow the rule of:

Hard furniture YES

Soft furnishings NO

Free bookcase? Table? Lamp? Go for it

Free couch, mattress or beanbag? Leave it be!

You don’t know if it has bedbugs and you do not want bedbugs. Also if a passing dog has pissed on it that’s the sort of thing you can’t always tell until it’s in a closed space with you. If you can’t wipe it clean, leave it!

I brought the coolest and heaviest desk i have still ever seen to this day into my apartment without inspecting it and it infested my entire room with German cockroaches so

You cannot build a life around another person. People come when they are ready, and they leave when it is their time. Nothing in life is permanent except yourself.

Venus de Roux

I was struggling to get into anthologies most of this year but I can’t stop reading this one. I’m re

I was struggling to get into anthologies most of this year but I can’t stop reading this one. I’m reading the essays in order of appearance and am feeling so inspired by the women in here. There are many books I read as an adult and wished I had found them when I was a teenager. I would forgo them all if I could have just this book to read, when I was 17.

It’s so powerful. I think what works for this collection is the length of each piece (short + to the point) and the sheer diversity of contributors. The book is divided into four sections:


I’m starting Words of Fiction shortly and will edit this post if I have more thoughts.

The book is published by @insidejigsaw and edited by @sonderandtell. If you buy it from Jigsaw, the full £9.99 goes towards @womenforwomenuk charity. What a worthy cause, and what a beautiful collection.

#fiction #nonfiction #comfortzones #newbook #anthology #bookstagram #booksofig #beauty #feminism #empowering #inspiringwomen #sundayvibes #sundayreading #inclusion #advice #bestoftheday #photography #oursharedshelf #ourshelvesareourselves #goodmorning #weekendvibes #weekend #sunday

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        Good day friends! so summer has decided to stick around in Scotland for a little bit longer and today we are facing a roasting 24° in Fife, Narnia has melted and suddenly become a heat trap! As such, I have taken this opportunity to escape from the sun for a little bit an publish a nice wee post for y’all to digest if Cyprus is somewhere you’re thinking of flying off to in the future. I had been once before but as a part of my graduation, my folks invited me out on one last family holiday so of course I accepted the offer and before I knew it I was packed and sitting in the airport waiting to fly off to a very sunny and humid Cyprus!

We landed in Paphos in the early afternoon on the 4th of July, right in the height of the heat and humidity combined and like anyone else, after doing a quick browse of our apartment in CY King Village, opposite the Oracle hotel/ apartments, we ended up going to the pool. Now our apartment was a bit tired and the owner lied to us about the location of it as well as the views which was disappointing since we looked out onto a car park and a block of newly built apartments at the back and a car park at the front. If I were you, I’d stay away from flat 1 in block 6. The neighbours were nice though and the pools were equally as nice! In fact, me and mum took a liking to a wee Russian fellow who happened to own one of the villas on the complex and who also turned out to be a retired diplomat for the united nations! he was full of interesting stories of places he’d visited and his wealth of knowledge was truly fascinating!

Below is the view from the main balcony of the apartment, nothing much to look at I’m afraid…

We did venture away from the cooling water of the pool and one of the first trips we went on was the Kato Lefkara/Nicosia tour. Out of the tours that we went on, this one was my favourite, Lefkara took my breath away with its traditional village feel… it is known as the silver and lace village and when we entered one of the lace shops, the stories that were told to us were on another level! one of the workers’ auntie worked with her and a few assistants to make a huge table cloth out of lace for pope Benedetto and showed us many photos with excitement in their voices! I ended up buying an adorable lace parasol which I’ll be able to use if we are lucky to get more weather like this. Aside from the beautiful lace shop, we went to the wee coffee shop beside it where the man serving us (bless his wee cotton socks) was working like a trooper for our group. This was where we tried a slice of homemade almond cake, this my friends is a must try, it was so yummy! We wanted to stay for longer but time was against us unfortunately…

The photos below were taken outside the lace shop and the second one was inside the coffee shop where grapevines hung from the brackets that arched above our heads.

