#i just wanna be thin


to all the girls/guys on this app trying to cope with an ed, PLEASE be careful of the people on here that ask to be your “ana coach” and ask for body checks because they fetishize eds. 

ily stay safe <3

Its really sweet of her.. I just hate having to make up a new lie every time she asks and it gives me anxiety that she’s going to find out. 

09.01.21 update

Fasted all day and exercised by stationary cycling for and hour and a half, burned about 700 cals :)

Total intake: -700cals

Curious as to what y’all think about Eugenia Cooney?

Went out to dinner with my bf to break a 30 hour fast and after I dropped him off at his house I pulled over and threw up everything I could.

My eyes are swollen and puffy now, and I still feel guilty for eating.

My fav fav fav thinspo is the ones where they’re so skinny that their jeans don’t fit their waist I want this so bad.

today has all been about the way i look and EDs in everyone and every1 worrying for some1 that isn’t me i’m so tired why can’t i ever reach for help im at my serious limit i hate this so much i know i don’t show signs iknow it’s my fault it always is why am i always like this why can’t i be normal why why why why can’t i b a good s/o whag is wrong w me i’m genuinely so close to killing mshelf there’s always something wrong w me

man i wanna die

having anorexia is so funny like ur telling me when im at my **technical** worst im having the most fun ever cause im skinny? like yes ik im doing technically HORRIBLE rn but im having fun at the same time
