

Why are the majority of people on dating sites either:

- Only on there to promote their Instagram.

- Twice the size of me.

- Look 10 years older than they are.

- Think alcohol and drugs are personality traits (and that’s somehow a good thing??).

- Have tattoos/piercings covering their whole body.

- Super overly religious, to the point of wanting to marry God/Jesus instead??

- Want hook-ups or not serious at all about a relationship.

- Fake/scammer/spammers/liars.

- Don’t know how to hold a conversation.

Are there any normal people out there like me who actually want a serious long term relationship??


I want true love.

The kind where:

- We look forward to seeing and talking with each other.

- We can do nothing together, but it’s still the best day for both of us.

- We can cling to each other and feel the love flowing through each other.

- We can talk openly about anything and everything without being worried about saying too much.

- We hold hands while going for walks together.

- We can say “I love you” over and over again, yet it still makes us feel full every time.

- We stay together after hard times, and work together to get through it.

- The sex is from the love we have for each other, not from a temporary want.

- It’s based entirely on connection and the love for each other, not just material things.

- We can trust each other completely, knowing that we’ll be together for a lifetime.

And other things like that…

I want true love. I want my soulmate. I want the One for me.


Everyone says you should love yourself before you can love anyone else.

Well, I do.

I love myself enough to know that:

- I deserve better.

- I shouldn’t have to be alone.

- I would be a very loving boyfriend/husband to the right girl.

- I shouldn’t have to suffer and have to continue this unfair life where I only see everyone else (even shitty assholes) get love besides me.


I’m considering just ending my life if I don’t find my soulmate in a year or so. Maybe less.

I’ve waited long enough.

All I’ve gotten is pain. No matter what I do. I’ve been lied to too often also.

I just want to find the right person. I don’t want to have to continue being hurt in this unfair life.

All I want is love. But it’s the only thing I can’t get.

Why bother living? There’s no point in life without love, as least that’s how I feel. I’ve felt that way my whole life.


Why am I always:

The one waiting for someone.

The one who misses them more.

The one who loves them more.

The one who does more for them.

The one who’ll do everything for them.


Why do I always feel like an afterthought?

I want what I give.

I deserve better.


Have yall met your soulmate or nah?

#tbt #Berlin #illustration #doodle #soulmate

#tbt #Berlin #illustration #doodle #soulmate

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Time for a donut :) #reviews

Time for a donut :) #reviews

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In this video, I guide you through some affirmations that will help you attract your soulmate/specific person.

It is my personal belief that using a set of affirmations for at least 15 days helps integrate them into your subconscious mind.

Once the subconscious mind believes in something, typically our outward actions and world change around us - which is why I recommend that you listen to these affirmations every day for 15 days, this gives you enough time for them to become a part of your subconscious mind.

My tips for making this meditation even more powerful:

1. Place both hands on your chest above your heart

2. Say the affirmations out loud

3. Make sure you get your emotions involved I hope these affirmations help you attract the love you truly deserve :) #affirmations#meditation#love

Seven ways you can #attract a specific person like an ex using the law of attraction. so there is someone in your life or someone who isn’t in your life that you are desperately trying to attract this could be an ex, it could be someone that you really admire or just the ideal soulmate or twin flame of your dreams

The first way to attract a specific person is something that I’ve personally used in my life, and it’s actually the way that I attracted my fiancée. Write a pros and cons list. In the pros write down everything you want in this person, or if this is an ex write down everything good you now want to see in this person and all the things you want to happen with this person. In the cons list write down everything you don’t want in this person, and again, if this is an ex write down all the things you no longer want to have happen in that #relationship. Soon you will find that everything you have written down you will begin to see, because what we focus on we attract!

The second thing that you need to do to attract a specific person is you need to become really aware that we attract who we are. So if you write everything in your pros list about the kind of person that you want to attract, so perhaps you want to attract someone that is really friendly, is a great communicator, perhaps someone who has good relationships with their family, someone who is kind-hearted, who is nice - we attract what we are! So if you find that there are some things that you’ve written down about the person that you want to attract and you are so contradictive to that, so perhaps you want someone that’s fit and healthy but you just sit down you watch TV all day and eat pizza. You need to be what you want to attract - so become more like the person that you want to attract! If you want to attract someone that’s lovely and kind - be lovely and kind to people! If you want to attract someone who is fit and healthy start becoming fit and healthy!

The third thing that you need to do to attract a specific person is you want to become very good at #visualizing. So you may want to just spend five minutes a day visualizing your partner or the person that you want to attract. So if this is someone you know. like an ex. then all you have to do is just think of your ex, and think of all the emotions you have with that ex, perhaps you want to feel gratitude, being grateful - the universe loves gratitude! So if you’re really grateful for your ex, and the #manifestation as appearing in your life, it will happen much quicker.