Moving on then to Nicosia which is known as the place where you can ‘shop ’till you drop’ quite literally. I know there is probably more to it but where we were dropped off, there is literally a long strip full of designer/non-designer shops as well as coffee shops. I don’t really know what I expected from Nicosia but this definitely wasn’t what I had in mind. After browsing a few shops and stopping off for lunch before heading back to the buss, I came to the decision that Nicosia wasn’t the place for me and if I head back to Cyprus again, I will probably look to stay elsewhere. Below is a photo from the beginning of the strip…


I would recommend the Lefkara/Nicosia trip purely to see the villages before you hit Nicosia. Of course, if you love a good wee shop then I think you’ll enjoy it but for me, someone who loves history and nature, it wasn’t all that great… Our next trip was to a place called Famagusta, the ghost town and the Turkish State of Northern Cyprus. Bring yer passports for this one folks as you’ll need them to cross the border both ways. It was the longest tour and we visited the cathedral of St. Barnabas as well as a roman excavation site, the name of which seems to have gone from my mind. The cathedral was nice and full of religious artworks which are definitely worth having a look at but the trip could have taken the excavation site off of its schedule as although the history was worth it, we on seen two parts and as it had been abandoned after the Turkish raids, I lost interest pretty fast. Famagusta itself was really nice and was the perfect place for a lunch stop and browse through the stalls and shops they had to offer. A place called Petek, on the corner going into Famagusta, was refreshing and had a range of tasty snacks and cakes on offer, I would definitely recommend visiting this place. 

Below are photos of the roman theatre and a wall painting from inside the cathedral of St. Barnabas.



Our favourite place of the whole holiday ended up being at the Paphos Harbour. It was in my opinion better than Coral Bay (which was mainly a beach with a bar and restaurants beside it). I love the sea, and the access to it was easier there than at Coral Bay and you didn’t have to spend all day there if you didn’t want to. The Mediterranean sea was warmer than I thought it would be and me, being the true water baby I am, loved every moment of swimming in that sea. The cafe’s and shops along the walkway are also pretty good so I recommend the harbour to any sea loving person out there!

Nearing the end of trip we ventured to the ‘Tomb of the Kings,’ a place that most people raved about and told us was a must see site. We were quite excited about it until we read the signpost after the entrance way. It basically read that although no kings were buried there, many rich people were… Why? Why would you call somewhere the ‘Tomb of the Kings’ when no kings were actually buried there? and why were people so boastful about it?Any how, we never let it dampen our spirits and wandered around the empty ruins which were once lavish burial places to the rich. It was a good wee walk but to me, it was not dissimilar to Aphrodites’ Puddle (in reference to the baths of Aphrodite, which is really just a puddle). I mean no offence whatsoever here but if yer gonna call an archaeological site after kings then there better be kings in it or there’s no really much point is there? After summarising over the equivalent of a Mr. Whippy ice cream that the site should be renamed ‘The Tomb of the Non Kings’ we made our way back to the apartment for another late afternoon swim in the pool…

Below are a few photos of the ‘Tomb of the non Kings.’

Well that just about wraps things up for this post, if you do go to Cyprus, don’t waste your time by going to ‘The Tomb of the Kings’ or ‘The Baths of Aphrodite’ but instead I urge you to visit little traditional villages like Kato Lefkara where the stories you’ll hear are sure to be amazing! Don’t go in July like we made the mistake of doing (as told by the locals) apparently May and September are the best times to visit!

Until the next time, for now, I’m off for a wee bike ride whilst the weather is lovely. Take care for now and I’ll see y’all in the next post! ~*


My Cyprus Adventure in a Nutshell ~*         Good day friends! so summer has decided to stick around in Scotland for a little bit longer and today we are facing a roasting 24° in Fife, Narnia has melted and suddenly become a heat trap!

