#original poetry


Your songs

When i hear your songs

Feel the serenity

Like there is peace in a symphony

When i hear your songs

My cold heart becomes warm

Like the sun in winter

When i hear your songs

I’m so grateful

Because i’m still alive so i can hear your new song

Your songs are like a spell

A beautiful spell

Get rid of my despair

Welcome to My Life.

Isn’t it nice?

To your left,

The beaches are prohibited.

Looking to your right,

Amusement parks are unavailable.

I hope you don’t need groceries,

Or crave a shopping spree.

The stores are no longer as they were,

They now are home to Terror.

A cough stifled in isle thirteen?

Cover your face with your sleeve.

Someone sneezes a few feet away?

Leave without delay.

Reality has become virtual,

Your computer is now your school.

Study with a friend using a webcam,

Spend time with them while you can.

No one can touch,

You now live in a bubble.

Craving human connection?

Look to your electronic screens.

Don’t forget to wash your hands!

Wash them after every activity.

Oh, and don’t forget,

Keep your distance from possibility.

Life is limited,

It’s unpredictable.

Life is precious,

But very messy.

You didn’t realize it,

Or give it any thought.

Why would you?

Until you had time to sit,

And finally caught on.

You are experiencing chaos.

What a frightening existence.

You are experiencing My Life.

Enjoy your stay.



I’m not going to worry about it anymore.

The message will just read “opened

Another door closed, I suppose.

Maileta /// can’t be helped

I’m not going to worry about it anymore.

The message will just read “opened

Another door closed, I suppose.

Maileta /// can’t be helped


Gorgeous day for biking today! 2022 @ending-thoughts

Trees convene

Whispering leaves rustling

Edge of summer breezing through

Gauzy clothing ready to be removed

The ache of sweat dripping

Down already exposed skin

Sun tripping over open terrain

Finding the same hiding place

Flowering fancy

Feel excitement welling up

With every whiff of nature’s nectars

Nectarines and sunscreen

Deep end skinny-dip

Oh it’s coming anyway, the scene

Is set with sure signs

Of the season–all lushly green

To aquamarine, every color bolder

Yet somehow sultry serene

Photos by the impressively talented @ending-thoughts, added on poem by @dolores-hazy

Grabby grasping

Gotcha gasping shared

Air, heavy breathing in time

Sweat beading on brows raised

Gazing down on one kneeling

Aquiver in quiet anticipation

Hands snaking their winding way

Lips clamoring for a climactic taste

Savoring like they have starved

Until this delicious moment

Deep dish best served

Steaming hot

Shaken and stirred and

Slammed on the rocks

Diligent derring-doer

Don’t stop


Spring 2022 @ending-thoughts

Given goosebumps

Prickling of skin

Hair-raising experience

Blown in on renewing

Rejuvenating winds of

Change wafting amid

Buds burgeoning into their prime

Take a walk and a whiff

Wake up and smell

What it means to be here

What makes us come alive


Intimate edges 2022 - @ending-thoughts

Silken promises

Sotto vocestirrings

Delicate strength given

And received in equal measure

Treasured tenderness

A tinge of velvet

Crimson kiss

Enveloping lush embrace

Take it away, taste

Exquisite grace


Photographer - @ending-thoughts2022

Injured yet carrying on

Even when ensnared

Engaging with the enveloping

Scenery, soaking it in

Taking from it all the good

It can give while trying

To make it through another stifling

Day–trifling things dissipate

Facing full in the face what truly

Matters still meandering forth

Finding strength until that too

Fades…eventually witnessing

Laying to rest

Laying waste



poem transcript under the cut 

[poem transcript: “in the dark of the room / i whisper to you / “you should get some rest, honey / you look tired / like the weight of your father’s expectations / is heavy on your soul.”

i found a love hidden / in a drawer in my kitchen / tucked away like a scared child / that cowers from / its imaginary beasts.

so bring her in, honey / let her join us. 

in the kitchen / past midnight / my arms around your neck / your lips on my cheek / the fridge light bleeding out behind you. 

in this room / god and all that is holy / are on our side / and this love will last / forever. 

in the kitchen / past midnight / the two of us / alone together / always and forever.” [/end transcript]



poem transcript under the cut

[poem transcript] “i. He doesn’t know what it means to be gentle. It’s not his fault, he grew up watching his father’s hands tightening around his mother’s neck, every touch bruised and hurt. But the flowers look so pretty in their vase on the dining room table, don’t you think so, son?