The fourth way to attract a specific person is you might want to come up with an #affirmation, or an #incantation, to really help you get the feeling of attracting that person. So it could be something like “I am so happy and grateful that this person is coming into my life” and you just keep on repeating and repeating it. You also want to make sure that you have the feelings of feeling good, feeling alive, feeling #grateful while you are doing this. Perhaps you want to do it while you’re exercising, because again like I said about visualizing, sometimes it’s really good to be actually moving our body, to be standing in a resourceful state to be able to make those affirmations even more powerful.

The fifth way to attract a specific person is you want to become the best version of yourself. In the process of becoming the best version of yourself and you’re growing, and you have more #ambition, #growing your personal development, you’re growing that business, you’re growing your income, you’re doing whatever it is that you consider being personal #growth. By becoming the best version of yourself, doing those daily practices, so like exercising daily #meditating daily, being kind and considerate to other people, by doing these things we are attracting new people into our lives new experiences new circumstances, so we can find the person that we are truly meant to be with.

The sixth way to attract a specific person is when you go to bed at night only think about things you want to #manifest. I used to be thinking of all the things going wrong in my life before I went to bed, I used to have feelings of worry and the things that weren’t currently working. Try not to think of these things before bed, only think about the things you want and by doing so you will attract better things into your life, including the person you are trying to manifest.

The seventh, and the last way, to attract a specific person is to let go of the outcome. Now, I feel like is the most problematic thing that people find when it comes to the law of attraction, and manifesting, and the reason why this is because it seems contradictory. We get what we focus on we get, but we need to let go of the outcome!… Visit: www.christineloveridge.com


I was once with a man who yelled at me, after I worked 20 straight days and was on my couch in a terrible amount of pain, telling me that I was useless and didn’t do enough around the house and yard. I just took it and cried silently staring at the ceiling because at that point I just didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore.

Now I’m with a man who sings me to sleep whenever I feel sick. A man who makes me know that he loves and appreciates me. A man who constantly reminds me of how excited he is to marry me and actually says ideas for our wedding.

I was once in a man who told me that I looked better with makeup. On my days off from work even if we weren’t going anywhere he would make me feel awful about myself if I didn’t do my hair and makeup, and then would just go into the office and play video games all day.

I’m now with a man who says how beautiful I look right when I wake up, unshowered with my hair in a sloppy bun. He just stares at me at times and smiles while telling me what he loves about me.

I was once with a man who would turn off the radio when I was singing along. Specifically there was once a time when I put on a song to sing to him and he turned it off and he changed the subject.

I’m now with a man who SINGS WITH ME and puts aside nights for us to specifically sing for hours. He sings along with me while I play the guitar (which I’m learning so it isn’t the greatest) and will compliment my playing while enjoying the music.


It means so much to me that I can be all that to you❤ youve made my life so warm and full of joy. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been because of you, you really are the love of my life! I can’t believe someone as wonderful as you can love me❤ I will be forever yours, forever and ebers and eberss!!! Alsoooo you look gorgeous in the morning so shhh❤

I love date nights, especially our anniversary ones!! They are always so much fun and so wonderful!!❤❤❤ I love my babyyy!!!

I just wanna wish my baby a happy 30th birthday and our six months anniversary!!!! I love you so so sooo incredibly much! I can’t wait to spend our lives together! I’m so in love with you!❤ You have really changed my life for the better and I’m so lucky to have you. You showed me that true love is real and ours is so pure. The happiness and love I have for you grows stronger by the day!❤❤❤ I love you my peach scone☺☺

Video chatting with my baby is the best thing in the world. I love her so much❤ and I can’t believe I’m so lucky to have her❤❤

Every morning with you is a gift of warmth, love, and snug snugss (clothed or not❤)

bigtig75: Yes, because I am that lucky. I get to tell her I love her multiple times a day. Because s


Yes, because I am that lucky. I get to tell her I love her multiple times a day. Because she has always been at my side. One look from her incredible eyes, I melt. I still have butterflies after 12 years. I mean, look at her. She is totally out of my league. She literally is my soulmate. I am one of the luck few who can say that. And mean it. I love you @sexyray1982. My wife, my best friend, my rock. I thank Jah everyday for blessing I and I.

There you go putting yourself down. I am lucky. Your prettier than me. I love you too.

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This is the type of stuff my boyfriend sends me at 7:30 in the morning and I am very happy.