How to: Survive Uni ~*

Good evening friends! How is your summer going? mine has been a busy one up until this point which is why I bring you this post later than I thought I would. After graduation, so much happened. The grad ball came first, then moving out of my Stirling flat and into the new flat in the space of two days, then going home to pack for a holiday two days later! phew. I should say that I am now settled…

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Estoy muy agradecida con todas las personas que me han enviado mensajes pidiendo consejos, ayuda o a

Estoy muy agradecida con todas las personas que me han enviado mensajes pidiendo consejos, ayuda o alguien que los escuche. Todos y cada uno de ustedes tiene el derecho a tener un amigo, un apoyo, y yo estoy aquí para serlo. Si tienen algún problema, o necesitan hablar con alguien, envíen un mensaje, quedará completamente privado, prometo tratar de ayudarlos. Y a los que ya lo enviaron, gracias por la confianza. ♥

I am very grateful to all who have sent me messages asking for advice, help or someone to listen. Each and every one of you has the right to have a friend, a support, and I’m here. If you have a problem, or need to talk to someone, send a message, will be completely private, I promise to try to help. And to those who already sent, thanks for the confidence. ♥

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It’s so weird talking to people who’s view of “here’s the way life is for everyone” is shattered as soon as they talk to someone with disabilities (physical, mental illness, any). Like you’ll say you’ll have a problem and instead of helping you they’ll argue with you about how you’re not actually facing that problem. Like,

Me:Hey, I’m really struggling to find a job and a part of it is my resume. I was depressed & psychotic during highschool so I didn’t do anything to gain skills or achievements to put on my resume. I also don’t have anyone to put as a reference. What can I do?

Them: You can add your skills, hobbies, clubs you’re in, and different volunteer work you’ve done! You can also get your teacher as a reference.

Me: I already know what to put on a resume, my issue is that I don’t have things that I can use. Also, I’m in my mid 20s so I don’t know if I can put my highschool teacher as a reference.

Them: Well if you’re a part of a church or an activity group, you could add that. Also, think of any projects you’ve worked on in the past.

Me: I already know you can put these things on a resume. I’m not looking for suggests of things I’ve already done, I’m looking for what I can do now if I haven’t done anything.

Them: There’s no way you didn’t do anything during highschool?? What about some odd jobs you definitely did for extra money, like babysitting or mowing the lawn?

Me: I spent all of highschool either in modified classes or in bed doing nothing - not even hobbies, what about that do you not understand?

And then you talk to someone who’s also disabled and they’re like “Here’s a bunch of jobs you can do from home that don’t pay much but look good on a resume, here’s some free online courses that also look good on a resume, here’s how you can be making small amounts of money in the meantime, here’s some things you can put besides a professional reference, and here are your rights if your future employer tries to take advantage of your disability - which you probably shouldn’t tell them about unless you need accommodations.”

And suddenly my will to continue trying returns!

c…can we maybe get some of those ideas in full? Pls?

Two other people asked as well so okay! Though this post will be rather long.

Freelance Jobs You Do From Home That Look Cool On A Future Resume

Please research any company before sign up with then. So many companies are scams and pay you way less than you deserve for your work. Go to r/freelancers and search to make sure nobody has had some horrid experiences. There’s also usually reviews of a company on YouTube as well.

  • Transcribing - adding subtitles to videos for deaf and other hard of hearing people. You usually read a big instruction manual, do two or three tests to see how well you can follow the instruction manual, and then get an e-mail if you can work with them or not. Depending on where you sign up, you can also fill out which topics you’re knowledable on and less likely to make mistakes on when transcribing.
  • Translating - same as transcribing, but now you’re translating one language into another. I have not done this before, so I’d suggest talking to people who have.
  • Article Writing - there are different websites you can sign up to work for where someone sends in a request for an article about a certain topic, you can write that article, and if they like it they can purchase it from you. Some websites have a ranking system where the more good reviews your article gets, the more money you’ll get paid.
  • Article Editing - you can also get payed to fix typos and reorganize an article (or list) if writing isn’t your thing.
  • Top 10 Lists - There are different sites that will pay you to write 10 ten lists. They usually require a specific amount of words and have an author’s guide on their site.
  • Graphic Designer - if you go to different generic freelance websites, you can often find people who are searching for someone to design logos for their company or banners for their websites. It helps if you have a portfolio as well.
  • Virtual Assistent - scheduling appointments, answering calls, and managing email accounts from your own home. I haven’t done this one so again, do more research.

