

currently 5:30pm and i’ve only taken in 10 cals this whole day. getting my self control back :)

#low cal ana    #bonespii    #bonespro    #thin inspo    #thinsppi    #model thin    #anamia    #caloric restriction    #meanspø    

i like looking fragile

#low cal ana    #thinsppi    #bonespro    #bonespii    #skiny arms    #bony wrists    #tiny wrists    #proana    #eating disoder things    

a body check..

one day i just want to be good enough to look like a thinspo picture

#bodychex    #thinsppi    #anarexique    #anamia    #bonespro    #bonespii    #ribsp0    #low cal ana    #meanspa    #meanspø    

i love the feeling of feeling empty. even when i exercise i need to take breaks, not because i’m out of breath but because my bones pressing into the floor hurts

#proana    #thinsppi    #model thin    #anamia    #eating disoder things    #ana coach    #bonespro    #bonespii    

wanting to go back to easily restricting under 800 a day

#meanspa    #meanspp    #sweetsp0    #sweetspii    #anamia    #low cal ana    #anarecia    #bonespro    #proana    

i know i must be doing something right because rings now fall off my fingers when i wear them

#thinsppi    #model thin    #bonespro    #bonespii    #proana    #meanspp    #sweetsp0    #anarecia    #ana coach    

Ariana-spo ‼

#thinnerleanerstronger    #thinspiro    #getting thinner    #thinsppa    #skip dinner wake up thinner    #ed things    #thinnblr    #thinner    #thin girls    #thin guys    #thin goals    #thin goth    #bonesp0    #bonespro    #rib bones    #tw ana    #anarexx    #anamia    #anarecya    #anarexja    #anarexiz    #anarexa    #anarecia    #anareixa    #anarexyz    

to all the girls/guys on this app trying to cope with an ed, PLEASE be careful of the people on here that ask to be your “ana coach” and ask for body checks because they fetishize eds. 

ily stay safe <3

#proana    #anamia    #anamika    #ana blog    #ana help    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #anarexja    #promia    #pro anoxeria    #bonespro    #not pro just using tags    #bonespr0    #i just wanna be thin    #thinsppi    #thinspr0    #tw ed things    #just ed things    #ed recovery    #edmemes    #disordered eating tw    #malesp0    #femsp0    #anorexja    #anorekic    #anorexx    

not me trying to convince myself that I like my coffee black..

#proana    #anamia    #anamika    #ana blog    #ana help    #ana fast    #i just wanna be thin    #thinsppi    #thinspr0    #tw ed things    #just ed things    #ed recovery    #edmemes    #disordered eating tw    #femspo    #ana recipes    #bonespr0    #bonespro    #anorexja    #anorekic    #anorexx    #promia    #not pro just using tags    #pro anoxeria    

Its really sweet of her.. I just hate having to make up a new lie every time she asks and it gives me anxiety that she’s going to find out. 

#proana    #anamika    #anamia    #ana blog    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #anarexja    #ed recovery    #edmemes    #disordered eating tw    #tw ed things    #just ed things    #ed thinking    #anxienty    #not pro just using tags    #thinsppi    #i just wanna be thin    #thinspr0    #bonespr0    #bonespro    

My boyfriend thinks I’m cheating because I close my apps quickly around him. When in reality I’m just worried he’s going to see me logging my calories and/or looking at thinspo…

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    

If anyone needed motivation to drink water

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    #anamika    #ana help    #ana thinking    #ana blog    #not pro just using tags    #promia    #proana    #ed recovery    #edmemes    #just ed things    #tw ed things    #ed thinking    #ed relapse    #ed recipes    #thinspr0    #thinsppi    #thinsspi    #thinspx    #what i eat in a day    #i just wanna be thin    

21.01.21 update ✨

Fasting today :)

When I weighed myself this morning I was 134 lbs and omg I’m more than halfway between my start weight and my goal weight!

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    

I made a meme

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    #not pro just using tags    #promia    #proana    #bonespr0    #thinsppi    #thinspr0    #i just wanna be thin    #what i eat in a day    #buliima    #edmemes    #just ed things    #tw ed things    

ED tumblr is a cult and I am proud to be a member /s ✨

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    


#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #i want to be skiny    

18.01.21 update ✨

Probably ate well over 3k calories this weekend, my boyfriend made a comment to me about how he’s worried I have an eating disorder so I ate everything in the house to compensate.

I feel like such a failure.

I’m huge.

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    

Love getting cute texts from my boyfriend

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    

Jan 15 body check

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #promia    #proana    #not pro just using tags    

Today was the first time I saw my boyfriend since he has to quarantine for Covid.

I lost 15 pounds in those two weeks and I thought he wouldn’t notice but he’s called me tiny like 6 times and he told me I look skinny

I ate normally today because I didn’t want him to be sus to I’ll just have to work it off when he’s sleeping or something

#an0r3xia    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #anorekic    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #proana    #promia    #not pro just using tags    #anamika    #ana help    #ana thinking    


#an0r3xia    #anorekic    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    

10.01.21 update

Breakfast: fast

Lunch: fast

Dinner: 2 sushi rolls (≈500cals?)

Broke a 30 hr fast with sushi cause my bf wanted to go get dinner.

Purged what I could 45 mins later when I had dropped him off and was heading home.


2 hrs of light cycling: 600 cals

1 and ½ hours of walk/run with my dog: 300cals

Idk my real net bc I purged but let’s just say,

Total: -400cals✨

#an0r3xia    #anorekic    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    

It’s impossible to imagine myself as thin as these models in my thinspos :(

#an0r3xia    #anorekic    #ana fast    #ana recipes    #ana thoughts    #ana tingz    #anamia    #anarexja    #bonespro    #disordered eating tw    #proana    #promia    #not pro just using tags    

09.01.21 update

Fasted all day and exercised by stationary cycling for and hour and a half, burned about 700 cals :)

Total intake: -700cals

Curious as to what y’all think about Eugenia Cooney?

Went out to dinner with my bf to break a 30 hour fast and after I dropped him off at his house I pulled over and threw up everything I could.

My eyes are swollen and puffy now, and I still feel guilty for eating.

My bf sent me this and idk how to feel. He doesn’t know ab my ed.

My fav fav fav thinspo is the ones where they’re so skinny that their jeans don’t fit their waist I want this so bad.

#thinsppi    #i just wanna be thin    #ana recipes    #i want to be skiny    #bonespro    #ana thoughts    #anarexja    #an0r3xia    #ana fast    #anorekic    #rexiia    #thinspr0    #anamia    #just ed things    #tw ed things    #edmemes    #skinny love    


how i prevent a binge:

step one: distinguish why i want to eat.

-do i just like to walk in the kitchen for no good reason? -> walk around your room

-do i need to do something with my hands? -> play with your phone or look for sometting else to do with your hands.

-do i want to chew on something? -> chew gum (not your fingers/nails)

-do i crave something specific? -> (im working on that but..) scroll through tumblr and remind yourself why you do this.

step two: dont binge

#lose weight    #bonespro    #restrict    #annorexix    #anamia    #model thin    #sweets    #dessert    #anorex1a    