#ana help


Everytime I think I’ve made ANY progress I go on tumblr and then cry

I wanna walk into school feeling like a badass since I lost all my weight since last time school was properly open

Like I’ve already lost 5 kgs, pls just let me lose another (AT LEAST) 5 to get me down to 50

I’m working out and restricting, every. single. day.

Where are the results I was told I should get???

to all the girls/guys on this app trying to cope with an ed, PLEASE be careful of the people on here that ask to be your “ana coach” and ask for body checks because they fetishize eds. 

ily stay safe <3

Today was the first time I saw my boyfriend since he has to quarantine for Covid.

I lost 15 pounds in those two weeks and I thought he wouldn’t notice but he’s called me tiny like 6 times and he told me I look skinny

I ate normally today because I didn’t want him to be sus to I’ll just have to work it off when he’s sleeping or something


i just had another fear food: cheese dip & chips. i’m feeling proud yet scared that i’ve gained a ton of weight which sucks. i know i’ll try to compensate tomorrow which sucks :/ i still have yet to incorporate snacks so i need to work on that.