Small Amounts Of Money

  • Qmee - I’ve been using this app for awhile called qmee where you do surveys for money. Surveys usually pay anywhere in between 30 cents and 2 dollars, and they have a feature where if the survey asks you anything sketchy then you can report them. You can also cash out whenever, like you don’t have to build up a certain amount. (If you aren’t American, you may only get a couple surveys per day.) An extra 20 dollars a month isn’t much but it’s nice.
  • Fiverr - A website where you state your talents and you can take on other people’s smaller projects for small amounts of money. A funny example is this YouTube skit where someone paid some people on fiverr to come up with a break-up letter. I believe you can also keep a portfolio for any projects you make during your freelance jobs on fiverr too.
  • Redbubble - this is where you can put different designs onto different types of clothing, notebooks, mugs, hats, etc. It helps if you have a design that’s from a fandom, references a meme, or fufills a niche. You can also go to TeeSpring if you want to put multiple designs on one item, but you’d have to promote your items yourself as TeeSpring has this issue where you can’t search for new stores who aren’t already popular.
  • Test Products - once again, please research any company you’re going to do this for. There are companies that will send you products for a week or two and ask for a report on how well it works, what you like/dislike, etc.

If You Don’t Have Anyone To Put On Your Resume As References

  • Volunteer Somewhere - animal shelters, tutoring, soup kitchens, summer programs, public libraries, etc. If you’re able to volunteer somewhere, you can ask the people there if you can use them as a reference.
  • Volunteer Online - you can also do online volunteer work if you’re unable to do physical volunteer work. Here’s a list of examples of online volunteer work which includes things like creating a large amount of thank-you cards, transcribing books into digital form, or answer texts or calls on a crisis line. This may be a better option due to covid.
  • Add Personal References - friends and family members do work (just don’t list them as professional references). It’s especially helpful if you’ve done a project for/with them as well.
  • Or don’t add references at all - references look good on a resume, but unless you’re writing a federal resume you kind of don’t need them? If someone is interested in hiring you, they may ask if you have any references. You can just say “no, this is my first job” (if it is). They might ask why you haven’t worked before, but you can just say that it’s personal or private information. Or you can give a vague answer like dealing with family matters.

Once you have some, this is how you would format your references.

None of these are long term solutions and not everything will work out for everybody. These are just helpful suggestions I’ve received over the years!



So, I turn 23 in like 10 days. So let’s have an advice Q&A.

Do you need advice about something? Just want to vent? Want to spread good news? Need a pep talk? Well put it in an ask and let’s go.

It doesn’t have to be about schooling or ADHD, just general questions are okay too!

Sometimes it’s important to quantify the advice one gives with a simple #disclaimer. #Food4Tho

Sometimes it’s important to quantify the advice one gives with a simple #disclaimer. #Food4Thought #SmallBiz

Normally my post titles are a metaphor. Today, the title is the literal description of the article that I’m writing.

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.I’m really over seeing all of the fake sickos out there labeling themselves as “Daddies”. It’s really dangerous and harmful to littles, who make themselves so vulnerable and impressionable.
These are the things REAL daddies do.
-say Goodnight/ Good Morning every single day
-Pick out or help pick out pajamas.
-Order for your little or help them decide and help them tell the server at restaurants.
-Buckle her in when you go for car rides/remind her to do so if you’re not there.
-Brush her hair
-Support all of her big space goals/ventures
-Play silly games with her.
- Make, or help her make, her meals when possible.
-Take her on adventures.
-Kiss her owies and her boo boo lip when she’s sad/hurt.
-Tie her shoes.
-Give her a chore chart, and stick to it!
-Turn on her favorite cartoons/Disney Movies.
-Remind her that she’s yours.
-Know all her stuffies’ names.
-Tuck her in at night.
-Read/tell her stories whenever she needs them.
-Open doors for her.
-Reach things stowed in high cabinets/shelves.
-Make sure all expectations and consequences are enumerated in RULES
-Color WITH her. Don’t just watch unless that’s what she asks for.
-Let her know when it’s naptime/bedtime (and don’t fall for the little voice/puppy dog eyes like me when she tries to get out of it).
-Baby her when she’s sick or depressed.
-Use your daddy voice.
-Bring her surprises.
-Help her get into little space when she’s having a hard day.
-Bathe her.
-Hold her hand in public places.
-Make a big deal about all her accomplishments, no matter how small.
-Refill her sippy cup.
-Call her adorable pet names (princess, babygirl, kitten, little one, etc.).
-Protect her against all things big and scary (and adulty).
-Support and encourage her participation in the dd/lg community.
-Administer punishments/provide discipline when necessary and appropriate (or for fun!).
-Give her princess parts special attention.
-Fuck her like no other.
**Daddy is NOT just a title  used in the bedroom. 99% of being a REAL DD lies in taking on the caregiver role!!!**
DISCLAIMER: These apply for Mommies and Little Boys too.