ii. So the blood trickles from your nose but his touch on your cheek is soft and warm and safe. The blood will dry and the bruises will heal, so there’s really no use in crying over spilled milk, is there, darling?

iii. He’ll mumble an apology in your ear soon enough, low and ashamed, voice cracking from the tears threatening to flood the room. He’ll touch you again, slow and soft and kind.There’s an extra apology in that touch, one that says “I’m sorry I’m not this kind to you always. Please don’t leave me.” You’ll forgive him, won’t you, honey?

iv. One of these days, you’ll find the answer is no, no I don’t forgive you. And you’ll ice your own bruises and clean up your own blood and you’ll walk away while you still can, before your tattered body is thrown in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. You’ll find your strength tucked in the back of your closet and put it in your suitcase, you’ll find the value you hold and keep it in your bones as you walk out the door. Because you know you deserve better than that, don’t you, angel?” [/end transcript]

More and more I get washed away by the turning tides. Though

as they break down the edifice put into being by all past goods and bads,

a new layer builds up with new pieces the cascade carries.

Maybe my exposed skin will mask itself with it.

Charts To The Stars

Dirt is not humble.

Stars are not proud.

Truth doesn’t start

when you say it out loud.

The ‘light’ from the lantern

is the wool over your eyes.

The only light in the darkness

comes down from the skies.

So if you are seeing,

in darkness, in night,

Even with eyes closed,

it’s because you **are** Sight.

Sight is just Goodness,

As it enters your mind.

It does this for nothing,

Just because it is Kind.

It is good in the hour

of the darkest despair.

It is good in the pit

of the [Lie: <Equal is>] Fair.

It requires no witness,

It is good on its own.

It’s reward is fire

That burns in the bone.

And if ever it finds itself

to be trapped far from Home,

It need only remember:

It is never alone.

It can call in an instant,

all the might of The Light

for there is no time or distance

that can outstrip that might.

If you call, he will answer.

So do not have fear—

For only speak of the Devil,

And he shall Appear.

may the ones i leave behind never lie in their journals, in their conversations, or to themselves and call me “too good for this world,” when the world and i have always been two of a kind. let it be known that not all unsuitable things are too perfect or too light to be ill-matched for the place you were born into; some of us are heavy, some of us are undoubtedly flawed. no, we were never ethereal, we were mere mortals straining to be. 

- “ethereal”

my past feels more like wreckage 

and despite how they commend the survivor, 

i feel more like remnants to scour. 

my past feels like a crash site 

and although it’s been years

since the most recent collision, 

i’m still writhing in the street 

waiting for paramedics to save me, 

but perhaps they couldn't 

and i am the ghost 

and the past is my grave, 

or perhaps it’s the ghoul 

feasting upon where i lay. 

but surely death isn’t like dying, 

again and again, day after day;

if i’m merely a corpse, 

where is the peace i am promised 

once i rest in a cemetery?

and if i’m still above ground

and the past is just that,

then, i hope i may rest 

in a bearable future, in a pleasant home, 

before my bed becomes a casket

and my headboard becomes a headstone

-“ a bearable future”

i couldn’t say their name if i tried,

when there once was a time

i spoke it like a body takes a breath;

i never forgot how to breathe

like i never forgot what a person can mean,

despite how i avoid them by crossing the street.

-“like a body takes a breath”

love has no fixed face, love has many. 

i taste love on the lips of my lover. 

i hear love amidst my family’s laughter. 

i rest my head on love, 

on the shoulders of my mother. 

i feel love in my arms and beneath my palms,

and sometimes it looks like a purring cat 

or a sleepy-eyed dog.

to truly appreciate the essence of love 

is to recognize that it can be as diverse 

as it is abundant—and then suddenly,

love is not merely somewhere.

it can be anywhere and everywhere.

-“Valentine’s Day”

you speak like a ballerina pirouettes

and the world listens like an audience 

perched at the edge of their seats.

you make me want to sing, 

but my tongue slides against my teeth

like a lush clings to a wall

once they forget how to use their feet.

the words tumble alongside my gums

and drop from my clumsy mouth

like an accident, like silverware

slipping through butter fingers.

and like a child gets bruised knees,

i get bruised cheeks,

but you’ll plant kisses where it’s blue 

until everything turns pink.

