#im sad


Somos demasiado jóvenes para tanto estrés y desgaste emocional.

I’m not a bad person for sticking up for myself

I didn’t do anything wrong

I’m allowed to put myself first

My feelings are valid

I’m allowed to feel my feelings

We haven’t spoken for a couple of months after I left, because I was losing myself in the process of loving you. We were toxic for each other, we both know that. But all I can remember is the beautiful moments and laughter we shared. And looking back at those moments, I suddenly forget why I left.

You showered me with lovely words from the very beginning, even when I told you I don’t fall in love easily. When I finally let my guard down and gave in to your love, you changed. Your friendly manners turned mean and the goodnight calls disappeared into thin air. This is why I don’t let people in.

Me: I had a horrible day. I’m sad. I wish my life would get better so I can me happy.

My inbox: HeLLo SlUtTy pRiNcEss WoULd yUo LiKe tO sEe DaDdiEs cOcK

Learn the time to ask if i wanna see your dick and when to ask if i still wanna be alive

Me: I had a horrible day. I’m sad. I wish my life would get better so I can me happy.

My inbox: HeLLo SlUtTy pRiNcEss WoULd yUo LiKe tO sEe DaDdiEs cOcK

Learn the time to ask if i wanna see your dick and when to ask if i still wanna be alive

People really want me to open up to them and when I do they get scared and leave and all I can do is laugh is because I knew you couldn’t pass level one

People really want me to open up to them and when I do they get scared and leave and all I can do is laugh is because I knew you couldn’t pass level one

Lassan egy hete már, hogy nem beszéltünk…

Ahelyett, hogy megbeszélnénk a dolgokat még mindig úgy csinálunk, mintha mi sem történt volna; elfelejtjük az egészet. Írunk egymásnak pár soros üzeneteket ami éppen eszünkbe jut. Mintha össze se vesztünk volna, mintha meg se bántottál volna, mintha észre sem vennéd, hogy valami nincs rendben.

Felhívlak, mert törődni akarok veled. Egy hét után már én kezdem magam rosszul érezni. Szinte föl sem vetted még, de kitör belőled az éppen aktuális fájdalom és düh. Nem én okoztam, ezt most valaki más. 10 perce hallgatnak már és az elejétől fogva jön belőlem az az anyai szeretet, amivel próbállak tanácsokkal ellátni. Majd lerakjuk a telefont, mert menned kell. Én meg ott maradok egyedül a gondolataimmal.

Nem baj, hogy elmondod. Meghallgatlak. Csak szerettem volna én is mesélni. De téged nem nagyon érdekelt én meg nem szoktam az ilyesmit erőltetni.

Felhívtam inkább egy barátnőmet. Fél órát csevegtünk. De azért tettem ki képeket, amit majd úgyis látni fogsz. Talán felhívsz majd, hogy “nem is mesélted”… vagy talán annyira elszégyelled magad, hogy nem. De mindegy is…. én nem erőltetem.

the worst part about it is that i cant hate you. i cant. you have been nothinb but wonderful and loving towards me for the last two months.

it would be different if you were some cruel, horrible, manipulative person. but you’re not.

you always ask about my day. you ask me about how im feeling, if i am doing ok. hè asks me questions bcs ‘hè wants to get to know me better’.

he sends me red hearts and hè sends me drawn hearts on snapchat. hè is nothing but a wonderful and thoughtful human being.

we’re eachother’s number 1 best friend on snapchat for months now and we send a minimum of 300 snaps/texts a day, and not counting when we talk at school.

hè makes me laugh. hè distracts me when im having a bad day with a funny story of his. he asks me if i want to talk about it, and if i do he listens contently, if i say i dont want to talk about it, he drops it and starts another conversation.

so how can i hate someone like that. i cant.

and yet, when he asked me for girl advice on how to ask his crush to prom, everytging hurt. i trachee for the bottle and now im lying in my bed crying and drunk as i am writing this.

but he deserves her. shes pretty. shes skinny. shes not fucked. she hasnt been depressed for the last 5 years of her life. she never self-harmed. shes perfect for him.

i want to let go of him. i cant keep doing this to myself, but on the other hand, i deserve to get hurt. i care about almost nothing in this world, so i should feel what it feels like to get stabbed repeatedly.

he deserves someone like her. not like me.

Look at what you’ve done

Stand still, falling away from me

When it takes so long,

Fire’s out, what do you want to be?