This is a lovely list - there are so many little things Daddies can do to facilitate little space that don’t require much extra effort at all but make a world of difference.

On the most basic level - if your Daddy routinely jumps in front of you in the coffee line, orders before you (and not even *for* you) at a table, or you show up to meet him and he has ordered just his own favorite drinks - take note. Trust me…his heart’s not in it for the real daddy stuff.



RSD check

  • Your friends don’t secretly hate you
  • You’re not a bad person for things you did and said months or years ago that you now recognize as bad
  • You aren’t cringe for being excited about things
  • You don’t talk too much
  • If you feel sick from intrusive thoughts/rsd please sip on some water, get a blanket or plush to cuddle, put on some music or a video that makes you feel happy
  • You are loved <3

Cute/Fun activities to do with friends

Based off of all the bullshit I do with my friends.

  • My best friend and I once made Pinterest boards for our ideal weddings and then compared.
  • We also sometimes play puzzle games using one Xbox controller (She grabs the left side of the controller and I grab the right side and we have to function as one person).
  • My friends and I frequently blast music and sing along to it while we cook or bake.
  • My best friend and I are both artists so we created a game in which one of us draws a very detailed pair of eyes and the other person draws the rest of the face as horribly as possible to create a cursed/hilarious result.
  • Face masks + virgin cocktails + Mario Kart = A damn good time
  • For sleepovers we like to dig up awful wattpad fanfic and do a dramatic reading using horrible fake accents
  • Listening to Russian Hard Bass while you play uno makes shit INTENSE
  • Idk why but smash or pass using fictional characters is hella funny
  • Sometimes my best friend and I will write down all the little things we think of when we see one another (songs, colors, flowers, etc. that we associate with each other) for three minutes then compare the results
  • We also love to plan our future adventures together (budgeting, timing, what languages we need to learn, etc.) over coffee
  • Hot chocolate + pajamas + board games = A fuggin party

In conclusion: I may be a depressed binch but I still know how to have a good time!!

How to get better sleep.

I have lots of difficulty sleeping so I like to do a lil bit of self care during my various restless nights.

  • Make some warm milk or soothing tea. (I prefer to heat up milk on the stove and add in lavender, honey, and vanilla)
  • Listen to ambient noise. (Rain, piano, lofi, or whatever else you find relaxing)
  • Find bedding that is the comfiest to you. (Silk bed sheets/pillow case and a huge puffy blanket is my preference)
  • Light a calming candle if you have one available. Incense works too. (My favorite scents are of the floral variety, rose in particular)
  • Manage whatever you’re stressing over, otherwise it will definitely keep you up. (My schoolwork stresses me out so I make a to-do list to feel like I have my shit together)
  • Read something in bed! While I generally prefer to watch tv instead of read, it can actually cause you to stay awake. (I’m currently reading “The Bell Jar” but anything works, including comics and manga)
  • Find little things that relieve pain or make your sleeping experience more pleasant! (I have an electric heating pad I sleep on top of)

That’s all for now! I have more ideas but these are the ones that came to mind first. Hope this helps fix ya fucked up sleep schedule!

I am in need of some advice. The semester is ending and K will no longer be my professor (I don’t have him next semester). Our last class is next Wednesday and I’m not sure how I’m gonna handle it. Last time I had a crush on my teacher and had to say goodbye I bursted out crying. I don’t want to cry in front of K. Not again.

I wanna tell him how I feel. But I know that’s dangerous. He probably doesn’t feel the same way but even so, it’s hurting me to keep quiet. I feel like telling him will free me, somewhat. He deserves to know how special he is to me, but I’m worried. Help? Message me!