- “clumsy mouth”

growing up feels like missing aspects of ages you left behind 

on playgrounds with bruised knees and scratches,

in front of TV screens that felt like windows to real worlds,

beneath Christmas trees clutching gifts that Santa left,

looking up to people in both height and expression,

reading comic books about heroes while vowing once you’re older, you’ll save the world too

because even as a child you know there’s good things to uphold and bad things to vanquish.

but growing older is walking past playgrounds 

and watching movies without expectations

and setting up Christmas trees because you’ve become Santa

and craning your neck less but understanding people more 

and still wanting to save the world, but you take on days one at a time instead.

-“growing older”

my troubled mind constantly reiterates 

that i do not deserve love and kindness, that i am nothing.

but my aspiration to heal  asserts that i do, 

i do, 

i do.

so the war wages on,  as i realize i am everything: 

the battleground,  the revolutionary and the enemy.

- “psychological warfare

Don’t mean to be crude

Or intrude but I can’t keep it in

Can’t quit thinking of you

Your eyes mesmerize my days

So how could they not pierce

Through gauzy nights?

Emblazoned pleasingly on the inside

Of mine shut tight an enticing interlude

Until we can resume our intense

Contact–where my cloudy blues

Can marvel at your velvety browns

And all they exude: soulful

Yet with an unmistakable impish

Sheen irresistible a charming prelude

To danger but of the best kind

Usually play it safe now don’t mind diving

Head first to find what goes on behind

The humor, insight, even deepest

Channels of your mind…until then

Fantasizing in the dark

Your eyes the spark leading

Me breathlessly to a rendezvous

With the arresting

Rest of you

I dreamt you

No you’re real

Still I don’t know you well

Most especially not the way you came

To me in my dream state

How to put into words something

So no-holds-barred passionate

Frenzy escalating at a just-right rate?

Pulsating with need, freed from

Everyday brain-numbing constraints

Delirious yet decidedly lucid

Abrading yet making every ache better

Via ecstatic escapades; exhaltations

In every exhalation escaping trembling

Lips loosened easily–volume rising

With each vibration from you to me

Enough to quake me awake wondering

Why you and why in this unexpected way

Is my subconscious playing dirty

Tricks on me? If I go to bed

And you meet me there

Another go-round would be

Icing on the cake

You returned to me

Recently in a dream

Wearing endearing earnestness

Smile like a secret let out

Wistfully asking me to remember you…

As if I could ever forget…

Even when I want to. Like trying to sleep

Through the night without waking

Again with you nowhere known

To me, alone; you long moved on

Within me daily wars are waged

Against your memory

I’ve lost yet another round

Even reminders of the good times

Bring stinging tears to my eyes so why

Would I want to remember anything?

Maybe one day I will get to a place

Where I can behold a sunny day

And not see your face (making mine

Wet with drops of pain) and perhaps

Not question if it was all a bad mistake

But this heart needs more time to heal

From decimated dreams that once felt

Oh so real…reality still the chill

Churning through my veins

I try in vain to shake

Daffodil Sonnet

The woman at the bus stop didn’t know,

Yet she handed me a blooming flower,

Six petal’d daffodil of bright yellow.

Plant snipped in its most exquisite hour.

Why did she have it? Why give it to me?

She lifted up her hand without a word,

Offering the flower, staring blankly.

My “thanks” very quiet, maybe unheard.

Oh bus stop woman, I’m merely a bud.

Nineteen years old, yet a man only two.

More testosterone now runs through my blood.

My first shot was twenty minutes ago.

I thank you kindly, oh bus stop woman.

A blooming flower for a budding man.

Worm Sonnet

I sympathize with the dancing worm,

Who lives below, alone on sunny days,

Who always hides from the cloudless warm,

Who emerges only when it rains,

And when it rains the wet brings such delight

That all the worms must come to celebrate.

They waltz and groove all through the stormy night

‘Til drying sun seals their dying fate.

I understand why worms love rainy hours.

I was once a puddle stomping child.

Fav’rite songs are louder in the shower.

Rain is something holy, old, and wild.

Under sun, one with humanity,

But the rain brings out the worm in me.

(This is the first poem I’ve written in years, so please be nice!)

All the reasons why - ishani

1.who can handle someone who can’t handle themselves?

2. i spent nights writing about you, but you were out with a different girl.

3. i can’t promise that i’ll be spontaneous unlike her.

4. i bet she doesn’t pinch her skin between her two fingers. 

5. does she hate everybody because she thinks that they hate her too? me too.

6. i can’t hold a perfect thing without watching it fly away.

7. she looks hot in a bikini. i don’t.

8. sometimes i’m scared that you’ll leave me like the rest of them.

9. you dream about her, nightmare about me.

10. i bet she doesn’t care about what everyone else thinks about her.

11. i got drunk wishing that you’ll message me back.

12. i got too faded enough to message you twice in hope that would message back.

13. i hope you know that i showed you my bruises just to impress you.

14. i loved when you called me an alcoholic – even though it sounded patronizing.

15. i’d be lying when i say it didn’t hurt me when you didn’t like me - even a little.

16. see me write a list about why you can’t love me like how i could love you.

Motion - ishani

I’d be lying if
I said that it didn’t hurt me
a little bit when he just
wasn’t that into me.
This is becoming a circular
motion of all the reasons why
no one can love me.

Time to heal the broken, it never does - ishani

Hello, and I am not sorry,
this is not a goodbye,
more like a salutation
of a farewell,
this is our little dark age
watch me find light in this
darkness, as I’m sat in the
air conditioned emergency
room, my eyes burning
with mint, wearing a mask
is worse when you chew gum.
Everyone is staring,
it makes me feel intimidated,
I’m used to being the
intimidating one,
the scary one who makes
their skin crawl.
I’m the youngest one here,
well minus that toddler who
has barely been alive for a
minute – he doesn’t count.
This place smells of bleach
and anti bac, and the all too
familiar stench of the oncology
wards all around, I remember you
here, with your
liquorice all sorts that
were disgusting by the way,
but I “liked” them still, only for you,
I hope you know that.
You probably do, you’re my
guardian angel, I believe you
still visit me every now and then,
maybe my clairvoyancy isn’t as
good as it should be, because I
miss you every day.
They say it gets easier as time
passes, but everyday passes
and it never gets easier,
instead it makes my heart
reach out to make me miss you more,
because du er et minne (you are
a memory) it’s time to let you go now,
instead of grasping onto
the smoke of my past,
you need your peace
and all I cause is chaos
all around me.

Pillow fort - ishani 

let’s build a house
out of blankets and pillows
it seems like the perfect
place to hide away from the
world for just a second now,
but just wipe your feet at the
door before I let you in.

My perfect women is for you too - ishani 

Dear Michelangelo, 
I’m writing to ask you 
if you could sculpt out my 
dream appearance, 
I’d like to start out 
with my body shape, 
a flat stomach and thin waist, 
wide hips and muscled legs, 
thin arms and less broad 
shoulders and collar bones 
as sharp as a knife. 

I want to stay the same 
height, not any taller than 5″2 
it’s better that way,
because no one would 
expect a pretty little thing 
like me to fling a body 
across the room - yet 
there they are. 

I would like to differ in 
skin tone, as much as I 
hate to admit - I want to be 
white, because why in this 
day and age, do people 
see colour as a barrier to 
“social norms”, what is it that
white people can do that 
coloured people can’t? 

I’d like to change my face 
too, a button nose, similar 
to mine now but with a slope 
and no bump, plump lips too, 
pretty pink, with a smile 
that shows off a set of pearly 
whites with a crocked tooth, 
not perfectly straight. 

I’d keep my thicker eyebrows, 
and my hair too, but take 
away the puffy eyes, 
the chubby cheeks, 
the undefined jaw, 
replacing it with 
defined cheekbones and 
jawline sharp, and long eyelashes 
and slow growing facial hair 
that I don’t have to wax 
every week.

Dear Michelangelo, 
we have now designed my 
perfect woman, tell me 
how much she costs, 
I’ll pay it all to be her, 
because she is my perfect 
and I am not. 

To the daughters of this generation - ishani

Do you remember when your
mothers would say ‘this
is how girls end up dead’?

That I’ve been trying to
stay alive and not be killed
my whole life.

Maybe it’s time we fuck
the patriarchal society,
this man run world,
because this fucking queen
wants to walk alone at
night, with my hair
pulled back and headphones
in my ear, because
“I’m tired and angry but
somebody should be!”
